Shooting Accuracy

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Shooting Accuracy is a stat: Base chance to not miss per cell of shot distance. Chance to hit is also affected by many other factors. A hit chance explanation for any shot can be seen by selecting a shooter and mousing over a target. Its minimum allowed value is 0%. Its default value is 0%.


  • Post-processing curve

Shooting accuracy is capped at 99.9% per tile, though this value is only achievable with both the Royalty and Ideology DLCs.

This results in a total of 62, which the post-processing curve translates into a 99.9% value.


The table below shows post-processed shooting accuracy per tile of distance for each skill level and trait combination, assuming the pawn is healthy:

Skill Level Standard Careful Shooter Trigger-Happy Skill Level Standard Careful Shooter Trigger-Happy
0 89% 94.5% 84% - - - -
1 91% 95% 85% 11 97.25% 98.333% 95%
2 93% 95.5% 86% 12 97.5% 98.5% 95.5%
3 93.5% 96% 87% 13 97.75% 98.666% 96%
4 94% 96.5% 88% 14 98% 98.833% 96.5%
5 94.5% 97% 89% 15 98.167% 99% 97%
6 95% 97.25% 91% 16 98.333% 99.125% 97.25%
7 95.5% 97.5% 93% 17 98.5% 99.25% 97.5%
8 96% 97.75% 93.5% 18 98.666% 99.313% 97.75%
9 96.5% 98% 94% 19 98.833% 99.375% 98%
10 97% 98.167% 94.5% 20 99% 99.438% 98.167%

Note that shooting accuracy for the pawn has exponential decay calculated per tile, meaning that a small increase (even 1%) in shooting accuracy will have a significant effect at longer ranges.

For example:

  • A colonist with shooting accuracy of 99% has a base accuracy of 72.5% against a target 32 tiles away (0.9932 = 0.7249)
  • With 98% accuracy, the base accuracy against the same target becomes only 52.4% (0.9832 = 0.5239).
DPS Impact by Skill

Full Post-Processing Curve Table[edit]

Modified Shooting skill Shooting Accuracy per Tile[1]
-20 70.000%
-10 80.000%
-6 83.000%
-4 85.000%
-2 87.000%
0 89.000%
2 93.000%
4 94.000%
6 95.000%
8 96.000%
10 97.000%
12 97.500%
14 98.000%
16 98.333%
18 98.666%
20 99.000%
22 99.250%
26 99.500%
30 99.650%
40 99.800%
60 99.900%
  1. \RimWorld\Data\Core\Defs\Stats\Stats_Pawns_Combat.xml

Version history[edit]

  • 0.0.245 - Shooting accuracy split into into misses due to equipment and misses due to skill.