Mental Break Threshold

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Mental Break Threshold is a stat: As long as someone's mood is below this level, they are in danger of having a mental break.
The severity of the mental break will depend on how far below the threshold they are. Its minimum allowed value is 1%. Its maximum allowed value is 50%. Its default value is 35%.

The base Mental Break Threshold is where the Minor break risk range starts. Derived from the base Mental Break Threshold stat are the thresholds for Major and Extreme mental breaks. The threshold for a Major mental break is always 4/7 of the pawn's Mental Break Threshold stat. The threshold for an Extreme mental break is always 1/7 of the pawn's Mental Break Threshold stat.


Trait combination Break Threshold
Minor Major Extreme
None 35% 20% 5%
Iron-willed 17% 10% 2%
Steadfast 26% 15% 4%
Nervous 43% 25% 6%
Volatile 50% 29% 7%
Too smart 47% 27% 7%
Neurotic 43% 25% 6%
Iron-willed + Neurotic 25% 14% 4%
Steadfast + Neurotic 34% 19% 5%
Nervous + Neurotic 50% 29% 7%
Volatile + Neurotic 50% 29% 7%
Too smart + Neurotic 50% 29% 7%
Very neurotic 49% 28% 7%
Iron-willed + Very neurotic 31% 18% 4%
Steadfast + Very neurotic 40% 23% 6%
Nervous + Very neurotic 50% 29% 7%
Volatile + Very neurotic 50% 29% 7%
Too smart + Very neurotic 50% 29% 7%

Stat Def Data[edit]

Def Name
Label For Full Stat List
Offset Label
Description Category Parameters Complex
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    mental break threshold
As long as someone's mood is below this level, they are in danger of having a mental break.

The severity of the mental break will depend on how far below the threshold they are.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Default Base Value: 35%
  • Min Value: 1%
  • Max Value: 50%
  • To String Style: PercentZero
  • Show On Animals: false
  • Show On Mechanoids: false
  • Show On Entities: false
  • Scenario Randomizable: true
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