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Manipulation is a stat: How well a creature can physically interact with objects. Its default value is 100%.

Manipulation affects most colonist stats at 90% weight. This means that for each 10% reduction in Manipulation, related stats will decrease by 9%.

Animal Gather SpeedThe speed at which this person milks, shears, and otherwise gathers resources from animals.1
Animal Gather YieldThe percentage yield someone receives when they shear, milk, or otherwise gather resources from a living animal. Higher percentages reduce the chance of wasting the product.0.3
Arrest Success ChanceHow effective this person is in arresting people. This affects chance that this person will be able to arrest someone without resistance.0.9
Butchery EfficiencyThe amount of meat produced when butchering flesh creatures. The actual amount is also related to the creature's size.0.9
Butchery SpeedSpeed at which this person butchers flesh creatures.1
Carrying CapacityThe amount of stuff this creature can carry in its hands, mouth, or other manipulators.
This is separate from the ability to carry cargo on long cross-world trips.
Construct Success ChanceThe chance that this person will succeed in constructing something. Failing means wasting time and resources.0.3
Construction SpeedSpeed at which this person constructs and repairs buildings.1
Cooking SpeedThe speed at which this person cooks meals.16
Crawl SpeedSpeed of crawling in cells per second.1
Deep Drilling SpeedA speed at which this person uses a deep drill to extract underground resources.1
Drug Cooking SpeedThe speed at which this person brews beer and tea, or makes simple drug products like smokeleaf joints.1
Drug Synthesis SpeedHow fast this character synthesizes complex chemical drugs.1
Eating SpeedMultiplier on eating speed.0.3
Entity Study RateThe rate at which this person generates knowledge from studying unnatural entities.0.5
Foraged Food AmountThe amount of nutrition this person will automatically forage per day while traveling by caravan.0.5
General Labor SpeedThe speed at which this person carries out general labor like making stone blocks, making chemfuel at a refinery, burning items, tailoring clothes, creating art, smithing armor and weapons or smelting slag. This stat applies both to activities that involve no skill, as well as those where the skill affects the quality of the product instead of the speed of production.1
Hacking SpeedHow fast this person can hack into computer terminals.0.5
Mechanoid Shredding EfficiencyThe amount of materials yielded when this person shreds a dead mechanoid for resources.
The actual amount is also related to the mechanoid's size.
Mechanoid Shredding SpeedThe speed at which this person can shred a mechanoid for resources.1
Medical Operation SpeedThe speed at which the character performs medical operations.1
Medical Surgery Success ChanceThe likelihood that a colonist will succeed when attempting to perform a surgery. The actual success chance is also affected by factors like facilities, room cleanliness, medicine used, the difficulty of the surgery, and inspirations. No matter how high this stat is, there is always a small chance of failure on any operation.1
Medical Tend QualityThe base quality of tending given when tending wounds and illnesses.

Final Tend Quality:

( ( ( ( (Medical Tend Quality Stat from Doctor) * (Medical Potency) ) + ( Medical Tend Quality Offset from Bed ) ) * ( 0.7 if Self-Tend) ). Multiplied by a random + or - 25% and clamped to between 0% and the Maximum Tend Quality from the medicine used.

Standard bed is not a factor. Only hospital beds have a Medical Tend Quality offset.

Light is not a factor of Medical Tend Quality. Light is likely a factor of Medical Tend Speed and Surgery Success chance.

Cleanliness is not a factor of Medical Tend Quality. Cleanliness is a factor of Infection Chance.

Indoors is not a factor of Medical Tend Quality. Indoors is a factor of cleanliness and thus Infection Chance.

Higher tend quality will speed the recovery from injury.
Medical Tend SpeedSpeed at which the character tends to wounds and illnesses.1
Melee Hit ChanceChance to hit a target in melee. The target can still dodge even if we would've hit.12
Mining SpeedA speed at which this person mines away walls.1
Mining YieldThe percentage of mined resources a miner will produce. This applies to both wall mining and deep drill mining. This doesn't affect the production rate of rock chunks from deep drills.0.3
Mortar Miss Radius MultiplierA multiplier on the miss radius of a mortar used by this person. Smaller numbers means more accurate mortar shells.-0.5
Plant Harvest YieldThe yield this person gets when harvesting plants. Low yields give a chance that this person will accidentally waste the harvest.0.3
Plant Work SpeedSpeed at which this person sows and harvests plants.1
Repair Success ChanceThe chance that this person will successfully repair a broken down building using a component. Failing means wasting time and resources. Note that this only applies to repairing breakdowns, which is different from repairing damage.0.3
Research SpeedHow fast this person performs research and how quickly they can find things using scanning equipment.0.5
Shooting AccuracyBase chance to not miss per cell of shot distance. Chance to hit is also affected by many other factors. A hit chance explanation for any shot can be seen by selecting a shooter and mousing over a target.8
Smelting SpeedThe speed at which this person smelts things. Since smelting is dumb labor, smelting speed is not affected by any skill.1
Smoothing SpeedA multiplier on the speed at which this person smooths rough stone floors and walls.1
Tame Animal ChanceThe base chance this person will successfully tame an animal on any given attempt. The actual chance is also affected by the animal's wildness. Failed tame attempt can induce animal attacks, especially for more vicious animals.0.5
Train Animal ChanceThe base chance this person will make progress training an animal on a given attempt. The actual chance for a given attempt will also depend on the animal's wildness, whether it is bonded with the trainer, and so on.0.5