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Roles are positions available to pawns that grant them both special benefits and drawbacks. Every ideoligion has at least two roles: Leader and Moral Guide. There can be only 1 leader globally, and 1 Moral Guide per ideoligion.

Additionally, each ideoligion grants up to 2 types of specialists; a role that grants large bonuses and abilities related to a specific field in exchange of inability of doing one or more types of work. This limitation only applies to the type of specialization, not the total number of specialists.

General info[edit]

When creating an ideoligion, a randomly generated or player specified name is given to the role. For clarity, the wiki uses the generic names of the roles instead as the generated names will not be consistent across playthroughs. Where there are explicit references to the role name, such as in moodlets, the fact that the non-generic name is used will be noted, such as with "<Role Name>".

Some factors are consistent across all roles.

  • Pawns can only hold one role at a time.
  • All roles lose Certainty at 50% the normal rate.
  • Roles can have assigned equipment that they will demand when they have the role - Leaders and Moral Guides will get a permanent −4 "Want <Role Name> apparel" mood debuff without it. Due to a bug, none of the specialist roles will have the mood debuff happen. Only New Tribe colonies can select the war mask and tribal headdress as apparel options, while only New Arrivals colonies can select the slicecap and beret Content added by the Royalty DLC.
  • A simple ritual is required to assign, remove, or change a role.

Removing a role from a pawn causes a −15 "Lost <Role Name> role" moodlet for 10 days.[Detail Needed] This does not happen when changing from a moral guide to leader.

Mandatory Roles[edit]

The leader and moral guide roles are mandatory and cannot be removed. You can have 1 leader across all your colonists, even of different ideoligions. You can have 1 moral guide per ideoligion in your colony, so long as the role is activated.



A leader who holds the group together and represents your faction in diplomatic interactions.

Will always be restricted to any Supreme gender selected.

Leader abilities share a cooldown of 600,000 ticks (166.67 mins) or 10 in-game days.

Leaders receive a flat +2% to Trade Price Improvement when they act as traders.

Leaders can select between these apparels as assigned equipment:

Leaders have expectations that are two levels higher than normal.

Ability Ability Desc Ability Effect
Leader Speech
A rousing speech intended to improve morale. Colonists will gather, and the leader will speak for a few hours. If all goes well, listeners will feel inspired, and gain respect for the leader. If it goes poorly, the speech will do social damage. ?
Work Drive
Call on a person to work harder for some time. The sense of being called upon by a leader to work harder.
Combat Command
Create an aura that boosts the combat skills of everyone nearby. The effect lasts 24 hours and remains attached to the leader for the duration. Combat abilities are boosted thanks to being near someone who is using the combat command ability.
A trial over some heinous accusation. The initiator will accuse someone of terrible wrongdoing and gather people for a trial. Spectators will listen as the accuser and accused argue back and forth, then decide if the accusation is true. If the accused is convicted, you can freely banish, arrest or execute them and nobody will mind. The chance of a conviction depends on the social abilities of the accused and accuser, and the number of spectators. If successful, you are allowed to execute, banish, or arrest a person without social consequences.

Moral guide[edit]


A moral/spiritual leader who heads rituals and personally counsels believers. Moral guides get a 2x multiplier to the efficacy of their Conversion attempts.

It requires at least 3 colonists with the same ideoligion to activate: Slaves, prisoners, and quest lodgers do not count. Activation allows the moral guide role to be assigned, but pawns with that ideology receive −5 "No <Role Name>" when the role is unfilled. This requirement persists, even if follower count diminishes, until there's only 1 pawn of that ideoligion left. There is a short grace period when starting the game before the moodlet is applied.

Unlike Leaders, Moral Guides are not restricted to any Supreme gender selected.

Moral Guide abilities share a cooldown of 180,000 ticks (50 mins) or 3 in-game days.

Moral Guides can select between these apparels as assigned equipment:

Moral guides have expectations that are two levels higher than normal.

Ability Ability Desc Ability Effect
Attempt to convert someone to the speaker's ideoligion. This will reduce the target's certainty in their own beliefs. The certainty reduction depends on the speaker's negotiation ability. ?
Offer counsel to a person to cancel the effects of a sad memory. The chance of success depends on the speaker's social skills and their relationship with the listener. ?
Increase someone's certainty in their own beliefs. The regained certainty is based on the speaker's negotiation ability. ?
Conversion Ritual
Try to persuade someone into joining your ideoligion. If it goes well, target's ideoligion certainty will be reduced or they will convert. If it goes badly, they will gain certainty in their old beliefs. ?
Preach Health
Preach moral strength to a sick or wounded person through the concepts of your ideology. This will improve their rate of wound healing and immunity gain. This person's will to survive was reinforced by a talk with a moral guide of their ideoligion. That moral certainty has improved their healing and immunization gain rates.

