Property:Stub Reason
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Section:given the staying power is the misconception re growing them as animal feed, a more detailed analysis with numbers is required +
Section:This System has way more to it than just the projects itself +
Section:Summary general. See other shell pages as examples +
Section:Mechanics with how chemical burns are applied. Also chance of destruction on failed operation. +
General +
Section:1) What happens if turned off/runs out of fuel/destroyed/etc part way through deathrest? 2) When does the buff end? When they start deathresting again, by choice or forced into it by low need? +, Section:Effect on hemogen/power costs of other deathrest buildings by shortening deathrest times. +
Section:1) See [[skilltrainer]] for use instruction example 2) What happens when a pawn uses a serum, loses the deathrest gene, and gets the deathrest gene again? 3) is there a stat that controls building cap? +
Section:Are they ever found in [[work site|mining camps]] like the scanners? +, Section:Details - How often does this happen, how many insects appear, etc. Initial investigation from CompCreatesInfestations but needs to be tested in game - Can't fire again with 7 days of a deep drill infestation from that drill, or any drill within 10 tiles. No idea about the MTB infestations though +
Section:All values are from before the addition of tongue and the resulting change in body part importance. They therefore need verification +
Section:General +
This page is included in the [[RimWorld_Wiki:To-do#Large projects|Plants project]] - there are a number of factors that are in need of verification and potentially addition to this page. See that page for details +
Section:Why build the diabolus? Also tactics. Diabolus killbox example and synergy with [[Skipshield]] +