The flu is a disease easy to beat for normal people, requiring only a modest (healthy) doctor with ordinary, or even herbal medicine; it is however frequently fatal to those with severely weakened immune systems.
General symptoms include impaired consciousness, manipulation, breathing, and eventually vomiting. Advanced symptoms include frequent vomiting, a small amount of pain, and eventually death.
If left untreated, the flu can kill in 4.01 days from discovery. However, in humans, the flu immunizes slightly faster than it develops. This assumes the patient rests in an ordinary bed for the whole time and has 100% Immunity Gain Speed. Good treatment will slow the disease up to the point where it takes 5.83 days to kill. Even a modest doctor with herbal medicine should treat this disease quite easily. Animals become immune even faster than humans.
While seemingly innocuous towards most people, flu proves a grave threat to people without a fully functioning immune system (such as those over 50 or with a damaged kidney).
- -5% Consciousness
- -5% Manipulation
- -10% Breathing
- Vomiting every 1.5 days (36 hours) on average
- -10% Consciousness
- -10% Manipulation
- -15% Breathing
- +5% Pain
- Vomiting every 0.75 days (18 hours) on average
- -15% Consciousness
- -20% Manipulation
- -20% Breathing
- Death at 1 Severity
This disease is detected immediately. Severity goes up over time, and is slowed by treatment until immunity is reached.
- Minor - Severity: 0 - 0.665
- Major - Severity: 0.666 - 0.832
- Extreme - Severity: 0.833 - 0.999
- Death - Severity: 1
- When not immune, severity increases by 0.2488 per day.
- When immune, severity decreases by 0.4947 per day.
- Immunity increases by 0.2388 per day when sick.
- Treatment slows progression by a maximum of 0.0773 per day.
- This mean the severity will increase at 0.1715 per day at 100% treatment.
Animals can face the same disease, but their immunity increases faster, and treatment is more effective.
- When not immune, severity increases by 0.2488 per day.
- When immune, severity decreases by 0.4947 per day.
- Immunity increases by 0.2614 per day when sick.
- Treatment slows progression by a maximum of 0.1105 per day.
- This mean the severity will increase at 0.1383 per day at 100% treatment.
As with any other disease: Make sure that the patient is rested, well-fed, and treated whenever possible. Treatment is administered once every 12 hours for humans, and every 48 hours for animals.
A well-fed pawn with 100% Immunity Gain Speed that constantly rests on a proper bed technically doesn't need to get treated. This isn't recommended - if they get up for a snack, for example, then the disease will progress quicker. An Immunity Gain Speed of 88.5% or more is required to survive without treatment by resting in a bed.
For those with a base immunity gain rate of 58% or less, there is no chance that they will be able to survive the flu normally, even with 100% treatment quality for all treatments and rest in a hospital bed with vitals monitor connected. This includes old people aged 114 or above, and some people with kidney and liver damage (physical or chemical).
To save the colonist you can do the following:
- Administer healer mech serum- instantly treats the disease
- Administer luciferium- if pawn has 34% or more immunity gain speed remaining initially, this gives pawn a chance to survive
- Use the medic cycle of the Biosculpter pod
- if used early enough, the pawns can bring themselves to it