Growth vat

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Growth vat

Growth vat

A vat of fluid which can gestate an embryo or accelerate a child's growth.
While growing or gestating, the vat must be fed with a constant supply of nutrition to provide the feedstock for growth. Gestating an embryo takes twice the nutrition of accelerating a child's growth.
Embryos are gestated for 9 days before a baby is formed. There is a risk of health complications.
Child growth can only be accelerated up to age 18, but not beyond. While growing, a child's skills will slowly increase. Children raised in growth vats will have lower skills and gain fewer passions than normal.
The device uses chemical injections, electrical stimulation, and simple mechanite treatments to push the body to grow. Growth vats are often used to quickly manufacture engineered workers or warriors.

Base Stats

Market Value
440 Silver [Note]
30 kg
Path Cost


1 × 2
"PassThroughOnly" is not in the list (impassable, pass through only, standable) of allowed values for the "Passability" property.
Cover Effectiveness
-80 W


Required Research
Growth vats
Work To Make
8,000 ticks (2.22 mins)
Resources to make
Steel 150 + Component 4
Deconstruct yield
Steel 75 + Component 2
Destroy yield
Steel 37 - 38 + Component 1

The growth vat is a building added by the Biotech DLC. It allows the gestation and accelerated aging of babies and children.


Growth vats can be constructed once the Growth vats research project has been completed. Each requires Steel 150 Steel, Component 4 Components and 8,000 ticks (2.22 mins) of work.


While hosting a human, growth vats require a constant 200W of power as well as nutrition. Both raw and processed foods, including nutrient paste, can be inserted.[Hay?] None of the usual mood bonuses or maluses from different food types, such as from human meat, are applied. Hosting an embryo costs 6 nutrition per day and aging a child costs 3 nutrition per day. The vat's contents can be ejected immediately by the player by canceling vat growth; if it was an embryo, it will be destroyed. When no pawn is inside, the power consumption reduces to 80W

If the pod has no power or nutrition, the being inside will enter Biostarvation, increasing in severity by 50% per day starved, and decreasing 10% per day properly supplied. Biostarvation increases nutrition consumption in a vat by +10% at all severities, and kills at 100%. If a biostarved pawn escapes the vat, then hunger rate will be increased by +50%.

Baby creation

Growth vats be used to grow an embryo in 9 days, twice as fast as natural pregnancy, and regardless of either parent's Fertility (as long as it's above 0%). This comes without risk to the mother, but the baby can still arrive sick.

Growth vats have a birth quality of 70%. There is roughly an 89.1% chance for the baby to be born healthy.


Colonists under 18 can also have their aging sped up by 20x, i.e., it takes 3 days to age 1 year. This ignores the default 4x aging multiplier for babies and children, so a vat is 5x faster than that. While in the vat, a pawn's needs are frozen like in cryptosleep, and children will not gain growth points. Every 3 days inside the vat, they will gain a small amount of skill, even if a baby.[Rate?]

Non-psychopath parents (including surrogates) will have a −4 My child is in a growth vat moodlet while their kid is inside. This can be altered by ideoligion.Content added by the Ideology DLC

Biological Age Time in vat No Vat
Base Vat Growth Vats: EssentialContent added by the Ideology DLC 400% Aging[1]
+1 Year 3 days 2.3 days 15 days
+3 Years 9 days 6.9 days 45 days
+5 Years 15 days 11.5 days 75 days
Age 3 to 13 30 days 23.1 days 152.4 days
Embryo to 18 72 days 52.6 days[2] 322 days
  1. Default child aging value from 0 to 11. Note that children will start to age slower from this speed after reaching 11 biological years of age. See Children#Aging for more details.
  2. Growth Vats: Essential does not apply to pawns without the ideoligion, i.e. embryos and babies age normally.


IdeoligionsContent added by the Ideology DLC can have an optional Growth Vats precept with two options:

  • "Growth vats: Essential" boosts grow vat speed by +30% (children grow 26x faster) if the child has the ideoligion - babies and embryos are not boosted. It negates the parent mood penalty, instead giving parents +2 mood for their own child in a vat.[Verify] When expectations are moderate or higher, it gives parents a −2 Child not in growth vat mood for their child not being in a vat (stacking up to 3 times), pregnant pawns gain a −5 Natural pregnancy mood when pregnant, and all colonists gain a −3 No growth vats moodlet if the colony has no growth vats.[Verify]
  • "Growth vats: Prohibited" gives negative mood for growth vats in your colony, and when any embryo or child is in a growth vat. The My child is in a growth vat increases to −8 (stacking 3 times, nullified by the psychopath trait), and gives a +1 Child not in growth vat mood for their child not being in a vat (stacking 3 times). All colonists gain a −3 Growth vat moodlet if the colony has a growth vat.

