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This article is about the psycast called "focus". For psychic focus, see psyfocus.
Psychically focus the target's mind, boosting their sight, hearing and moving capacities.
Base Stats
- Type
- Psycast
Focus is a level 4 psycast that enhances the capacities of its target for its duration.
There are two ways to acquire the focus psycast:
- Upon reaching psylink level 4, a random psycast of level 4 is granted regardless of how this level up is achieved. This won't apply if the psycaster already knew one or more level 4 psycast.
- Focus can also be acquired from a psytrainer naming it. See the psytrainer page for further details.
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Psychically-induced mental focus, increasing sight, hearing and movement capacities.
— Psychic focus description
The focus psycast inflicts the "Psychic focus" hediff on its singular target. This results in a x130% (so usually +30%) modifier on sight, hearing and movement for 1h at 100% psychic sensitivity.
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- Focus is good for buffing allies prior to a battle, improving a doctor by giving them boosted tend quality and speed (but not success chance or speed of a surgery, as the bonus from Sight for these caps at 100%).
Version history
- Royalty DLC Release - Added.
- 1.4.3613 - Fix: Typo "capactities" in Focus hediff.