May contain witty humour, not-so-witty humour, injokes, and references to Ludeon Forums and cowboy hats. |
Trees are a type of plant. They can either be native to the biome or planted by the player in a growing zone. Native trees are immune to blight, and may wander in as seed from the map edges. Some trees have grown accustomed to human contact and may decide to join your colony, using their natural talents to spawn in annoying places, like where you wanted to plant your devilstrand. Teak and Cecropia are native to Tropical biomes, Oak and Poplar are native to temperate biomes, Cacti and Poplar are native to Arid biomes (only Cacti in Extreme Desert), and Birch and Pine are native to colder biomes (bar Ice Sheet). Cacti are unique in the respect that they won't give a flying hoot as to what ground they happen to grow on; as they have a fertility sensitivity of 0% and minimum fertility of 5%.
Trees have four types of natural enemies, which fall into two categories. Their natural predator is the Thrumbo and the Alphabeaver, and some biologists have classified "Fire" as a third type of natural enemy. The other type of enemy are colonists, who hunts trees for their wood. It is unclear exactly what colonists use it for, but their range of usage reportedly varies from construction material, weaponry and rather sinisterly as food for a wood-fired generator. Humans are by far the biggest threat to trees, their unrelenting hunger for flooring and dining chairs has often been cited as the leading cause of deforestation. Some have had success in taming trees, going so far as to train them to grow in neat rows in intricately designated growing zones. For some bizarre reason; the Saguaro Cactus 'seed' is so elusive that the secrets to its growth have not been unveiled until late into Beta 19.
Vulnerable trees can be brutally murdered at 40% growth to obtain 50% of their coveted yield. Cacti can be cut at 20%. Note that the Growth Time in the below table assumes 24hr growth. Since trees, like all lazy plants, like to nap between the hours of 19h and 6h, actual growth time is longer. Also note that environmental factors such as temperature and light levels further negatively influence growth speed.
If the ambient temperature drops below freezing, trees will cease to grow until back into their comfortable range again (including Pine trees that are native to cold biomes). Some pansy trees will instantaneously shed all of their leaves at -2°C, sturdier specimens will hold out until -10°C. This range differs from tree to individual tree. If the temperature remains at a comfortable level for at least a day, their leaves will magically reappear.
When a tree burns up, they leave a burned tree stump as a tombstone. These serve as a memorial for the trees' friends and family. Humans have been observed desecrating trees under the guise of "tactical cover utilisation". Hiding behind a tree is less effective when you are Fat.
Since Thrumbos and Alphabeavers can eat trees, they have a nutrition value just like food. Some biologists believe this may also be used when wood is converted to chemfuel.
The most practical use for a Tree in Rimworld is to craft a Peg leg. Nature worshiping pawns will receive a +5 moodlet for ‘Hopping around on a Tree’. In addition imprisoning such a pawn can incentivise good behaviour. They will be less likely to attempt to escape knowing their beloved tree appendages could be taken away.
Comparison table
Tree | Grow Days | Real Grow Days | Harvest Yield | Wood per Day* |
Oak tree | 30 | 55.38 | 46 | 0.87 |
Cypress tree | 35 | 60.55 | 43 | 0.71 |
Maple tree | 25 | 43.25 | 25 | 0.58 |
Drago tree | 15 | 27.69 | 25 | 0.96 |
Saguaro cactus | 5 | 9.23 | 15 | 1.74 |
Poplar tree | 15.05 | 27.78 | 27 | 1.15 |
Pine tree | 20 | 36.92 | 27 | 0.78 |
Birch tree | 20 | 36.92 | 27 | 0.78 |
Teak tree | 32.5 | 60 | 60 | 0.96 |
Palm tree | 14 | 24.22 | 18 | 0.74 |
Bamboo tree | 12 | 20.76 | 13 | 0.63 |
Cecropia tree | 14 | 25.85 | 18 | 0.74 |
Willow tree | 13 | 24 | 27 | 0.75 |
*Wood per Day is based on Real Grow Days.