War crimes

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So you want to know what war crimes you can commit in RimWorld? Maybe you even bought the game because of the many war crimes you can commit. Maybe some certain YouTubers convinced you to buy it. Well you came to the right place!

War crimes are much, much better with mods. Look to the end to find a list of mods you can use to enhance your "deep space organ harvesting" experience!

Crimes against humanity

This section is probably the one you want to read about the most. RimWorld has plenty of committable crimes against humanity, from non-consensual organ arbitrage on our "guests" to unwilling euthanization of our valued guests. This section will teach you how to commit these war crimes and who to choose as your honored "guest".

Torture and Inhumane Experiments

Torture can be performed using the mindscrew, although you do have to pay TynanContent added by the Royalty DLC 20 bucks to do it. The mindscrew provides a +20% pain, able to incapacitate wimps permanently. Even if your guest leaves (although very unlikely), they will not be able to remove it. The mindscrew can be crafted with after brain wiring has been researched (requires 1 techprint). You could also make the pawn go hungry, and only feed them once they become incapacitated from malnutrition. Or, you could give them a nuclear stomach, and laugh as your stinky prisoner (oops, did I say stinky prisoner? I meant "our valued guest!") starts to suffer from carcinoma. If you really want to go hardcore, you could wait until Randy blesses your colony with a toxic fallout, and have the prisoner bathe in the fallout 24/7. Occasionally, transfer to a "recovery room" to prevent them from dying, then put them back in the fallout after the toxic fallout severity falls to moderate. They will get dementia and carcinoma! Two for the price of one!


Slavery, like most other war crimes (except for vanilla torture, razing, and systematic genocide) is profitable. On a nice day, you can sell tens of slaves, netting thousands of delectable silver coins. To facilitate easier slave capturing, use fast-firing, lower damage machine guns such as the LMG or the Minigun to bring down as many enemies as possible. Throw them into our """"""hotel"""""". Then, when a nice and good slave or pirate trader drops by, sell the lot!

War Crimes

While in combat, you can also commit these crimes!

Firing on retreating/surrendering soldiers

Maybe you had a bad day, or something happened. This is one of the most simple war crime, and most RimWorld players commit it inadvertently or on purpose. Just chase the running raiders and shoot them while they scream in pain! This may not be advised if you have the mod Run and Gun installed, as a lucky shot from a raider may decapitate one of your pawns. If that happens, bring em' in for some "special" treatment using the tactics described above.

Wanton destruction of cities, towns or villages

Once you have summarily executed (or enslaved), you can burn down the villages of your enemies (though you may want to loot the towns before you utterly destroy the tile)! For more overkill, use mods with more bombs, like the nukes mod, rimatomics, or VFEM! After firing, the area will be, well, a large, irradiated crater in the middle of a once peaceful meadow inhabited by some peaceful tribals. Alternatively, go wild and throw molotovs everywhere, and burn everything to the ground.