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Revision as of 14:02, 22 December 2016 by XeoNovaDan (talk | contribs) (Don't think it is possible to defeat the plague without medicine: A person with level 20 medicine in a test map still only administered ~10% treatment quality to somebody with asthma without any medicine.)
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Plague is a disease in RimWorld which can be caught by your colonists. As of Alpha 16, the Plague is significantly more deadly than it used to be, and having a somewhat skilled doctor and medicine on hand is critical to one's survival. The Plague also causes a strong penalty to colonist mood as it causes a considerable amount of pain, along with the standard 'Sick' thought. It can be caught in any biome randomly, and you must make sure that afflicted victims get treatment ASAP, and that they remain in bed while developing immunity; the bonus immunity gain speed could mean the difference between life and death.


These are the following stages in which the Plague will progress through, and the effects it has on the victim:

Minor (Hidden) - Severity: 0.01 - 0.39

  • No effects on the affected colonist
  • Buildup to the initial 40% disease head start that the plague has

Minor - Severity: 0.4 - 0.59

  • +20% Pain
  • -5% Consciousness
  • -5% Manipulation

Major - Severity: 0.6 - 0.79

  • +35% Pain
  • -20% Consciousness
  • -20% Manipulation

Extreme (Initial) - Severity: 0.8 - 0.9

  • +60% Pain
  • -30% Consciousness
  • -30% Manipulation

Extreme (Advanced) - Severity 0.91 - 1

  • +85% Pain
  • -30% Consciousness
  • -30% Manipulation
  • -15% Breathing

Defeating the Plague

As with any other disease, you'll want to ensure colonists afflicted with the plague get as much bed rest as possible. You can prioritise this on colonists by designating a bed as a medical bed, selecting the afflicted pawn, right clicking the bed, and selecting 'Rest until Healed'. You'll want to ensure that the affected colonist(s) get the best medical treatment they can possibly get - don't be afraid to use that Glitterworld Medicine if you have some laying around. You need at least 70% treat quality to slow the Plague's progression down sufficiently so that it doesn't kill the victim.

The following combinations of doctoring skill and medicine will ensure you beat the plague (assuming a perfectly healthy, unmodified doctor, the patient is rested and well-fed at all times, below the age of 40, and treatment is administered immediately) - you'll generally want to aim above these thresholds for safety though; these combinations are just the bare minimum required:

  • Level 3 Medicine skill and Glitterworld Medicine
  • Level 5 Medicine skill and standard Medicine
  • Level 8 Medicine skill and Herbal Medicine