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| description = A spike mounted upright for the purpose of piercing and displaying a human skull. To some, displayed skulls are a symbol of power. To others, they represent barbaric evil. Skullspikes are an especially brutal and effective way to terrorize slaves.
| description = A spike mounted upright for the purpose of piercing and displaying a human skull. To some, displayed skulls are a symbol of power. To others, they represent barbaric evil. Skullspikes are an especially brutal and effective way to terrorize slaves.
| type = Building
| type = Building
| type2 = Misc
| type2 = Ideology (Building)
| placeable = true
| placeable = true
| path cost = 30
| path cost = 30

Revision as of 07:55, 14 December 2023



A spike mounted upright for the purpose of piercing and displaying a human skull. To some, displayed skulls are a symbol of power. To others, they represent barbaric evil. Skullspikes are an especially brutal and effective way to terrorize slaves.

Base Stats

BuildingIdeology (Building)
15 kg
Path Cost
30 (30%)


1 × 1
pass through only
Cover Effectiveness
Blocks Wind
Terrain Affordance


Skill Required
Construction 4
Work To Make
1,600 ticks (26.67 secs)
Stuff Tags
Woody, Metallic
Resources to make
Stuff 25 + Skull 1
Deconstruct yield
Stuff 12 - 13 + Skull 0 - 1
Destroy yield
Stuff 6 - 7 + Skull 0 - 1

A Skullspike is a decoration added by the Ideology DLC. It inflicts terror on slaves and gives a mood buff or debuff to other pawns depending on their ideology.


Constructing a skullspike requires Stuff 25 Stuff (Woody/Metallic, 250 for SVMs), Skull 1 Skull, 1,600 ticks (26.67 secs) of work, and a Construction skill of 4. They can be created regardless of ideoligion.

They can also be found in the faction bases of factions with the Skullspike: Desired precept as part of their ideoligion.


Skullspikes give a mood buff or malus depending on the Skullspike precept. Non-masochist pawns with Skullspikes: Desired gain a +1 moodlet for being near 1-3 of them, +2 mood for being near 4-8, and +3 mood for being near 9 or more. Non-masochist pawns with Skullspikes: Disapproved get −1 to −3 mood at the same thresholds.

Worth 25 terror to slaves in a 4 tile radius. When slaves are near a terror structure, they will gain suppression.

Skullspikes will display the name of the pawn from whom the skull used to construct it was extracted.


Skullspikes are a rather cheap way to get up to +3 mood for suitable ideoligions, simply by being near them. Install them in dining/recreation rooms, so that all your pawns will see them.

There is no functional reason to not have the Skullspikes: Desired precept; this precept can be put on any ideoligion, it does not penalize you for not having skulls around, and the Skullspikes: Disapproved precept offers no benefit.

Their improvement in slave suppression is small, and redundant when slaves are in slave collars and slave body straps and not wearing any suppression loss increasing apparel. If there is cause to put slaves in other apparel, then skullspikes are a cheap way to slightly reduce reliance on wardens, especially if they already provide the small mood buff to your colonists.

Stats table

  • Skullspike Skullspike Beauty Work to Build HP Flamma­bility Market
    Bioferrite Bioferrite Content added by the Anomaly DLC 0 004,000 ticks (1.11 mins) 300 0% 38 Silver
    Gold Gold 20 001,440 ticks (24 secs) 90 0% 2,510 Silver
    Plasteel Plasteel 0 003,520 ticks (58.67 secs) 420 0% 245 Silver
    Silver Silver 6 001,600 ticks (26.67 secs) 105 0% 260 Silver
    Steel Steel 0 001,600 ticks (26.67 secs) 150 0% 58 Silver
    Uranium Uranium 0 003,040 ticks (50.67 secs) 375 0% 166 Silver
    Wood Wood 0 001,120 ticks (18.67 secs) 98 0% 39 Silver
  • Version history

    • Ideology DLC Release - Added.
    • 1.3.3101 - Can now be walked through.
    • 1.3.3117 - Now displays whose skull is contained inside on their inspect pane. Path cost 0 -> 30.