Immunity Gain Speed

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Revision as of 05:51, 30 September 2020 by Harakoni (talk | contribs)
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Immunity Gain Speed is a stat: The speed at which this character gains immunity to diseases. If this is too slow, the character will die from the disease before developing immunity. Its default value is 100%.


Immunity gain speed is determined by the following factors:

  • Hunger/Food:
    • 100%: Fed or Hungry
    • 90%: Urgently Hungry
    • 70%: Starving
  • Rest:
    • 100%: Rested
    • 96%: Tired
    • 92%: Very tired
    • 80%: Exhausted
  • Vitals monitor
    • 112%: When attached to any bed that's set to medical (110% + 2%)
    • 116%: When attached to a Hospital bed (114% + 2%)
    • A vitals monitor can be attached to up to 8 adjacent beds, but only one vitals monitor can be attached per bed. The effects of multiple vitals monitors do not stack.
  • Age: [Fact-check needed]
    • 100%: Up to age 40.
    • 99%: At age 41; continues decreasing by 1% per 2 years over 40 (until 79).
    • 90%: At age 59; continues as above.
    • 80%: At age 79; stops decreasing.

In addition to this stat, immunity gain is affected by the medical tend quality, and each infection has its own InfectionLuck factor which adjusts the final gain by 80% (Bad luck) to 120% (Good luck).