Formal vest

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Formal vest

Formal vest

A vest embroidered with complex decorative designs.

Base Stats

Tech Level
0.75 kg


Insulation Factor - Cold
Insulation Factor - Heat
Armor Factor - Sharp
Armor Factor - Blunt
Armor Factor - Heat
Clothing For Nudity


Crafted At
Hand tailor bench / Electric tailor bench
Required Research
Noble apparel
Work To Make
12,000 ticks (3.33 mins)
Work Speed Stat
General Labor Speed
Stuff Tags
Leathery, Fabric
Resources to make
Stuff 45

The formal vest is a clothing item added in the Royalty DLC, and is one the items of apparel that appeases nobles. The Female equivalent is the corset.


Formal vests can be crafted at a hand tailor bench or electric tailor bench once the Noble apparel research project has been completed. Each requires Stuff 45 Stuff (Leathery/Fabric) and 12,000 ticks (3.33 mins) of work modified by the general labor speed of the crafter and the work to make factor of the material.

It can also be found on Imperial Nobles, for sale at traders and as a quest reward.


Formal vests cover the same layer of clothing as a flak vest. They can be worn over shirts and under outer layer clothing.

Male Nobles of Baron rank and above require either one of these, an eltex vest, or prestige armor to consider themselves properly dressed and avoid a negative moodlet. The female equivalent is the corset. Female pawns will receive a mood debuff while wearing this item.

A formal vest has a slave suppression offset of −10%. When worn by a slave,Content added by the Ideology DLC this acts as an offset to the rate at which the slave loses suppression.Content added by the Ideology DLC Note that by default, slaves lose between −5% and −20% suppression per day depending on their current level of suppression. This loss rate stacks additively with all sources of slave suppression offset, with a minimum of 0% loss per day.


Even the best formal vests provide dramatically less protection than flak: a masterwork thrumbofur formal vest having about as much sharp protection and worse blunt protection than an awful flak vest, which also covers the neck and shoulders. However, flak slows a pawns' movement speed by -0.12c/s, a 2.6% reduction on a healthy, unmodified, untraited pawn. This is a small, but potentially relevant downside.

If speed is critical, then the recon armor is much more expensive, but completely outclasses the duster/cape + formal vest combination. Thus, the protective niche for the formal vest is small - where top tier textiles like thrumbofur or devilstrand are available and where either:

  1. movement speed is significantly more important than protection, but recon armor is not available; or
  2. a research state where formal vests are available and flak vests are not.

Formal vests are also considered noble clothing; Barons and Counts will become upset without one. Prestige recon armor is even more expensive than normal recon to create. Eltex vests boost psycasting power, but can't be crafted and protect worse than even a plainleather corset. It may be desirable to switch to flak during combat, taking the mood penalty in the process.


Sharp armor


Formal vests and corsets are the most efficient apparel for profit per unit textile, i.e Value / Material, in the game. This is because they require the most work time per material. Because an apparel's Market Value is determined by (Work Time * Material Value), you'll get the most value for 1 unit textile by creating vests/corsets. This also means they have the highest Crafting XP per material.

In other words, either option is the best when you are limited by your supply of textiles, and when crafter time is in surplus. If the Royalty DLC is disabled, then this role is taken by dusters. Note that other considerations can exist.

  • If no remotely competent crafters are available, but great constructors are, then armchairs are an alternative for Value / Material. However, selling any building incurs a x0.7 Sell Price Multiplier, making armchairs inferior for equal skill.
  • If Value / Crafter Time is more important, then you should make tribalwear and top hats instead.

Lower value materials are profitable at lower skill levels. For example, cloth formal vests require only a crafting skill of 1 with a average market value modifier of 68% to average a value higher than the 67.5 Silver of selling the cloth itself, while the most expensive textile, thrumbofur, requires a skill level of 5 to do the same. Thus, a skill level of 5 is sufficient to average profitable for formal vests for all available materials.