Can only be used on pawns with the same Ideoligion as the Moral Guide themselves.


Specialists are roles that focus on a specific type of task in detriment of all others. Each role requires a minimum skill of 6 in the relevant area of expertise and the ability to perform activities relevant to the role. In exchange of large bonus and a special ability related to the selected area, one or more work types are disabled.

Between zero and two specialist types may be selected, but any number of pawns can be assigned that role. I.e. you cannot have a shooting specialist, an animals specialist, and a medical specialist, but you can have 20 pawns assigned be shooting specialists. Limits are per ideoligion only - multiple ideoligions in a single colony can allow more access to specialist types.

Name Description Required Memes Pawn requirements Bonuses Disabled Work Types Ability Ability Description Ability Effect
Shooting Specialist
A special ideoligious status focusing on ranged combat to the exclusion of all else. This specialized role gives increased accuracy and the ability to boost the shooting abilities of nearby allies. Holders of this role will refuse to do many kinds of non-shooting-related work.
  • Crafting
  • Cooking
  • Plantwork
  • Mining
  • Constructing
Marksman Command
Call out shots and boost the shooting skills of everyone nearby. The effect remains attached to the caster for 24 hours. Cooldown of 3 days. Someone is using the marksman command ability nearby, boosting this person's shooting abilities.
Animals Specialist
A special ideoligious status focusing on animals to the exclusion of all else. This specialized role gives increased taming and training efficiency. Holders of this role will refuse to perform some non-animals-related tasks.
  • Crafting
  • Cooking
  • Plantwork
  • Mining
  • Constructing
Animal Calm
Use unique methods of connecting with animals to calm a maddened beast.
  • Hold animal stunned while casting, calms hostile animals if successful.
  • Casting time: 1.5s
  • AoE: Single target? Touch range.
  • Duration: Instantaneous
Medical Specialist
A special ideoligious status focusing on medicine to the exclusion of all else. This specialized role gives improved surgery and tending efficiency, and the ability to boost the medical abilities of nearby allies. Believers who receive care from one of this role will be happy about it. Holders of this role will refuse to do any kind of violence, and won't perform some non-medical tasks.
  • Violent
Immunity Drive
Offer moral support that energizes the body, boosting someone's immunity gain for one day. "This person has received moral support of an ideoligious nature. Their mental certainty has energized their body and boosted their immune system."
Melee Specialist
A special ideoligious status focusing on melee combat to the exclusion of all else. This specialized role gives increased dodge and hit chance in melee combat and ability to the boost melee abilities for nearby allies. Holders of this role will refuse to do many kinds of non-melee-related work.
  • Crafting
  • Cooking
  • Plantwork
  • Mining
  • Constructing
  • Hunting
  • Shooting
Berserk Trance
The caster fills himself with anger over ideological grievances. This strengthens the body past normal limits, but also means losing control and attacking every enemy nearby in an unstoppable rage. The berserk state will last for 3 hours. "Driven by fierce moral certainty and stories of ideoligious grievance, this person has driven him or herself into a rage. Every muscle is at peak performance, but it's hard to shut down the anger."
Mining Specialist
A special ideoligious status focusing on mining to the exclusion of all else. This specialized role gives increased mining speed, and the ability to boost the mining speed of nearby allies. Holders of this role will refuse to do some non-mining work.
  • Animals
  • Crafting
  • Cooking
  • Plantwork
  • Constructing
Mining Command
Offer guidance on mining techniques, boosting the mining speed for everyone nearby. The effect remains attached to the caster for 24 hours. "This person's mining speed is boosted thanks to being near someone who is using the mining command ability."'
  • Mining Speed +40%
  • AoE: 9.9 tile radius aura centered on Caster
  • Duration:
    • Aura: 60,000 ticks (16.67 mins) or 1 in-game day
    • Effect: While in aura radius[2]
Plants Specialist
A special ideoligious status focusing on planting to the exclusion of all else. This specialized role gives increased sowing and harvesting efficiency, and the ability to boost the farming speed of nearby allies. Holders of this role will refuse to perform some non-plants-related work.
  • Animals
  • Crafting
  • Cooking
  • Constructing
  • Mining
Farming Command
Offer guidance on farming techniques, boosting the farming abilities for everyone nearby. The effect remains attached to the caster for 24 hours. "This person's farming abilities are boosted thanks to being near someone who is using the farming command ability."'
  • Plant Work Speed +40%
  • AoE: 9.9 tile radius aura centered on Caster
  • Duration:
    • Aura: 60,000 ticks (16.67 mins) or 1 in-game day
    • Effect: While in aura radius[2]
Production Specialist
A special ideoligious status focusing on crafting and construction to the exclusion of all else. This specialized role gives increased crafting and construction efficiency, and the ability to boost the production abilities of nearby allies. Holders of this role will refuse to do some non-production work.
  • Dumb labor
  • Animals
  • Cooking
  • Plantwork
  • Mining
Production Command
Offer guidance on construction techniques, boosting construction and crafting abilities for everyone nearby. The effect remains attached to the caster for 24 hours. "This person's construction and crafting speeds are boosted thanks to being near someone who is using the production command ability."
Research Specialist
A special ideoligious status focusing on research to the exclusion of all else. This specialized role gives increased research and hacking speed, and the ability to boost research abilities of nearby allies. Holders of this role will refuse to perform some non-research tasks.
  • Dumb labor
  • Animals
  • Cooking
  • Plantwork
  • Mining
Research Command
Provide suggestions and mental support, boosting the research speed of everyone nearby. The effect remains attached to the caster for 24 hours. "This person's research speed is boosted because they are near someone who is using the research command ability."
  • Research Speed +30%
  • AoE: 9.9 tile radius aura centered on Caster
  • Duration:
    • Aura: 60,000 ticks (16.67 mins) or 1 in-game day
    • Effect: While in aura radius[2]
^1 This affects the quality of every item the pawn creates, including Art, despite the tooltip only listing Crafting and Construction.
^2 The caster won't benefit from their own ability, but will benefit from the same ability from a different caster. Doesn't stack.

