Global Learning Factor
Global Learning Factor is a stat: A multiplier on the learning rate for all skills. Its minimum allowed value is 0%. Its default value is 100%.
Global learning factor is a direct multiplier on the experience gained for skills.
To calculate this value, the game applies any factors to the sum of all offsets and the base 100%. As such, a pawn with the Slow Study gene and the Fast Learner trait has a Global Learning Factor of less than 100%.
Global Learning Factor is only one part of skill XP growth, along with the Passion Multiplier and the base XP from a pawn's action. The base XP is multiplied by both Global Learning Factor and the Passion Multiplier. Because they are multiplicative, The Passion Multiplier has a more significant effect on the learning speed of a given skill than the Global Learning Speed does in most cases. Broadly speaking, pawns with even a minor passion and no learning bonuses will typically learn faster than ones that have no passion, even if the latter has positive traits effecting Global Learning Factor.
The global learning factor does not affect the speed in which children fill their Learning need. For that, see the Learning Rate Factor stat.
These values act as offsets to Global Learning Factor. That is they are added to the base value of 100%. For example, a pawn with the Fast Learner trait and a Learning Assistant implant has a final Global Learning Factor of 195%.
- Too Smart trait: +75%, while also inflicting a penalty to mental break threshold.
- Fast Learner trait: +75%
- Slow Learner trait: −75%
- Learning assistant implant:
- Neural supercharger building:
- Quick study gene:
- Bliss lobotomy hediff:
- Slow study gene:
The Global Learning Factor of a pawn can be determined by first adding any Offsets to the base factor of 100%, then multiplying by any applicable Factors. as an example, let us determine the Global Learning Factor of a human pawn with the Fast Learner trait, a Learning assistant implant, and the slow study gene
This pawn's Global Learning Factor would be calculated as:
[100%(base) + 75%(Fast Learner) + 20%(Learning assistant)] * 50% = 97.5%
Note that Global Learning factor will always be multiplied by the pawn's Passion Multiplier to achieve their real learning speed. The chart below shows how Global Learning Factor interacts with Passions.
Stat Def Data[edit]
Def Name Label Label For Full Stat List Offset Label Attributes |
Description | Category | Parameters | Complex Parameters |
Display Priority In Category |
A multiplier on the learning rate for all skills. |
- | 3500 |