Property:Stub Reason

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Showing 20 pages using this property.
General - Summary missing and analysis is currently just a Copy-paste of minor tactics previously on [[Psycasts]] - needs verification, rewriting, formatting, and expansion  +
Formatting, shared mechanics if templatized (see psycast) etc  +
Section:See [[Robe]] for additional info  +
General  +
General, while not directly comparable, see drug pages like [[go-juice]] for similar standsrd  +, Section:Missing analysis  +
General - tables, times til, analysis etc See other needs for examples  +, Section:What counts for reset? Surgical euthanasia, ritual sacrifice, wildman hunting slaughter?  +
Section:Bring Summary up to standard  +
General but also Acquisition and how it interacts with Ideoligions  +
General but also Acquisition and how it interacts with Ideoligions  +
Section:Value proposition - when is it useful to use them vs just giving everyone something proposition, how much of a practical effect does it have  +
Determine method of Labyrinth threat scale, rewards odds, compilation of unique structures, exact means of teleportation, both in and out of the labyrinth including living/dead creatures and inanimate objects.  +
General stub and parity across [[Small altar]], [[Medium altar]], [[Large altar]], [[Grand altar]] and [[Ideogram]]  +, Section:Analysis missing - general analysis needed for in game and lure game - when to build, worth it, material selection, comparison other altar and alternatives etc.  +
General. Also ensure parity with [[Mech recharger]]  +
Raider avoidance mechanic - ensure parity with all other similar items  +, Section:Better comparison of nature options, and when to use this if ever. Some mention of other focus also valuable  +
Bare bones, needs contributing factors  +
This page is included in the [[RimWorld_Wiki:To-do#Butchery project|Butchery project]] - there are a number of factors that are in need of verification and potentially addition to this section. See that page for details  +
General stub, no summary of mechanics, no analysis, intro text needs work.  +
Analysis needed  +
1) Version history says added by dlc but no banner. is it defined in in core, was it added by the core update or the DLC, did it switch at some point 2) mechanical detail and two way links e.g. on ailments  +