Stats table

Feature Toggle
QualityRitual Quality Check Off.png
  • Formal vest Formal vest Sharp Blunt Heat HP Insulation
    - Cold
    - Heat
    Market Value
    Normal Alpaca wool Alpaca wool 7.2% 0% 22% 100 -12 °C (-21.6 °F) +1.6 °C (2.9 °F) 215 Silver
    Normal Bearskin Bearskin 22.4% 4.8% 30% 130 -8 °C (-14.4 °F) +2 °C (3.6 °F) 196 Silver
    Normal Birdskin Birdskin 13.4% 2.8% 30% 100 -4 °C (-7.2 °F) +1 °C (1.8 °F) 124 Silver
    Normal Bison wool Bison wool 7.2% 0% 22% 100 -10.4 °C (-18.7 °F) +1.2 °C (2.2 °F) 165 Silver
    Normal Bluefur Bluefur 16.2% 4.8% 30% 130 -8 °C (-14.4 °F) +1.6 °C (2.9 °F) 147 Silver
    Normal Camelhide Camelhide 16.2% 4.8% 30% 130 -6.4 °C (-11.5 °F) +2.4 °C (4.3 °F) 147 Silver
    Normal Chinchilla fur Chinchilla fur 13.4% 2.8% 30% 100 -12 °C (-21.6 °F) +1.6 °C (2.9 °F) 335 Silver
    Normal Cloth Cloth 7.2% 0% 3.6% 100 -7.2 °C (-13 °F) +1.8 °C (3.2 °F) 111 Silver
    Normal Devilstrand Devilstrand 28% 7.2% 60% 130 -8 °C (-14.4 °F) +2.4 °C (4.3 °F) 290 Silver
    Normal Dog leather Dog leather 16.2% 4.8% 30% 130 -5.6 °C (-10.1 °F) +1.6 °C (2.9 °F) 133 Silver
    Normal Dread leather Dread leather Content added by the Anomaly DLC 25.4% 4.8% 30% 130 -8 °C (-14.4 °F) +1.2 °C (2.2 °F) 200 Silver
    Normal Elephant leather Elephant leather 22.4% 4.8% 30% 150 -5.6 °C (-10.1 °F) +1.2 °C (2.2 °F) 152 Silver
    Normal Foxfur Foxfur 16.2% 4.2% 30% 100 -8 °C (-14.4 °F) +1.6 °C (2.9 °F) 200 Silver
    Normal Guinea pig fur Guinea pig fur 13.4% 2.8% 30% 60 -15.2 °C (-27.4 °F) +1.8 °C (3.2 °F) 270 Silver
    Normal Heavy fur Heavy fur 24.8% 4.8% 30% 150 -12 °C (-21.6 °F) +1.4 °C (2.5 °F) 192 Silver
    Normal Human leather Human leather 12.8% 4.8% 30% 130 -4.8 °C (-8.6 °F) +1.2 °C (2.2 °F) 230 Silver
    Normal Hyperweave Hyperweave 40% 10.8% 57.6% 240 -10.4 °C (-18.7 °F) +2.6 °C (4.7 °F) 450 Silver
    Normal Lightleather Lightleather 10.8% 2.8% 30% 100 -4.8 °C (-8.6 °F) +1.2 °C (2.2 °F) 129 Silver
    Normal Lizardskin Lizardskin 16.2% 5.4% 30% 100 -4.8 °C (-8.6 °F) +1.2 °C (2.2 °F) 138 Silver
    Normal Megasloth wool Megasloth wool 16% 0% 22% 100 -13.6 °C (-24.5 °F) +1.2 °C (2.2 °F) 165 Silver
    Normal Muffalo wool Muffalo wool 7.2% 0% 22% 100 -11.2 °C (-20.2 °F) +1.2 °C (2.2 °F) 165 Silver
    Normal Panthera fur Panthera fur 18.6% 4.8% 30% 130 -6.4 °C (-11.5 °F) +2.4 °C (4.3 °F) 178 Silver
    Normal Patchleather Patchleather 9% 3.8% 18% 100 -3.6 °C (-6.5 °F) +0.9 °C (1.6 °F) 111 Silver
    Normal Pigskin Pigskin 12.8% 4.8% 30% 130 -4.8 °C (-8.6 °F) +1.2 °C (2.2 °F) 129 Silver
    Normal Plainleather Plainleather 16.2% 4.8% 30% 130 -6.4 °C (-11.5 °F) +1.6 °C (2.9 °F) 138 Silver
    Normal Rhinoceros leather Rhinoceros leather 25.8% 4.8% 30% 150 -5.6 °C (-10.1 °F) +1.4 °C (2.5 °F) 230 Silver
    Normal Sheep wool Sheep wool 7.2% 0% 22% 100 -10.4 °C (-18.7 °F) +1 °C (1.8 °F) 165 Silver
    Normal Synthread Synthread 18.8% 5.2% 18% 130 -8.8 °C (-15.8 °F) +2.2 °C (4 °F) 225 Silver
    Normal Thrumbofur Thrumbofur 41.6% 7.2% 30% 200 -13.6 °C (-24.5 °F) +2.2 °C (4 °F) 675 Silver
    Normal Wolfskin Wolfskin 20.4% 4.8% 30% 130 -9.6 °C (-17.3 °F) +1.6 °C (2.9 °F) 178 Silver

    For the full effects of qualities, see Quality.

  • Version history[edit]