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Hello! This is Harakoni's user page. You can see my contributions here. I also created the following templates:

I also created the following that are not yet templates but are similar mechanically to the above.

If you have any issue with any of them, please feel free to ask.

Hey Harakoni, if you're looking for your mess its here: User:Harakoni/Sandbox



  • Merge Armor and Clothing into Apparel page
    • Heat Armor
    • Finish convert of Armor comparison table into row template ala ranged table on Weapons, including steel and plasteel versions of material dependent metal items, include cloth, devilstrand, hyperweave and thrumbofur of cloth items? Maybe bloat. Put cloth items on clothing table only?
    • Stuffable tag on items? Need some way to automate knowing which materials to apply and can't trust the, system - war veil is armor but takes textiles. A stuffable tag saying "Metallic" "Leathery" "Fabric" "Woody" would allow you to check if the var contains the tag, and display the relevant information. Template: Armor material table and Template: Clothing material table could be merged and the right variants coupld be displayed on the Comparison table (e.g. devilstrand, thrumbofur, hyperweave, plainleather for clothing, plasteel and steel for metallic armor)
      • This same method could be used for automatic weapon materials tables. Maybe merged quality/material table.
    • Create Clothing comparison table
  • Weapon Material Table
  • Make weapon quality table show details for the steel/plasteel on stuffable sharp, and steel/uranium on stuffable blunt
  • Armor material table value calculator is not quite right. Theres a round issue and also - See Market Value - its not a straight multiplier but to work it out you'd need to get resource values to put in whcih you can't because the FLAK helmet exists. The current hack is asume the base market value is steel, and assuming the item is ALL steel. But you can't do that.
  • Create Weapon Quality Table template - requires optional arugments to deal with wood, stone and metal weapons and weapons that can be several material types.
    • Apply template to other pages.
  • Turn leather ask into a template to allow easy updating
  • Make persona trait formatting consistent
  • Create Melee weapon comparison table, include implant weapons.
  • Get feedback on how to handle extra effects of weapons - EMP damage on Zeushammer, Fire on Plasmasword, Toxic Buildup on Venom Fangs/Talons and how to display them on tables without messing with automated math. Maybe add new "special damage", "special damage type" and "special damage DPS" categories to infobox? Seems like bloat.
  • Finish converting Category: Body Part from terrible Template: Body Part to infobox for greater utility. (e.g. Armor comparison of the -skin Glands and weapon comparions for the implant weapons)
  • Fix Wood not counting as a weapon
  • Investigate sarcophagus giving a mood boost
  • Pyromaniac mood boost - just incendiary launcher or molotovs as well? Wb inferno cannons or plasmaswords? Add to pages.
  • Update:
  • Zeushammer vs shiedl?
  • Disassembling now called shredding and only produces steel?


  • RimWorld Wiki talk:To-do The auto lists are broken. Fix how?
  • RimWorld Wiki:To-do Versions need to be integrated and the lists deleted as you go.
  • Bring everything under the same Into; Acqusition; Analysis; Tables; Trivia; Version History; format
  • Template talk:Infobox main STDT tables don't play nice with infoboxes. Wikitables do. Why? How fix? Fix. Jimyoda is working on it.
  • Add "crafted at" tag to info boxes, so you can see at a glance whats crafted where.
  • Investigate the efficacy of using ranged weapons as blunt melee weapons
    • Melee dps and AP of ranged weapons IS affected by Quality
  • The big tables - literally every quality and mat combo all in one sortable tables. Want to know if a poor uranium gladius has a better dps than good gold ikwa? You can. Wb a legendary greatbow vs a poor assualt rifle? On the ranged table. Not for the main wiki pages ofc.


  • Template: Infobox main cleanup. Weapons especially.
    • There is a way to search in the text of infobox variables, which would allow things like an automated ask to put on materials pages like [{Advanced Component]]. This would let you list every item on the wiki with that component in it. Unfortunatley the current formatting using the icon template makes the information unsearchable. Perhaps applying the icon template in the OUTPUT of the infobox, and making the input as simple as "10 components + 15 gold" and using string functions on that would be better and allow searchability but it would require updating EVERY INFOBOX ON THE WIKI to do.