Topic on Talk:Metalhorror

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Maple653 (talkcontribs)

overall i think the analysis is rather limited in its method because it does not consider infection spread or in the event both doctors are infected, or other methods of discovery if any

The steam post going into detail about metalhorrors states multiple ways of identifying a host, one of which mentions imprisoning and interrogating colonists, and analyzing the gray flesh, is this possible in release?

can a doctor be reserved in a cryptosleep casket for when an infection is discovered?

When limiting future infection spread, can guests or newly recruited raiders be placed in another zone separated from the main group?

When an infection is discovered, can you just switch all colonist diets to only include nutrient paste or raw food such as berries to limit infection spread from cooked food?

When does medical testing become available, is it always available or just when an infection is discovered? Does it also have a medical skill requirement?

The article states this "Metalhorrors are entities that infect other creatures" this implies not only humanoids are prone to infection, but also animals?

Children have rather low body part health, so can a metalhorror emerging out of a child kill them? how much damage do the reveal cuts deal.

Maple653 (talkcontribs)

I will add I also had an idea for discovering even with infected doctors what if you purposefully infect a pawn and kill them afterward. This should guarantee a reveal if the doctor was also infected. I do wish I could test a lot of this myself, but I am unfortunately broke and cannot afford the anomaly DLC

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