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Poker table

Poker table

A table designed for playing gambling card games like poker. A great way to test your strategic skills and a bit of luck.

Base Stats

30 kg
Path Cost
42 (24%)


2 × 2
pass through only
Cover Effectiveness
Terrain Affordance
130% cerebral play


Required Research
Complex furniture
Skill Required
Construction 6
Work To Make
10,000 ticks (2.78 mins)
Stuff Tags
Metallic, Woody, Stony
Resources to make
Stuff 50 + Cloth 50 + Wood 25
Deconstruct yield
Stuff 25 + Cloth 25 + Wood 12 - 13
Destroy yield
Stuff 12 - 13 + Cloth 12 - 13 + Wood 6 - 7

A poker table is used for recreation by up to four colonists at once. It needs to have chairs surrounding it so colonists can use it.


The poker table can be constructed once Complex Furniture has been researched. It requires Stuff 50 Stuff (Metallic/Woody/Stony, 500 for SVMs), Cloth 50 Cloth, Wood 25 Wood and 10,000 ticks (2.78 mins) of work and a construction skill of 6.


Up to 4 pawns can use the table at once, but up to 8 chairs can be placed around the table - 2 per side. Therefore, only 4 chairs are needed and they can be placed on only 2 sides, saving space and allowing the table to be placed in a corner if necessary.

Compared to other recreation items, the poker table is tied with the billiards table with a recreation power of 130 percent. For New Arrivals colonies that don't need to research Complex Furniture, it the most powerful non-research recreation object. Its only downside is that it requires cloth. It is 30% more powerful than the chess table and the horseshoes pin and 10% more powerful than the tube television. The poker table is only beaten by the flatscreen television, with 10% more, and the megascreen television, with 30% more.

Arguably, it is better than the billiards table because players at the billiards table move around while playing, and do not gain recreation while moving. Additionally, billiards only supports half as many concurrent players and takes up a larger area. However, as they provide different recreation types, it is rarely a decision of one or the other and more a question of which one to build first.

The poker table provides cerebral play, as does the chess table and Game-of-Ur board. As pawns get bored of specific recreation types, the poker table can be seen as a direct replacement for those. However, mind must be paid to quality. While even a "Good" poker table is better than a "Legendary" game-of-Ur board, a high quality chess table may beat out a lower quality poker table - the specific recreation power should be considered, as should the ability for up to 4 pawns to play poker vs only 2 of the table and board.

  • Quality Awful Poor Normal Good Excellent Masterwork Legendary
    Rec Power 99% 114% 130% 146% 161% 182% 234%
  • Stats table

    Feature Toggle
    QualityRitual Quality Check Off.png
  • Poker table Poker table Beauty Recreation
    Work to Build HP Flamma­bility Market
    Quality Material
    Normal Bioferrite Bioferrite Content added by the Anomaly DLC 0 1.3 025,000 ticks (6.94 mins) 500 75% 230 Silver
    Normal Gold Gold 20 1.3 009,000 ticks (2.5 mins) 150 40% 5,135 Silver
    Normal Granite blocks Granite blocks 0 1.3 060,140 ticks (16.71 mins) 425 0% 365 Silver
    Normal Limestone blocks Limestone blocks 0 1.3 060,140 ticks (16.71 mins) 388 0% 365 Silver
    Normal Marble blocks Marble blocks 1 1.3 055,140 ticks (15.32 mins) 300 0% 350 Silver
    Normal Plasteel Plasteel 0 1.3 022,000 ticks (6.11 mins) 700 0% 635 Silver
    Normal Sandstone blocks Sandstone blocks 0 1.3 050,140 ticks (13.93 mins) 350 0% 330 Silver
    Normal Silver Silver 6 1.3 010,000 ticks (2.78 mins) 175 40% 640 Silver
    Normal Slate blocks Slate blocks 0 1.3 060,140 ticks (16.71 mins) 325 0% 365 Silver
    Normal Steel Steel 0 1.3 010,000 ticks (2.78 mins) 250 40% 235 Silver
    Normal Jade Jade 10 1.3 050,000 ticks (13.89 mins) 125 0% 535 Silver
    Normal Uranium Uranium 0 1.3 019,000 ticks (5.28 mins) 625 0% 475 Silver
    Normal Wood Wood 0 1.3 007,000 ticks (1.94 mins) 163 100% 190 Silver
  • Trivia

    Pawns can be seen playing poker with identical hands to those of the other players.