Musical instrument

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A Musical instrument may refer to one of several recreational building types that provide the "Music" recreation type:

Each instrument requires its own research of the same name in order to be built.

A pawn must have a Hearing capacity above 0% to get thoughts from listening to instruments, and a Manipulation capacity above 0% to play any of them. Nobles can put on concerts with the instruments, similar to a party, giving a mood bonus to the noble and attendees.

Type Size Audience
Harp 1 × 1 12 tiles 100% Wood 150 Silver 245
Harpsichord 2 × 3 16 tiles 100% Wood 250 Silver 415
Piano 3 × 3 20 tiles 100% Steel 120 + Wood 220 Silver 670

Mood from listening[edit]

Thought Caption Cause Mood Effect Expiration time (days) Stack Limit Stacking Multiplier Hearing distance
Held concert They loved me. They really loved me. Hold a concert +8 10 10 1 -
Attended concert I enjoyed listening to that performance. Attend a concert +8 10 10 1 -
Listening to harp The harp is so soothing. Listen to harp music +2 N/A 1 N/A 12
Listening to harpsichord [Caption?] Listen to harpsichord music +4 N/A 1 N/A 16
Listening to piano The piano's range makes me feel melancholy, excited,
and whimsical at the same time. What a sound.
Listen to piano music +6 N/A 1 N/A 20

Pawns with 0% Hearing do not get the mood bonus.