Smokeleaf joint

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Revision as of 19:17, 24 July 2017 by Jimyoda (talk | contribs) (→‎Gameplay Overview: Minor rewrite.)
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<ul><li>"social" is not in the list (None, Medical, Social, Hard, Any) of allowed values for the "Drug Category" property.</li> <!--br--><li>"chemical" is not in the list (Chemical, Gluttonous, Meditative, Social, Gaming_Dexterity, Gaming_Cerebral, Television, Telescope, Reading, HighCulture) of allowed values for the "Joy Kind" property.</li> <!--br--><li>"neolithic" is not in the list (Neolithic, Medieval, Industrial, Archotech, Spacer, Ultra) of allowed values for the "Tech Level" property.</li></ul>

Smokeleaf joint

Joint c.png

Smokeleaf leaves prepared in small rolls for smoking. The drug improves mood, but also increases appetite, reduces focus and slows movement. Smokeleaf use can produce a dependency.
Joints can be produced at a crafting spot without equipment, and are a fixture in many traditional low-industriousness cultures.

DrugSocial Drug
Stack Limit

Base Stats

Deterioration Rate
Market Value
Max Hit Points
... further results

Stat Modifiers

... further results

Gameplay Overview

Since smokeleaf joints don't require research, unlike other drugs, they can be crafted in the early game in large quantities to be traded for profit. Joints may be safely consumed due to their relatively low addiction rate.

The default drug policy allows colonists to smoke a toke whenever they feel like it. This can burden a colony with reduced productivity, so it may be worth changing the default policy immediately upon starting a new colony.

Taking one smokeleaf joint every two days will not cause dependency. Pawns with the chemical interest or related traits will however override regulations to smoke, giving it an addiction risk. In addition to the stat changes, colonists gain a mellow +15 mood buff while stoned.

The high from one joint with no tolerance lasts 12 hours.


If a pawn develops a visible tolerance to smokeleaf, they will develop asthma or carcinoma in the lungs in a mean time of 180 days.


  • The game actually recognizes the character binge as alcoholic mental break (major drug binge).
  • If a colonist has a low enough consciousness (<30%) then smoking a joint can be fatal to them.