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Pirates are a spacer tech level faction. They are relatively technologically advanced, perpetually hostile and appear in every game. This making them one of the primary humanoid threats to be faced as they will raid the player the entire game unless every faction base is eliminated.

Despite being Spacer level, and Outlanders being Industrial, their technology and equipment is largely similar. In some ways, this makes them the Outlander equivalent to the Tribes' Savage variant.


A loose confederation of pirate gangs who've agreed to mostly fight outsiders instead of fighting each other.
Pirates don't sow, they don't build, and they rarely trade. Driven by a blood-and-honor culture that values personal strength and ruthlessness, they enrich themselves by raiding and robbing their more productive neighbors.
Their technology level depends mostly on who they've managed to steal from recently. Mostly they carry gunpowder weapons, though some prefer to stab victims at close range.
- In Game Description

Pirate faction leaders are called the "Boss".



Faction icon for the Pirate Gang
Faction icon for the Cannibal Pirate Gang
Faction icon for Waster Pirates
Faction icon for Yttakin Pirates

There is one primary pirate faction with an additional variant added by the Ideology DLC and two more added by Biotech DLC.

Pirate gang[edit]

"A loose confederation of pirate gangs who've agreed to mostly fight outsiders instead of fighting each other."

The pirate gang faction's goodwill is locked at -100, and will always remain hostile.

Cannibal pirate gang[edit]

"This particular gang of pirates are cannibals."

Cannibal pirate gangs will always have the Cannibal Meme. Like the pirate gang, their goodwill is locked at -100, and will always remain hostile.


Yttakin pirates[edit]

A close-knit band of hulking, fur-bodied pirates of the yttakin xenotype. They refuse to deal with outsiders and are quick to call their animal warriors against those who disrespect them - or whose wealth they intend to take. Originally engineered to populate the icy planet Yttak, yttakin now pursue their traditional lifestyle on many worlds.

— Faction description

Will all be yttakin xenotype

Will never be sappers or breachers due to their naturally low mining skills.

Required ideo memes: Animal personhood and Raider. Will never generate with apparel precepts of any type.Content added by the Ideology DLC

Spawns with wargs and/or wild boar allies in raids. Bases can also have grizzly bears. Melee only raids possible for non-siege raids.

Has faction specific pawn kinds.

Waster pirates[edit]

A loose collection of violent pirate bands made up of primarily wasters - xenohumans engineered to thrive around toxins and pollution. They have little interest in building, or farming, preferring to take their sustenance from others using violence. Their technology level depends most on who they've managed to steal from recently. Mostly they carry gunpowder weapons, though some prefer to stab victims at close range.

— Faction description

Waster pirate raids are mostly made up of Wasters. They often utilize Tox gas, including Tox packs, Tox grenades, and Toxbomb launchers. The non-Waster members of the raid are vulnerable to their fellow raiders' use of Tox gas - members of Waster pirate raids often spawn with Face masks and Gas masks to mitigate this.

Be careful of fighting large numbers of waster pirates in a confined space for a prolonged period of time if your colonists are vulnerable to tox gas. Gas mechanics mean that confined spaces quickly build up Tox gas concentration. If you utilize mechanoids or tox immune colonists (gained through Genes or Artificial body parts) however, the large amount of tox gas equipment that is useless against you will make them easier to face overall compared to other factions.

Despite supposedly thriving in pollution they still get angered if you dump toxic wastepacks on them.


Pirate pawns will always have backstories from the "Pirate" category.


Pawn Type Image Combat Power Gear Health (%) Avg. Gear Quality Clothing Budget Weapon Budget Available Weapons Age Range
Additional Info
Drifter Drifter1557.png 35 20-60 Poor 90-280 60-200 Club Knife Any Never carries food. Has a 15% chance to carry 1x Herbal medicine. 15% chance to have one of the following prostheses: Peg leg Wooden foot Wooden hand
Scavenger Gunner Scavenger1557.png 50 40-110 Normal 300-500 200-300 Autopistol Bolt-action rifle Machine pistol Pump shotgun Revolver Any Has a 5% chance to carry 1x Medicine. Has a 4% chance to have one of the following prostheses: Peg leg Wooden foot Wooden hand
Scavenger Thrasher Thrasher1557.png 50 40-110 Normal 300-800 100-160 Axe Club Gladius Knife Mace Warhammer Any Has a 5% chance to carry 1x Medicine. Has a 4% chance to have one of the following prostheses: Peg leg Wooden foot Wooden hand
Pirate Gunner Pirate1557.png 65 70-230 Normal 400-1000 250-345 Autopistol Bolt-action rifle Incendiary launcher Machine pistol Pump shotgun Revolver Up to 65 Has a 10% chance to carry 1x Medicine. Has a 4% chance to have one of the following prostheses: Peg leg Wooden foot Wooden hand. There is a 20% chance that their weapon is biocoded to them.


They, like Outlanders also field "Mercenary" pawns in their stronger raids and when defending their faction bases.

