Talk:War crimes

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Potential war crimes
This is?
Harakoni (talkcontribs)

Willful killing, torture, wanton destruction or appropration, forcing a pow to fight, depriving a pow of a fair trial, unlawful deportation/transfer, attacking civilians, attacking humanitarian workers, killing surrendered, settling occupied terrirotiy, deporting inhabitatns of occupied territory, using poison weapons, using civilan human shields, using child soldiers, summary execution, pillage.

Albedo (talkcontribs)

So... what is this page? Is it supposed to have any valuable info (cuz I can find very little), or is it just a vanity publication for the author? If the latter, we should lose it, or (better?) combine the small amount of actual "information" with other articles. Meanwhile, adding "Human resources link.Albedo (talk) 02:57, 4 February 2022 (UTC)

ItsNotReallyEditing (talkcontribs)

It's a meme page I made a while back with Harakoni's permission, similar to Trees/Humor.

Albedo (talkcontribs)

All good, I'm new here, just checking, still figuring out the SOP for this wiki. <insert "thumbs up" emoji here> Albedo (talk) 06:44, 7 February 2022 (UTC)

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