Immunity Gain Speed Factor

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Immunity Gain Speed Factor is a stat: Immunity gain speed is multiplied by this value. Its minimum allowed value is 50% (effectively limited to 95%). Its default value is 100%.


  • Furniture Immunity Gain Speed Factor Base
    Bed Bed 107%
    Double bed Double bed 107%
    Royal bed Royal bed 107%
    Hospital bed Hospital bed 111%
    Bedroll Bedroll 105%
    Double bedroll Double bedroll 105%
    Animal sleeping box Animal sleeping box 105%
    Animal bed Animal bed 107%
    Ancient bed Ancient bed Content added by the Ideology DLC 95%
    Slab bed Slab bed Content added by the Ideology DLC 107%
    Slab double bed Slab double bed Content added by the Ideology DLC 107%
    Crib Crib Content added by the Biotech DLC 107%
    Deathrest casket Deathrest casket Content added by the Biotech DLC 107%
  • Offsets[edit]

  • Facility Immunity Gain Speed Factor Offset
    Vitals monitor Vitals monitor[1] +2%
    1. Linkable to Hospital bed (Maximum of 1)
  • Calculating Immunity Gain Speed Factor[edit]

    The factors for Immunity Gain Speed Factor are: Immunity Gain Speed Factor Base and Immunity Gain Speed Factor Offset. This would be written out as:

    Immunity Gain Speed Factor = Immunity Gain Speed Factor Base + Immunity Gain Speed Factor Offset

    The maximum would be:

    1.11 + 0.02 = 1.13

    For an effective limit of 113%.

    The minimum would be:

    0.95 + 0 = 0.95

    For an effective limit of 95%.

    Stat Def Data[edit]

    Def Name
    Label For Full Stat List
    Offset Label
    Description Category Parameters Complex
    • Def Name:
    • Label:
      immunity gain speed factor
    Immunity gain speed is multiplied by this value.
    • Display Order:
    • Def Name:
    • Label:
    • Display All By Default:
    • Default Base Value: 100%
    • Min Value: 50%
    • To String Style: PercentZero
    • Hide At Value: 100%
    - 4000

    Version history[edit]