Difference between revisions of "Fingerspike"

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m (entity nav)
m (basic additional infobox data, although many new properties will need to be added, and handling for entity lifestages)
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| name = Fingerspike
| name = Fingerspike
| image = Fingerspike.png
| image = Fingerspike.png
| description = A fleshy dog-sized creature with a single spiked limb. Despite their short legs, fingerspikes can move remarkably fast.
<!-- Base Stats -->
| type = Entity
| type = Entity
| flammability = 1.25
<!-- Pawn -->
| lifespan = 10
| bodysize = 0.6
| mass = 60
| min comfortable temperature = -40
| max comfortable temperature = 60
<!-- Entity -->
<!-- Production -->
| meatname = Twisted meat
| meatyield = 70
<!-- Combat -->
| combatPower =
| movespeed = 5.1
| attack1dmg  = 7
| attack1type  = Stab
| attack1part  = MiddleSpike
| attack1cool = 180
| label = spike
| labelNoLocation = spike
| alwaysTreatAsWeapon = true
| chanceFactor = 0.5
| soundMeleeHit = Pawn_Fleshbeast_Attack_Spike
| attack2dmg = 3
| attack2type = Blunt
| attack2part = HeadAttackTool
| attack2cool = 180
| label = head
| ensureLinkedBodyPartsGroupAlwaysUsable = true
| chanceFactor = 0.2
| soundMeleeHit = Pawn_Fleshbeast_Attack_Blunt
<!-- Technical -->
| defName = Fingerspike
| label = fingerspike
| lifestages = Fully Formed Entity
| MinimumContainmentStrength = 20
| ToxicResistance = 0.5
| body = Fingerspike
| baseHealthScale = 0.5
| renderTree = Fingerspike
| deathAction Class="DeathActionProperties_Vanish" =
| workerClass = DeathActionWorker_Vanish
| filth = Filth_TwistedFlesh
| filthCountRange = 1~3
| meatExplosionSize = Small
| lifeStageAges =
| def = EntityFullyFormed
| soundWounded = Pawn_Fleshbeast_Fingerspike_Wounded
| soundDeath = Pawn_Fleshbeast_Fingerspike_Death
| soundCall = Pawn_Fleshbeast_Fingerspike_Call
<!-- Class="CompProperties_CanBeDormant" -->
| maxDistAwakenByOther = 3
| wakeUpDelayRange = 100~200
| jobDormancy = true
<!-- Class="CompProperties_WakeUpDormant" -->
| wakeUpOnDamage = true
| wakeUpCheckRadius = 4.9
| wakeUpIfAnyTargetClose = true
| wakeUpWithDelay = true
| activateMessageKey = MessageFingerspikeDisturbed
| activatePluralMessageKey = MessageFingerspikeDisturbedPlural
| wakeUpTargetingParams =
| canTargetBuildings = false
| canTargetAnimals = false
| canTargetMechs = false
| canTargetHumans = true
<!-- Class="CompProperties_Studiable" -->
| frequencyTicks = 120000
| knowledgeCategory = Basic
| minMonolithLevelForStudy = 1
| anomalyKnowledge = 1
| requiresHoldingPlatform = true
<!-- Class="CompProperties_ProducesBioferrite" -->
| bioferriteDensity = 2
<!-- ThingDef Name="BaseFleshbeast" ParentName="BasePawn" Abstract="True" =
| thingClass = Pawn
| category = Pawn
| selectable = true
| containedPawnsSelectable = true
| containedItemsSelectable = true
| tickerType = Normal
| altitudeLayer = Pawn
| useHitPoints = false
| hasTooltip = true
| soundImpactDefault = BulletImpact_Flesh
| drawHighlight = true
| tradeability = None
| hiddenWhileUndiscovered = true
| renderTree = Misc
| thinkTreeMain = Fleshbeast
| thinkTreeConstant = FleshbeastConstant
| intelligence = ToolUser
| specificMeatDef = Meat_Twisted
| overrideShouldHaveAbilityTracker = true
| disableIgniteVerb = true
| canOpenFactionlessDoors = false
| needsRest = false
| hasGenders = false
| foodType = None
| bloodDef = Filth_Blood
| bloodSmearDef = Filth_BloodSmear
| soundMeleeDodge = Pawn_MeleeDodge
| trainability = None
| fleshType = Fleshbeast
| isImmuneToInfections = true
| bleedRateFactor = 0.5
| hediffGiverSets = Fleshbeast
| corpseHiddenWhileUndiscovered = true
| inspectorTabs = ITab_Pawn_Health
| MayRequire="Ludeon.RimWorld.Anomaly" = ITab_EntityITab_Pawn_Log
| compClass = CompAttachBase
| Class="CompProperties_HoldingPlatformTarget" =
| baseEscapeIntervalMtbDays = 60
| getsColdContainmentBonus = true
| Class="CompProperties_InspectString" =
| compClass = CompInspectStringEmergence
| inspectString = Emerged from {SOURCEPAWN_labelShort}.
| drawGUIOverlay = true
'''Fingerspikes''' are [[entities]], and type of [[fleshbeast]], added by the [[Anomaly DLC]].  
'''Fingerspikes''' are [[entities]], and type of [[fleshbeast]], added by the [[Anomaly DLC]].  

Revision as of 21:11, 31 August 2024



A fleshy dog-sized creature with a single spiked limb. Despite their short legs, fingerspikes can move remarkably fast.

Base Stats


Pawn Stats

Move Speed
5.1 c/s
Body Size
36 kg
Filth Rate
Life Expectancy
10 years
Comfortable Temp Range
-40 °C – 60 °C (-40 °F – 140 °F)


Meat Yield
70 Twisted meat Twisted meat

Melee Combat

Attack 1
7 dmg (Stab)
10 % AP
180 second cooldown
Attack 2
3 dmg (Blunt)
4 % AP
180 second cooldown
Average DPS

Fingerspikes are entities, and type of fleshbeast, added by the Anomaly DLC.


Fingerspikes show up at any and every flesh beast attack/event and can also be found in ancient dangers.


They are incredibly weak and most colonists can even kill them in melee by ranged fighters or unarmed.


The biggest danger comes from the fact that they spawn in the explosion of trispikes and fly behind the melee lines of your colonists potentially stoping the ranged colonists from shooting at dangerous targets. While harmless, it is also barely worth holding them due to extremely low yields.

Version history