If neither precept is chosen, the ideoligion has no effect.


If the Learning need is nonexistent, then growth vats will not negatively impact a pawn's development:

  • Babies (0-3) can be placed in the growth vat to speed up reaching toddler age. There are no apparent ill effects on the baby, and they even train an age-3 valid skill (Shooting, Melee, Social).
    • However, parents who dislike growth vats gain the −4 moodlet, and it negates the mood buffs from having a happy baby in the colony.
  • If a child (3-13) is at growth tier 8, then no more growth points can be obtained, though children can learn from Work Watching or Lessons. Either way, the benefits are minor: these children will be a few days from growing up naturally.
  • Aging a teen (13-17) to 18 has no ill effect, and removes the body size and work penalties from being underaged. This costs up to 15 days of an almost-adult's time.

In these cases, vats exchange time for the cost of nutrition and power. Each vat doesn't consume much power, while nutrition can usually be solved by simply growing more food. For reference, an embryo is roughly equal to 4 colonists worth of food, consuming 60 simple meals over the 9 days. Growing a child is equal to 2 colonists.

On the other hand, fully vatgrown baseliners end up being fairly weak pawns. A vatgrown child will end up with 0 passions, very weak skills, and 3 random traits - a wanderer or just about any prisoner recruit is likely to just be better, without consuming nearly as much nutrition. Regardless, vats will ignore the game's natural population curve, and will always be able to fight, haul, and clean competently. Of these, hauling and cleaning can be accomplished with lifters and cleansweepers, both which are cheap and very early on the mechanitor progression path.


While raw food can be put into the dispenser, virtually any means of cooking a meal gives more nutrition per food item. The absolute best way to prepare food is the nutrient paste meal, which triples nutrition. However, colonists won't automatically dispense nutrient paste for a growth vat; they will only haul meals on the floor to it. See Nutrient paste#Manually producing meals for how you can stockpile nutrient paste.

Without nutrient paste researched, or if you don't want to micromanage everything, baby food is the next best way to prepare vegetables. Simple meals are the next best way to prepare other food items.

There are no penalties to anyone for using insect meat, already-butchered human meat, or other usually undesirable food items in a vat.

Organ harvesting

Children can be organ harvested as soon as they are 3 years old.

  • It takes a total of 90 simple meals or 1620 baby food to grow an embryo (54 nutrition to grow an embryo, 27 nutrition to grow a newborn to 3). Depending on preparation method, this costs 900 (meals) or 810 (baby food) items of virtually any raw food. 810 corn is worth Silver 891, plus preperation time. Human meat is cheaper.
  • You can harvest 1 kidney (Silver 900), 1 lung (Silver 1,000), and either a heart or a liver ( Silver 1,200), for a total of Silver Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character ","..
    • If you can create prosthetic hearts, you can spend a prosthetic heart (230) to get both a heart and a liver, for a net total of Silver Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character ","..

Therefore, each vat-child nets a profit of Silver Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character ",". in organs by using corn, before Trade Price Improvement and difficulty. However, vatgrowing organs has 2 downsides:

  1. Children have lower HP. If an operation fails, then even a "minor" failure is likely to outright kill.
  2. Children will be related to somebody in the colony. If the parents are not a psychopath, then their mood will be greatly hit.
  • This does not account for the usual organ harvest penalties.

Basically, an organ harvesting operation using a Cannibalism: Acceptable and Organ Use: Acceptable ideoligionContent added by the Ideology DLC, with a prisoner/psychopath mother and psychopath father (male prisoners cannot fertilize embryos) is highly profitable, and comes with no mood downsides. You can give the child EMP grenades and make them "guilty", removing the moodlet for colonist death. All that's needed is a good doctor, some medicine, and preferably a hospital bed. Without a pro-organ ideoligion, mood impacts start to matter more, but... it can still be profitable.

Of course, creating a proper organ farm should be compared to the money you'd get from a "normal" HR setup. At a certain point, selling human leather and raider organs should be enough money to buy anything you'd need.

Version History