Simple research bench

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Simple research bench

Simple research bench

A simple bench with writing implements and simple measurement devices. Researchers work here to discover new things.

Base Stats

20 kg
Path Cost


3 × 2
pass through only
Cover Effectiveness
Terrain Affordance


Work To Make
2,800 ticks (46.67 secs)
Stuff Tags
Metallic, Woody, Stony
Resources to make
Stuff 75 + Steel 25
Deconstruct yield
Stuff 37 - 38 + Steel 12 - 13
Destroy yield
Stuff 18 - 19 + Steel 6 - 7

A simple research bench is a production bench for laboratory at which your colonists can research new technology.

It is the less advanced version of the hi-tech research bench, only allowing access to the basic technologies including those which unlock its more advanced counterpart.

Colonists won't research just with six tiles. Seventh tile must be a door or empty tile with some chair.


Simple research benches can be constructed with Stuff 75 Stuff (Metallic/Woody/Stony, 750 for SMVs), Steel 25 Steel in 2,800 ticks (46.67 secs).


Once a project has been selected in the Research tab, colonists assigned to Research work type will work at a simple research bench to complete the project.

The rate of research depends on the following factors:

  • The research speed stat of the researcher
  • The type of research bench used. Simple research benches impose a ×0.75 multiplier to this research rate and are incapable of researching projects beyond Microelectronics.
  • Whether the bench is outdoors and, if indoors, the cleanliness of the room. Building research benches outdoors imposes a ×0.75 penalty to research speed. Indoors, the cleanliness of the room the bench is in comes into play, granting modifiers ranging from ×0.75 for very dirty rooms, ×1 for clean, to ×1.09 for sterile.

Current work speed penalties can be inspected after selection.

Simple research benches cannot be linked to a multi-analyzer.

Multiple researchers can contribute toward a project at the same time, so long as sufficient research benches are available, and benches can be freely swapped between researchers.

Unlike the hi-tech research bench, they can be reinstalled at will.


The simple research bench should be one of the first things to be set up in a new base, after building rooms, beds, storage, and, possibly, a freezer. Multiple research benches can be used concurrently; as soon as you have the manpower to spare, you may want to have 2 researchers operating at once.

Because research is a long term task, it is advisable to place dining chairs or armchairs at each bench to keep your researchers comfortable. If resources are limited, placing half of the available researchers on a night shift allows them to share benches. Research benches should ideally be placed in their own room, called a Laboratory, and outside of major thorougfares to help keep them clean. Flooring the room is also highly recommended - placing down steel or sterile tile will even slightly increase research speed, but is less of a priority due to their cost. Sculptures and other beautiful items will keep the researchers happy. If investing any significant amount of resources into a laboratory, it is recommended to build it such that it will fit the larger, 5 × 2 tile, hi-tech research benches and multi-analyzer that will eventually be required.

Once they are unlocked, hi-tech research benches are 33.33% faster at researching. As soon as Microelectronics is researched and the colony has sufficient power and resources to construct them, simple benches should be replaced with hi-tech benches, which also unlocks all projects beyond Microelectronics.

If resources are tight but several researchers are available, simple research benches can be retained in order to research less complex technologies. Simple and hi-tech research benches may be used together, though pawns will automatically abandon any simple benches when hi-tech is required.

Stats table

  • Simple research bench Simple research bench Beauty Work to Build HP Flamma­bility Market
    Bioferrite Bioferrite Content added by the Anomaly DLC 0 007,000 ticks (1.94 mins) 500 75% 129 Silver
    Gold Gold 20 002,520 ticks (42 secs) 150 40% 7,555 Silver
    Granite blocks Granite blocks 0 016,940 ticks (4.71 mins) 425 0% 176 Silver
    Limestone blocks Limestone blocks 0 016,940 ticks (4.71 mins) 388 0% 176 Silver
    Marble blocks Marble blocks 1 015,540 ticks (4.32 mins) 300 0% 171 Silver
    Plasteel Plasteel 0 006,160 ticks (1.71 mins) 700 0% 745 Silver
    Sandstone blocks Sandstone blocks 0 014,140 ticks (3.93 mins) 350 0% 166 Silver
    Silver Silver 6 002,800 ticks (46.67 secs) 175 40% 810 Silver
    Slate blocks Slate blocks 0 016,940 ticks (4.71 mins) 325 0% 176 Silver
    Steel Steel 0 002,800 ticks (46.67 secs) 250 40% 200 Silver
    Jade Jade 10 014,000 ticks (3.89 mins) 125 0% 475 Silver
    Uranium Uranium 0 005,320 ticks (1.48 mins) 625 0% 515 Silver
    Wood Wood 0 001,960 ticks (32.67 secs) 163 100% 145 Silver
  • Version history