Version history[edit]

  • Ideology DLC Release - Added.
  • 1.3.3067 - Fixed gender supremacy memes having opposite agreeing traits e.g. Female Supremacy inexplicably being agreed with by Misogynist traited pawns. Fix: Essential roles can be removed.
  • 1.3.3069 - Chance of resentment on failed conversion attempt reduced from 36% to 20%. Chance of fight reduced from 4% to 2%.
  • 1.3.3074 - Desired apparel now uses the same faction restrictions as role apparel does. Tribal-Only: War mask, Tribal Headdress. Non-tribal only: Slicecap, Beret. Removed visage mask restriction to non-tribal only. Integrate art for rough living issue and set it to medium importance. Ensure Tunneler meme always has the MiningYield_High precept. Fix 5234: Pawns can build turrets when prohibited by precepts.
  • 1.3.3080 - Fixed Immunity Drive. Was previously targeting wrong stat and inoperative. Add a new ideoligion setup interface which allows playing like classic RimWorld, using presets, or fully customizing. Change harmful aging thought minimum age from 20 to 25. Added temperature precept icon.
  • 1.3.3101 - Fluid ideoligion system added. Reduce production specialist crafting speed buffs from +70% to +50%. Increase impact of 'lost role' thought from −5 to −15. Pawns now recover from berserk trance on being downed. Fix: There are some duplicate ideoligion icons.
  • 1.3.3117 - Gaining, changing, or removing a role now requires a simple ritual.
  • 1.3.3326 - Fix: Ability gizmos are still available for roles that have been removed via reformation.
  • 1.4.3523 - Fix: Berserker trance makes pawn guilty even though they cannot attack allies. Fix: High Life harvest yield for Drug Use: Essential precept doesn't work.
  • 1.4.3563 - Fix: Animals specialist role mentions boosting animal-related abilities of nearby allies, which is false. "A special ideoligious status focusing on animals to the exclusion of all else. This specialized role gives increased taming and training efficiency, and the ability to boost the animals-related abilities of nearby allies. Holders of this role will refuse to perform some non-animals-related tasks." -> "A special ideoligious status focusing on animals to the exclusion of all else. This specialized role gives increased taming and training efficiency. Holders of this role will refuse to perform some non-animals-related tasks."