Template:Melee Weapons Table/Material

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This template can be used as an intermediate template if you want to call Template:Melee Weapons Table Row but want multiple materials.


The following example is taken from blunt weapons.

<div><li style="display: inline-table;">
{| {{STDT|any}}
! Feature !! Toggle
{{Control Panel|MeleeWeaponsTable|label = [[Material]]}}
<div><li style="display: inline-table;">
{| {{STDT|sortable c_06 text-center}}
! colspan="2" rowspan="2" style="vertical-align: middle;" | Name
! style="vertical-align: middle;" rowspan="2" | Material
! colspan="2" style="border:#c56e6c 2px; border-style: none solid none solid;" | Awful 
! colspan="2" style="border:#c56e6c 2px; border-style: none solid none solid;" | Poor
! colspan="2" style="border:#c56e6c 2px; border-style: none solid none solid;" | Normal or<br/>no Quality
! colspan="2" style="border:#c56e6c 2px; border-style: none solid none solid;" | Good
! colspan="2" style="border:#c56e6c 2px; border-style: none solid none solid;" | Excellent
! colspan="2" style="border:#c56e6c 2px; border-style: none solid none solid;" | Masterwork
! colspan="2" style="border:#c56e6c 2px; border-style: none solid none solid;" | Legendary
! rowspan="2" style="border:#c56e6c 2px; border-style: none solid none solid;" | Average<br/>cooldown
! rowspan="2" style="vertical-align: middle; border:#c56e6c 2px; border-style: none solid none solid;" | Damage<br/>type
! rowspan="2" style="vertical-align: middle;" data-sort-type="number" | Value<br/>in {{Icon Small|silver}}
! style="background-color:#f68a87; border:#c56e6c 2px; border-style: none none none solid;" | {{DPS}} 
! style="background-color:#f68a87; border:#c56e6c 2px; border-style: none solid none none;" | {{AP}}
! style="background-color:#f68a87; border:#c56e6c 2px; border-style: none none none solid;" | {{DPS}} 
! style="background-color:#f68a87; border:#c56e6c 2px; border-style: none solid none none;" | {{AP}}
! style="background-color:#f68a87; border:#c56e6c 2px; border-style: none none none solid;" | {{DPS}} 
! style="background-color:#f68a87; border:#c56e6c 2px; border-style: none solid none none;" | {{AP}}
! style="background-color:#f68a87; border:#c56e6c 2px; border-style: none none none solid;" | {{DPS}} 
! style="background-color:#f68a87; border:#c56e6c 2px; border-style: none solid none none;" | {{AP}}
! style="background-color:#f68a87; border:#c56e6c 2px; border-style: none none none solid;" | {{DPS}} 
! style="background-color:#f68a87; border:#c56e6c 2px; border-style: none solid none none;" | {{AP}}
! style="background-color:#f68a87; border:#c56e6c 2px; border-style: none none none solid;" | {{DPS}} 
! style="background-color:#f68a87; border:#c56e6c 2px; border-style: none solid none none;" | {{AP}}
! style="background-color:#f68a87; border:#c56e6c 2px; border-style: none none none solid;" | {{DPS}} 
! style="background-color:#f68a87; border:#c56e6c 2px; border-style: none solid none none;" | {{AP}}
! {{Icon Small|human}}
! style="text-align: left" | Unarmed [[human]]
! –
| data-sort-value="{{#vardefineecho:humanDPS|{{True Melee DPS Calculator|Human}} }}" | –
| data-sort-value="{{#var:trueAP  }}" | –
| data-sort-value="{{#var:humanDPS}}" | –
| data-sort-value="{{#var:trueAP  }}" | –
| {{#var:humanDPS}}
| {{#var:trueAP}}%
| data-sort-value="{{#var:humanDPS}}" | –
| data-sort-value="{{#var:trueAP  }}" | –
| data-sort-value="{{#var:humanDPS}}" | –
| data-sort-value="{{#var:trueAP  }}" | –
| data-sort-value="{{#var:humanDPS}}" | –
| data-sort-value="{{#var:trueAP  }}" | –
| data-sort-value="{{#var:humanDPS}}" | –
| data-sort-value="{{#var:trueAP  }}" | –
| 2 s
| Blunt
| –
{{#ask: [[Category:Blunt Weapons]] [[Mode::Melee]]
  | named args = yes
  | ?Name = weaponMWT
  | format = template
  | template = Melee Weapons Table/Material
  | limit = 500
  | sort = Name
:{{Note label|Ultra|C|C}} These weapons cannot be created by the player, they are able to be obtained through quests and purchasing them from Merchants. All but the [[Eltex staff]] come in "[[Persona weapon|persona]]" variants that cannot be wielded by anyone other than the bonded pawn unless it has the "[[freewielder]]" trait, so make sure you choose a good pawn to use them.
  • Feature Toggle
    MaterialRitual Quality Check Off.png
  • Name Material Awful Poor Normal or
    no Quality
    Good Excellent Masterwork Legendary Average
    in Silver
    Human Unarmed human 4.1 12% 2 s Blunt
    Beer Beer 4.4 12.75% 2 s Blunt 12
    Breach axe Breach axe Steel Steel 5.14 9.4% 5.68 10.39% 6.22 11.38% 6.76 12.36% 7.3 13.35% 8.65 15.82% 9.73 17.79% 1.25 s Blunt 113
    Club Club Steel Steel 6.31 18.83% 2 s Blunt 80
    Eltex staff Eltex staff Content added by the Royalty DLC [C] 3.98 12.6% 4.12 13.4% 4.51 16.5% 4.88 17.85% 5.24 19.2% 6.16 22.58% 6.9 25.28% 2.45 s Blunt 2,000
    Mace Mace Steel Steel 5.69 17.27% 6.32 19.18% 6.95 21.08% 7.57 22.99% 8.2 24.9% 9.76 29.67% 11.02 33.49% 2 s Blunt 117
    Persona zeushammer Persona zeushammer Content added by the Royalty DLC [C] 9.91 31.07% 11.06 34.7% 13.17 40% 14.49 44% 15.8 48% 19.1 58% 21.73 66% 2.05 s Blunt + EMP 3,000
    Warhammer Warhammer Content added by the Royalty DLC Steel Steel 5.64 21.07% 6.28 23.45% 6.91 25.83% 7.55 28.22% 8.19 30.6% 9.78 36.56% 11.26 43.73% 2.6 s Blunt 350
    Wood Wood 4.78 14.25% 2 s Blunt 1.2
    Zeushammer Zeushammer Content added by the Royalty DLC [C] 7.62 31.07% 8.52 34.7% 9.41 38.33% 10.3 41.97% 11.78 48% 14.24 58% 16.2 66% 2.75 s Blunt + EMP 2,000
    C These weapons cannot be created by the player, they are able to be obtained through quests and purchasing them from Merchants. All but the Eltex staff come in "persona" variants that cannot be wielded by anyone other than the bonded pawn unless it has the "freewielder" trait, so make sure you choose a good pawn to use them.