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Divides rooms. Simple doors must be manually opened, which slows people down. The amount of slowdown depends on what the door is made of.

Base Stats



1 × 1
Cover Effectiveness
"Light-heavy" is not in the list (Light, Medium, Heavy, Depends on materials, Bridgeable, Diggable, Shallow water, ShallowWater, MovingFluid, GrowSoil, ...) of allowed values for the "Terrain Affordance" property.
Terrain Affordance


Work To Make
850 ticks (14.17 secs)
Stuff Tags
Metallic, Woody, Stony
Resources to make
Stuff 25
Deconstruct yield
Stuff 12 - 13
Destroy yield

Doors provide entry points through walls for colonists while still keeping out enemies and wild animals.


Constructing a door requires Stuff 25 Stuff (Metallic/Woody/Stony, 250 for SVMs) and 850 ticks (14.17 secs) of work.


Doors mostly act like walls. Doors are valid structures for supporting roofs and creating rooms. Opening a door will make heat transfer faster. Note that the room is still considered enclosed for temperature mechanics. So, unlike a hole in the wall, an open door will not equalize temperature instantly with the outdoors. Doors do not block the interaction spots of buildings.

Doors can be opened by colonists, regular animals, slavesContent added by the Ideology DLC and friendly mechanoidsContent added by the Biotech DLC. Doors cannot be opened by raiders, pen animals, manhunter animals, or prisoners (usually). Prisoners in a prison break can open doors. Doors can be "Held Open" by selecting the door; the next time something passes through it, the door stays open.

Doors can be forbidden, also by selecting the door. Colonists and other tamed pawns will not pass through it. However, colonists under a mental break will ignore restrictions. Visitors and traders also ignore restrictions. Human and mechanoid raiders will try and break a door if there are no other paths. Manhunter animals will only try and break doors if they see something go inside it.


Material choice

Typically, a colony constructs their first doors from wood, which is light and so opens more quickly than other doors. However, wood is both flammable and comparatively weak against attacks, so proves vulnerable as the early game moves into mid-/late-game conflict. Despite this, as interior doors, they are often still quite suitable, at least until better options are available.

Once they can be afforded, steel doors are a good balance of durability, flame resistance and price. The next step up for doors that are often closed/opened would be plasteel, a precious material but unsurpassed in strength for defensive positions.

Stone doors can be problematic because they open so slowly. However, they do have a 0% flammability, making them a nice option for a firebreak at key locations; select them to be Held Open for normal traffic, and draft/shut them if/when the need arises. They can also be used for areas that are rarely entered, perhaps your chemfuel powered generators (which only need to be fueled once/6 days), or for the switch to a bank of emergency batteries. If you do choose to make use of stone doors, granite is your strongest choice, and is no slower than any other stone.

Once autodoors have been researched, and you have the power and component supplies to reliably operate them, standard doors can be replaced with alternative materials and not slow down traffic at all, or at least slow it far less.

Temperature Regulation

Similar to double thick walls, double doors (not side-by-side, rather, both in the path of travel) improve insulation and reduce temperature equalization. A door can be left permanently open (mark the door to 'hold open' and have a pawn pass through) to help control temperature. Open doors allow temperature to more quickly equalize between rooms, or outdoors for exterior doors. Equalization through open doors is less potent than vents.[Verify]


Because doors do not block the interaction spots of buildings, it's possible to build "mini-rooms" that are only large enough for the building itself, with the door at the interaction spot. Mini-rooms are best used for buildings that don't damage pawn mood when used in cramped quarters, such as cryptosleep caskets and biosculpter pods, or buildings that see only very brief use, such as a comms console.

These rooms are especially useful for biosculpter pods: mini-rooms only require 6 tiles of sterile tile per pod for maximum cleanliness. (While the door's tile does not need to be sterile tile itself, it does need to be kept free of dirt for the best bonus to apply.) The door can be held open to maximize speed of access while still maintaining the cleanliness bonus.

A biosculpter "mini-room" with a pawn undergoing sculpting. The pod is selected to show the interaction point, which overlaps the door. The pawn in suspended animation does not care about the tiny space. The door should probably be held open for easier nutritional loading and for emergency medic cycles.

Stats table

  • Door Door Beauty Work to Build HP Flamma­bility Door
    Bioferrite Bioferrite Content added by the Anomaly DLC 0 002,125 ticks (35.42 secs) 320 75% 100% 26 Silver
    Gold Gold 20 000,765 ticks (12.75 secs) 96 40% 100% 2,505 Silver
    Granite blocks Granite blocks 0 005,240 ticks (1.46 mins) 272 0% 45% 41 Silver
    Limestone blocks Limestone blocks 0 005,240 ticks (1.46 mins) 248 0% 45% 41 Silver
    Marble blocks Marble blocks 1 004,815 ticks (1.34 mins) 192 0% 45% 40 Silver
    Plasteel Plasteel 0 001,870 ticks (31.17 secs) 448 0% 100% 230 Silver
    Sandstone blocks Sandstone blocks 0 004,390 ticks (1.22 mins) 224 0% 45% 38 Silver
    Silver Silver 6 000,850 ticks (14.17 secs) 112 40% 100% 255 Silver
    Slate blocks Slate blocks 0 005,240 ticks (1.46 mins) 208 0% 45% 41 Silver
    Steel Steel 0 000,850 ticks (14.17 secs) 160 40% 100% 51 Silver
    Jade Jade 10 004,250 ticks (1.18 mins) 80 0% 100% 140 Silver
    Uranium Uranium 0 001,615 ticks (26.92 secs) 400 0% 75% 156 Silver
    Wood Wood 0 000,595 ticks (9.92 secs) 104 100% 120% 32 Silver
  • Version history