Juggernaut serum

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Juggernaut serum

Juggernaut serum

A syringe of opaque milky-yellow liquid that increases the user's strength and speed, and allows them to recover from injuries faster. The serum is injected into the user's musculature, where it adds energy to various metabolic processes. However, the unstable substance also psychically influences the mind, provoking unsettling thoughts and severely reducing the user's mood.

Base Stats

Tech Level
Market Value
200 Silver
Stack Limit
0.5 kg
Path Cost
14 (48%)


Maximum To Ingest
Ingestion Time
100 ticks (1.67 secs)


Crafted At
Serum lab
Required Research
Juggernaut serum
Skill Required
Crafting 4
Work To Make
1,080 ticks (18 secs)
Work Speed Stat
Drug Synthesis Speed
Resources to make
Twisted meat 20 + Bioferrite 10

The juggernaut serum is serum, a consumable item added by the Anomaly DLC, that significantly increases a pawn's melee combat ability at the expense of a mood penalty.


Juggernaut serums can be crafted at a serum lab once the Juggernaut serum research project has been completed. Note that this research requires dark study to unlock. Each requires Twisted meat 20 Twisted meat, Bioferrite 10 Bioferrite, 1,080 ticks (18 secs) of work modified by the drug synthesis speed of the crafter, and a crafting skill of 4.

It can also occasionally be bought from traders. [Detail Needed]


"A serum is super-powering this person's musculature, making them stronger and faster, but reducing their mood due to discomfort."

— Juggernaut hediff description

Juggernaut serum is a powerful combat enhancement serum. As all serums, it lacks the traditional high mechanics of other drugs.

Upon injection[edit]

A pawn taking juggernaut serum will do so right where they stand without looking for a place to sit first. Juggernaut serum is taken by ingestion, taking 100 ticks (1.67 secs). It applies the "juggernaut" hediff with the following effects for 10 days:


Juggernaut serum is an incredibly powerful combat drug, specially for melee combatants, with no Overdose risk whilst also being relatively cheap. It's also useful for ranged colonists, as the healing factor and move speed bonus can help with strafing and healing from stray shots, and for reducing the down time of injured colonist. It can also be combined with Go-juice or any other drug.

In a colony that is mass producing bioferrite and with large stockpiles of twisted meat, whenever from a captured fleshmass heart or from butchered entities, it can be added to the list of combat drugs that all colonists take.

Mood mitigation[edit]

The mood debuff can be mitigated by taking psychite tea or any other safe drug, Fine/Lavish meals, or paired with the mood buff from Go-juice. Others mood management techniques also apply.

The inhumanized hediff will prevent the mood penalty. A mind-numb serum will also remove this mood penalty for 2 days, alongside all other thoughts.


Besides combat, the increased moving speed can make pawns significantly faster at hauling, indirectly aiding other tasks. It also counters/mitigates the move speed penalty from other pieces of gear/implants. If the mood penalty can be managed and the required resources abundant, there's no reason to not use this serum on all colonist that do not remain stationary most of the time.

Version history[edit]