Talk:Main Page

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Main Page Edit Copy[edit]

The main page is protected to stop vandalism. There is an edit copy that you can make changes to:

Main Page/editcopy

If you need adjustments to the templates or format, contact me on the wiki editor Discord.

ShySkream (talk) 09:48, 15 October 2022 (UTC)

Outdated Main Page Sublists[edit]


The Text Wall that is the Main Page[edit]

Dark mode is a flashbang[edit]

In dark mode the container for nav buttons is stil #fff, opening the main page in dark mode causes eye pain.

-- Lilly, (talk) 18:12, 10 November 2022 (UTC)

Template:Daily Tip[edit]

Template:Daily_Tip was initially designed to be used on the Main Page, just to display the Loading screen tips (the ones in-game, not custom made ones) and add a little interest. It stagnated in part because there was no way to ensure that the page would get reloaded often enough to not just display the same tip all the time, but traffic might be sufficient to justify it.

Example: Many menus allow you to click and drag a setting to 'paint' it over many entries. This even works for things like outfits or food restrictions.

Thoughts on adding it? Harakoni (Wiki Moderator) (talk) 11:49, 26 April 2023 (UTC)