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A targeting computer that helps the user aim. It detects and analyzes targets using infrared, visible, and millimeter-wave electromagnetic sensors. An onboard targeting computer displays firing solutions on a retinal projection. It offers no protection at all.

Base Stats

Tech Level
Market Value
345 Silver
1 kg


Insulation - Cold
°C (0 °F)
Insulation - Heat
°C (0 °F)
Armor - Sharp
Armor - Blunt
Armor - Heat
Clothing For Nudity
Head, Left Ear, Right Ear


Crafted At
Fabrication bench
Required Research
Skill Required
Crafting 6
Work To Make
15,750 ticks (4.38 mins)
Work Speed Stat
General Labor Speed
Resources to make
Plasteel 10 + Advanced component 1

The gunlink is a piece of headwear added by the Royalty DLC that increases the wearer's accuracy with ranged weapons but provides no protection or insulation.


Gunlinks can be crafted at a fabrication bench once the Gunlink research project has been completed. Each requires Plasteel 10 Plasteel, Advanced component 1 Advanced component, 15,750 ticks (4.38 mins) of work modified by the general labor speed of the crafter, and a crafting skill of 6.

Alternatively, the armor can be received as a quest reward, purchased from traders, or found on Imperial forces.


Gunlinks offer no protection or insulation but increase the wearer's shooting accuracy by +3.0. Gunlinks prevent the wearing of any other headgear. It does not count as clothing for nudity, such as for the nudist trait.

The table below shows post-processed shooting accuracy per tile of distance for each skill level, with and without a gunlink, assuming the pawn is healthy. It also shows the improvement to DPS of wearing the gunlink at Short (12 tiles), Medium (25 tiles), and Long (40 tiles) ranges. That is; if it shows 200%, a pawn wearing the gunlink will deal 200% of the DPS of an equally skilled pawn without a gunlink using the same weapon.

  • Skill
    Base With
    GL DPS %
    @ Short
    GL DPS %
    @ Medium
    GL DPS %
    @ Long
    Base With
    GL DPS %
    @ Short
    GL DPS %
    @ Medium
    GL DPS %
    @ Long
    0 89% 93.5% 181% 343% 719% - - - - - -
    1 91% 94% 148% 225% 366% 11 97.25% 98% 110% 121% 136%
    2 93% 94.5% 121% 149% 190% 12 97.5% 98.167% 109% 119% 131%
    3 93.5% 95% 121% 149% 189% 13 97.75% 98.333% 107% 116% 127%
    4 94% 95.5% 121% 149% 188% 14 98% 98.5% 106% 114% 123%
    5 94.5% 96% 121% 148% 188% 15 98.167% 98.666% 106% 114% 122%
    6 95% 96.5% 121% 148% 187% 16 98.333% 98.833% 106% 114% 122%
    7 95.5% 97% 121% 148% 187% 17 98.5% 99% 106% 113% 122%
    8 96% 97.25% 117% 138% 168% 18 98.666% 99.125% 106% 112% 120%
    9 96.5% 97.5% 113% 129% 151% 19 98.833% 99.25% 105% 111% 118%
    10 97% 97.75% 110% 121% 136% 20 99% 99.313% 104% 108% 113%
  • Note that shooting accuracy for the pawn has exponential decay calculated per tile, meaning that a small increase (even 1%) in shooting accuracy will have a significant effect at longer ranges.

    For example:

    • A colonist with shooting accuracy of 99% has a base accuracy of 72.5% against a target 32 tiles away (0.9932 = 0.7249)
    • With 98% accuracy, the base accuracy against the same target becomes only 52.4% (0.9832 = 0.5239).


    The gunlink provides an additional +3 shooting accuracy, translating into an additional 3 levels of skill at the cost of providing absolutely no protection or insulation to the head. In normal firefights, the gunlink should be passed over for helmets, but should be prioritized over hats and masks. The gunlink is better used for snipers with a Sniper rifle to take out far away targets.

    DPS Impact by Skill

    Version history[edit]

    • 1.2.2753 - Added. Fix: Gunlink displays shooting accuracy stat offset as %.
    • 1.4.3523 - No longer counts as clothing for nudity.
    • 1.4.3563 - Reduce the frequency at which they appear in quest rewards, as they're overrepresented at low colony wealth values.
    • 1.5.4241 - Gunlinks no longer have qualities.