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Treatment&medical farming
Cauli (talkcontribs)

Treating downed animals with scaria can be used to train medical, and it can sometimes result in the animal bonding with the medic, which could make it worth it to treat scaria to have the tamed animal.

Maple653 (talkcontribs)

okay but like 3 industrial medicine is too much for my hoarding habit and also not every animal is viable to treat except maybe wargs or other high value animals but keep in mind you still need to tame them if you don't get good rng in which case it can be better to just wait for one to spawn in
also the chance of thrumbos spawning as manhunters is basically non-existent and feels more like a hypothetical on the page.
treating a downed animal's wounds could be worth it for some... petty xp and then just execute afterwards, it is not worth 3 industrial medicine for an animal that is going to be disposable in combat and if you really want bonded mood buffs i would just suggest waste rats instead since they reproduce rapidly and have enough trainability to be bonded with.

Cauli (talkcontribs)

You don't need to tame bonded animals, the act of bonding with a wild animal tames it. So, you have a pawn you want to train in medical and some downed animals (yes, it's dangerous to do it with scariad animals) you draft the pawn and tend the animal (you could probably make an animal sleeping spot close to it, but I do it this way), and if the animal bonds with your pawn, you treat scaria. You should probably do it anyways so it doesn't die and give your pawn negative thoughts.

Maple653 (talkcontribs)

again bonding is based on rng which is what i mentioned but clearly that wasn't read judging by the opening sentence so you actually have to get lucky enough for it to even happen. And regarding the bonded animal died moodlet I believe you could just counsel that with the ideology dlc where you could have the animal personhood precept if you wanted to improve your gambling chances at the very mild cost of your colonists losing their minds when you try to farm meat for your animals or just wargs for that matter

Cauli (talkcontribs)

Well, it happened to me once, and I think it may be worth noting.

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