Chinchilla fur

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Chinchilla fur

Chinchilla fur

Tanned, dried, scraped chinchilla skin. Known as an extremely luxurious and insulating fur, it is exceptionally valuable.

Base Stats

Stuff Categories
Market Value
6.5 Silver
Stack Limit
0.03 kg
Path Cost
14 (48%)

Stat Modifiers

Beauty Factor
Work To Make Factor
Work To Build Factor
Max Hit Points
Armor - Sharp
Armor - Blunt
Armor - Heat
Insulation - Cold
+30 °C (54 °F)
Insulation - Heat
+16 °C (28.8 °F)

Chinchilla fur is a type of leather produced when a cook butchers a chinchilla at a butcher table.


The following animals provide Chinchilla fur.

  • Animal Leather Yield
    Chinchilla 21
  • Usage[edit]

    Chinchilla fur can be used to craft and build the following things:

  • Product Ingredients Type [Expand]
  • Analysis[edit]

    Chinchilla fur is one of the least protective textiles in the game, 3-way tied for 18th most protective. However it also has an exceptional market value and beauty factor, and offers very good cold insulaton.

    Its poor protection means its utility as clothing is negligible outside of cold biomes. Chinchillas themselves are fairly rare and have a very small leather yield, so almost any other leather or textile will likely be both more available and more protective. In cold biomes however, chinchilla fur tribalwear can allow a pawn to survive without having to sacrifice the greater protection from a duster of a strong material for something warmer. In very cold biomes, very warm materials on all items may be required to survive.

    For use in furniture, its beauty factor, beaten only by thrumbofur and hyperweave, makes it a good choice for improving furniture beauty. However sourcing enough material to use this commonly will be difficult, as to gather enough fur for even a single armchair would require butchering of 8 chinchillas. You monster.

    Chinchilla fur's high market value also make it a valuable commodity, especially if processed into a high quality item of clothing or furniture first, however the efficiency of raising chinchillas for the slaughter is unknown.
