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Percentage values
Heat Armor (talkcontribs)

It is not possible to sort the tables properly, because some percentage values starting with an × character. I have no right to edit the templates, so i just leave this message here. Also my wiki-fu is rather weak, so maybe i just missed something to fix this by myself.

Harakoni (talkcontribs)

That's because those values are not equivalent and can't be interleaved liked that - x30% is (30% x the Material Armor Multiplier for that armor type), while 30% would just be a 30% rating.

So for example, the veil has x20%, which would translate to an actual armor rating starting at 7.2% for cloth up to 40% for hyperweave. (talkcontribs)

I see, thank you for the clarification.

Harakoni (talkcontribs)

When heat armor halves damage, does it also turn it to blunt?

Jiquera (talkcontribs)

good question, I'll run some tests to check it. My gut feeling says it shouldnt... but then again, my gut feeling also said that AP shouldn't go through all layers if the first one has enough armor to absorb it... which turned out to be wrong

PigeonGuru (talkcontribs)

I recall that it doesn't, colonists still get ignited.

Harakoni (talkcontribs)

Jiquera, if you could test that, that would be amazing. We should note whether it does or not on the page. Also I rewrote the AP section a bit. Please check if the changes meet with your approval. Just wanted to soften the language a little bit and make the example a bit clearer.

PigeonGuru, if you can specify what it does do and note it on the page that would also work.

Jiquera (talkcontribs)

Your edits look great. I'll see if I can run tests tonight. Btw is there a way to this from the dev mode, so far I've edited game files in specific ways to get this done

eg. outer armor 50%, inner armor 200%, weapon 50AP. which allowed me to verify that AP gets reapplied since pawns still received damage because the bullets were being mitigated but most of the time not stopped by the inner armor layer

Jiquera (talkcontribs)

btw2 Harakoni, the skin glands apply to the new "Internal Layer" <insert joke about skin layer here> is it possible to add that to the Armor table for the sake of completeness? I'm quite novice with wiki editing and I'm not entirely sure how to add properties to variable... or... something... :p

Harakoni (talkcontribs)

We can do that. I'm fairly sure i set the gland pages to have the layer set to internal already, so its just a matter of duplicating the column for the other layers and swapping "shell" for "internal".

My question is whether its worth it. Only the glands occupy that slot. If they are mutually exclusive (are they? I actually don't know), that could be clearly said some other way without adding a whole other column. They only interact with each other, as opposed to things that are less obvious like how flak pants prevent any armor that covers the legs for example.

Jiquera (talkcontribs)

So I did the testing and: - Fire has no AP - initial hit of molotov/incediary launcher does 10 heat damage - being on fire deals 2 heat damage per second (no matter the size of the flame) - Fire does not change damage type when mitigated I'll add the 1st and the last part to the armor page but the 3rd part should perhaps be mentioned in the molotov/incediary pages?

As for your second reply... well *you* know that but when I discovered this wiki it took me quite a while to understand all the mechanics of the game because a lot of the information is scattered over multiple pages (also it is kind of complicated). For example, one may be forgiven for thinking that skin glands apply to the skin layer and therefore may conflict with shirts.

Harakoni (talkcontribs)

Awesome, thanks for that. As for the glands, the table does say that shirts occupy the skin layer and glands do not already. But we can absolutely add it if you think its worth it. You can give it a go yourself, or i can get around to it when I'm free next.

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