Pawn Type Image Combat Power Gear Health (%) Avg. Gear Quality Clothing Budget Weapon Budget Available Weapons Age Range
Additional Info
Grenadier Grenadier1557.png 70 70-230 Normal 400-700 500 Frag grenades Molotov cocktails Up to 65 50% chance to wear headgear of some sort. 10% chance of a drug addition. 15% chance to carry between 0 and 2 combat enhancing drugs. 10% chance for weapon to be biocoded. 5% chance to carry 1x Medicine Cannot have the Brawler trait.

Has a 5% chance to have one of the following prostheses: Cochlear implant Drill arm Field hand Peg leg Prosthetic arm Prosthetic heart Prosthetic leg Wooden foot Wooden hand

EMP Grenadier EMPGrenadier2056.png 55 70-230 Normal 400-700 500 EMP grenades Up to 65 50% chance to wear headgear of some sort. 10% chance of a drug addition. 15% chance to carry between 0 and 2 combat enhancing drugs. 10% chance for weapon to be biocoded. 5% chance to carry 1x Medicine Cannot have the Brawler trait.

Has a 5% chance to have one of the following prostheses: Cochlear implant Drill arm Field hand Peg leg Prosthetic arm Prosthetic heart Prosthetic leg Wooden foot Wooden hand

Smoke Grenadier Grenadier smoke outlander.png 55 70-230 Normal 400-700 500 Smoke launcher Up to 65 50% chance to wear headgear of some sort. 10% chance of a drug addition. 15% chance to carry between 0 and 2 combat enhancing drugs. 10% chance for weapon to be biocoded. 5% chance to carry 1x Medicine Cannot have the Brawler trait.

Has a 5% chance to have one of the following prostheses: Cochlear implant Drill arm Field hand Peg leg Prosthetic arm Prosthetic heart Prosthetic leg Wooden foot Wooden hand

Mercenary Gunner Gunner1557.png 85 70-320 Normal 1000-1500 330-650 Assault rifle Autopistol Bolt-action rifle Chain shotgun EMP launcher Heavy SMG Hellcat rifle Incendiary launcher LMG Machine pistol Pump shotgun Revolver Up to 65 50% chance to wear headgear of some sort. 10% chance of a drug addition. 5% chance to carry between 0 and 2 combat enhancing drugs. 20% chance for weapon to be biocoded. 10% chance to carry 1x Medicine. Cannot have the Brawler trait.

Has a 15% chance to have one of the following prostheses: Aesthetic nose Aesthetic shaper Bionic arm Bionic ear Bionic eye Bionic heart Bionic leg Bionic spine Bionic stomach Bionic tongue Circadian assistant Circadian half-cycler Coagulator Cochlear implant Detoxifier kidney Detoxifier lung Drill arm Field hand Gastro-analyzer Healing enhancer Immunoenhancer Joywire Learning assistant Love enhancer Neurocalculator Nuclear stomach Painstopper Power claw Prosthetic arm Prosthetic heart Prosthetic leg Reprocessor stomach Sterilizing stomach Toughskin gland

Mercenary Sniper Sniper1557.png 110 70-320 Normal 1000-1500 600-600 Sniper rifle Up to 65 50% chance to wear headgear of some sort. 10% chance of a drug addition. 15% chance to carry between 0 and 2 combat enhancing drugs. 20% chance for weapon to be biocoded. 10% chance to carry 1x Medicine

Has a 15% chance to have one of the following prostheses: Aesthetic nose Aesthetic shaper Bionic arm Bionic ear Bionic eye Bionic heart Bionic leg Bionic spine Bionic stomach Bionic tongue Circadian assistant Circadian half-cycler Coagulator Cochlear implant Detoxifier kidney Detoxifier lung Drill arm Field hand Gastro-analyzer Healing enhancer Immunoenhancer Joywire Learning assistant Love enhancer Neurocalculator Nuclear stomach Painstopper Power claw Prosthetic arm Prosthetic heart Prosthetic leg Reprocessor stomach Sterilizing stomach Toughskin gland

Mercenary Slasher Slasher1557.png 140 70-320 Normal 300-1400 200-500 Axe Gladius Longsword Mace Spear Warhammer Up to 65 Always has a Shield belt. Will never wear headgear. 10% chance of a drug addition. 15% chance to carry between 0 and 2 combat enhancing drugs. 20% chance for weapon to be biocoded. 10% chance to carry 1x Medicine

Has a 15% chance to have one of the following prostheses: Aesthetic nose Aesthetic shaper Bionic arm Bionic ear Bionic eye Bionic heart Bionic leg Bionic spine Bionic stomach Bionic tongue Circadian assistant Circadian half-cycler Coagulator Cochlear implant Detoxifier kidney Detoxifier lung Drill arm Field hand Gastro-analyzer Healing enhancer Immunoenhancer Joywire Learning assistant Love enhancer Neurocalculator Nuclear stomach Painstopper Power claw Prosthetic arm Prosthetic heart Prosthetic leg Reprocessor stomach Sterilizing stomach Toughskin gland

