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A crown of metal with an elaborate design.

Base Stats

Tech Level
0.9 kg


Insulation Factor - Cold
Insulation Factor - Heat
Armor Factor - Sharp
Armor Factor - Blunt
Armor Factor - Heat
Clothing For Nudity
Head, Left Ear, Right Ear


Crafted At
Fueled smithy / Electric smithy
Required Research
Royal apparel
Work To Make
12,000 ticks (3.33 mins)
Work Speed Stat
General Labor Speed
Stuff Tags
Resources to make
Stuff 75

The Crown is a clothing item added in the Royalty DLC. It provides a +20% increase to Social Impact, but despite its similarity to other headwear and seeming place in the progression, no nobles can wear the crown.


Crowns can be crafted at a fueled smithy or electric smithy once the Royal apparel research project has been completed. Each requires Stuff 75 Stuff (Metallic, 750 for SVMs) and 12,000 ticks (3.33 mins) of work modified by the general labor speed of the crafter and the work to make factor of the material.

Crown can also be purchased or found on nobles.


A crown offers a +20% increase to Social Impact. Note: Social impact predominantly affects the Opinion bonuses and maluses pawn interactions can create, the success chance of SpeechesContent added by the Royalty DLC and some rituals.Content added by the Ideology DLC It does NOT affect trade prices, as that is instead dependent on Trade Price Improvement. Nor does it affect prisoner recruitment, beyond slightly hastening how quickly the prisoners like the warden, as that is instead dependent on Negotiation Ability.

A crown has a slave suppression offset of −30%. When worn by a slave,Content added by the Ideology DLC this acts as an offset to the rate at which the slave loses suppression.Content added by the Ideology DLC Note that by default, slaves lose between −5% and −20% suppression per day depending on their current level of suppression. This loss rate stacks additively with all sources of slave suppression offset, with a minimum of 0% loss per day.


Crowns are a luxurious headgear that offers a significant boost to social impact (+20%), but provides no armor or insulation. Although the social impact bonus is larger than that of the bowler hat, this bonus is also met by the top hat and ladies hat which also provide some small amount of insulation and armor. As such they should be replaced by other options as soon as possible.

Oddly, while able to be crafted and equipped, it doesn't fulfill the requirements of any title requirement, including those ranks only achievable by NPCs.

Stats table

Feature Toggle
QualityRitual Quality Check Off.png
  • Crown Crown Sharp Blunt Heat HP Insulation
    - Cold
    - Heat
    Market Value
    Normal Bioferrite Bioferrite Content added by the Anomaly DLC 0% 0% 0% 160 -0 °C (0 °F) +0 °C (0 °F) 164 Silver
    Normal Gold Gold 0% 0% 0% 48 -0 °C (0 °F) +0 °C (0 °F) 7540 Silver
    Normal Plasteel Plasteel 0% 0% 0% 224 -0 °C (0 °F) +0 °C (0 °F) 770 Silver
    Normal Silver Silver 0% 0% 0% 56 -0 °C (0 °F) +0 °C (0 °F) 795 Silver
    Normal Steel Steel 0% 0% 0% 80 -0 °C (0 °F) +0 °C (0 °F) 186 Silver
    Normal Uranium Uranium 0% 0% 0% 200 -0 °C (0 °F) +0 °C (0 °F) 530 Silver

    For the full effects of qualities, see Quality.

  • Potential bug[edit]

    It is currently unknown if the lack of utilization of the crown is intended or not. There is some evidence towards it being a bug however:

    1. NPC Dukes and Consuls all spawn with the coronet but the ranks themselves require the stellic crown. This leads to the default gear of these nobles causing them to have a mood penalty. No matter which of the three types of headwear they are intended to wear, this is clearly improperly implemented.
    2. The crown's position as a middle ground between in cost between the coronet and the stellic crown, which implies it is intended to occupy the space between the two ranks.
    3. The crown's tag of royalTier6 compared to the coronet's royalTier5 and the stellic crown's royalTier7 further cements that its intended to be between the two ranks.