Talk:IED deadlife trap

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Maple653 (talkcontribs)

So as seen in the image i posted onto the page


you can see shelves being used to store megascarabs so naturally i started coming up with stupid ideas at 1 am, because small animals tend to rapidly reproduce it should be actually possible to just set auto-slaughters to fill a bunch of shelves near an IED trap with mostly useless lightleather corpses, and throw some tox gas in there for good measure, speaking of which that actually brought onto the other idea, if cobras didn't have such a long maturity time they could actually be somewhat viable as shambler fuel especially if they retain their toxic buildup as the page mentions that manhunter cobras can have their toxic buildup be lethal. Then again, waste rats seem to reproduce faster, albeit being much more rare if you don't want to settle near pollution.

Harakoni (talkcontribs)

Emus might be worth investigating. Decent DPS and i think they do fit on shelves.

I think ysing shelves to maximise bodies in the radius is definitely diving into.

Maple653 (talkcontribs)

will probably try cassowaries for similar stats since i do want to actually test cobras because it would be funny if they actually somehow work and that i want to try a tropical rainforest for once.

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