Heavy Mercenary Heavy1557.png 140 70-320 Normal 200-350 1200 Doomsday rocket launcher Minigun Triple rocket launcher Up to 65 50% chance to wear headgear of some sort. 10% chance of a drug addition. 15% chance to carry between 0 and 2 combat enhancing drugs. 20% chance for weapon to be biocoded. 10% chance to carry 1x Medicine

Has a 15% chance to have one of the following prostheses: Aesthetic nose Aesthetic shaper Bionic arm Bionic ear Bionic eye Bionic heart Bionic leg Bionic spine Bionic stomach Bionic tongue Circadian assistant Circadian half-cycler Coagulator Cochlear implant Detoxifier kidney Detoxifier lung Drill arm Field hand Gastro-analyzer Healing enhancer Immunoenhancer Joywire Learning assistant Love enhancer Neurocalculator Nuclear stomach Painstopper Power claw Prosthetic arm Prosthetic heart Prosthetic leg Reprocessor stomach Sterilizing stomach Toughskin gland

Elite Mercenary Elite1557.png 130 100 Normal 2500-3500 500-1400 Assault rifle Chain shotgun Heavy SMG Hellcat rifle LMG Up to 45 90% chance to wear headgear of some sort. 10% chance of a drug addition. 80% chance to carry between 1 and 2 combat enhancing drugs. 30% chance for weapon to be biocoded. 10% chance to carry 1x Medicine. Cannot have the Brawler trait.

Has a 35% chance to have one of the following prostheses: Aesthetic nose Aesthetic shaper Bionic arm Bionic ear Bionic eye Bionic heart Bionic leg Bionic spine Bionic stomach Bionic tongue Circadian assistant Circadian half-cycler Coagulator Detoxifier kidney Detoxifier lung Drill arm Field hand Gastro-analyzer Healing enhancer Immunoenhancer Joywire Learning assistant Love enhancer Neurocalculator Nuclear stomach Painstopper Power claw Reprocessor stomach Sterilizing stomach Toughskin gland

Boss Elite1557.png 130 100 Normal 2500-3500 500-1400 Assault rifle Chain shotgun Heavy SMG Hellcat rifle LMG Up to 45 May be faction leader. 90% chance to wear headgear of some sort. 10% chance of a drug addiction. 80% chance to carry between 1 and 2 combat enhancing drugs. 30% chance for weapon to be biocoded. Cannot have the Brawler trait.

Has a 35% chance to have one of the following prostheses: Aesthetic nose Aesthetic shaper Bionic arm Bionic ear Bionic eye Bionic heart Bionic leg Bionic spine Bionic stomach Bionic tongue Circadian assistant Circadian half-cycler Coagulator Detoxifier kidney Detoxifier lung Drill arm Field hand Gastro-analyzer Healing enhancer Immunoenhancer Joywire Learning assistant Love enhancer Neurocalculator Nuclear stomach Painstopper Power claw Reprocessor stomach Sterilizing stomach Toughskin gland


The table below describes the chance for a given pawn from each faction being one of the xenotypes added by the Biotech DLC. Note that this value does not account for chances in xenotype chance from ideoligionContent added by the Ideology DLC or from pawn kind, it only shows the base value before those factors.

Pirate gang
Xenotype Chance
Dirtmole Dirtmole 10%
Genie Genie 2.5%
Highmate Highmate 0%
Hussar Hussar 5%
Impid Impid 2.5%
Neanderthal Neanderthal 2.5%
Pigskins Pigskin 2.5%
Sanguophage Sanguophage 0%
Waster Waster 2.5%
Yttakin Yttakin 2.5%
link=Baseliner Yttakin}} Baseliner 70%
Cannibal pirate gang
Xenotype Chance
Dirtmole Dirtmole 10%
Genie Genie 2.5%
Highmate Highmate 0%
Hussar Hussar 5%
Impid Impid 2.5%
Neanderthal Neanderthal 2.5%
Pigskins Pigskin 2.5%
Sanguophage Sanguophage 0%
Waster Waster 2.5%
Yttakin Yttakin 2.5%
link=Baseliner Yttakin}} Baseliner 70%
Yttakin pirates
Xenotype Chance
Dirtmole Dirtmole 0%
Genie Genie 0%
Highmate Highmate 0%
Hussar Hussar 0%
Impid Impid 0%
Neanderthal Neanderthal 0%
Pigskins Pigskin 0%
Sanguophage Sanguophage 0%
Waster Waster 0%
Yttakin Yttakin 100%
link=Baseliner Yttakin}} Baseliner 0%
Waster pirates
Xenotype Chance
Dirtmole Dirtmole 5%
Genie Genie 2.5%
Highmate Highmate 0%
Hussar Hussar 5%
Impid Impid 2.5%
Neanderthal Neanderthal 5%
Pigskins Pigskin 2.5%
Sanguophage Sanguophage 0%
Waster Waster 72.5%
Yttakin Yttakin 2.5%
link=Baseliner Yttakin}} Baseliner 2.5%


Besides their equipment, raids carry additional loot. Pirate raids carry:

Faction Bases[edit]


Version history[edit]

  • 1.1 - Smoke grenadier pawnkind added.
  • 1.4.3534 - Fix: Yttakin settlements can have mortars manned by animals.