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RimWorld's Combat System may seem a little daunting to new players at first, however a few simple guidelines will have you ready to repel attacks and hold ground like a pro.
RimWorld's combat system may seem a little daunting to new players at first, however a few simple guidelines will have you ready to repel attacks and hold ground like a pro.
In every fight there is one very important life saving rule to remember:<br/>
In every gunfight there is one very important lifesaving rule to remember:<br/>
'''Always use whatever [[cover]] is available!'''<br/>
'''Always use whatever [[cover]] is available!'''<br/>
== Combat Basics==
== Combat basics ==
The various character roles play a big part in combat. Fighting type characters (i.e. [[Backstories|commissar, assassin, pirate]]) are ideal for combat, use these types first. Keep your commonly used weapons close to your base's front line, so that characters can equip them easily.  
[[Draft]] pawns to have them enter combat. While drafted, pawns with a ranged weapon will automatically fire at enemies they see. [[Wall]]s and other impassible objects will block line of fire. When adjacent to an enemy, pawns will always fight in melee - even if they are holding a gun. You can assign specific targets for both melee and ranged attackers.
There are several other key mechanics in the combat system of the game:
=== Cover ===
Using the strongest [[cover]] available is key to winning a firefight. Pawns will automatically use cover, like [[sandbag]]s and stone [[chunk]]s, that they are adjacent to.  If you have the time and resources to spare, you can make multi-layer defenses, with rows of cover you can fall back to if you're being overwhelmed. The drawback is that, if enemies advance, they can use your defensive lines as cover.
[[Wall]]s are the best possible cover, shielding colonists from 75% of bullets. While they cannot be fired through, pawns will "lean" out from a wall and fire from its side. A row of 1-tile wide walls, interspersed with [[barricade]]s or [[sandbag]]s, are the strongest formation of cover.  
Cover can also be used by your enemies. [[Chunk]]s of stone and steel slag are much more effective than [[tree]]s, and should be cleared out. Conversely, if assaulting a [[siege]] or [[mech cluster]] {{RoyaltyIcon}}, you should use any preexisting cover, such as chunks, [[ruins]], or [[mountain]]s.
=== Tactics ===
{{Main|Defense tactics}}
Sometimes you will have to use more clever tactics to defeat your incoming enemies, such as when you're outnumbered, or you don't have suitable ways to cope with the incoming raiders.
During battle, it's often handy to keep colonists with [[firefighting]] duties nearby in case a [[fire]] breaks out. Pawns lit on fire will run around wildly, unable to attack. [[Firefoam pop pack]]s will extinguish colonists while preventing future fires. Even if someone is incapable of violence, they can help end fires nearby and rescue people in need.
After battle, you'll likely need to clean up and repair any damage done to your base. Undraft colonists so that they can start on work. Build [[grave]]s, set up a dumping stockpile accepting corpses, or use an [[electric crematorium]] to dispose of bodies, in order to avoid the mood penalty for seeing [[corpse]]s.
=== Pause frequently! ===
The most important combat tip is saved for last. Use the pause feature! The tide of battle changes very quickly with a smoking turret or thrown grenade in the middle of your colonists. Take advantage of the space bar to freeze the action and give your colonists new orders.
==Colonist management==
Ultimately, colonists are beings with [[mood]], [[need]]s, and [[injuries]] to take care of. A tired, hungry colonist will become progressively more upset, while [[pain]] isn't a particularly pleasant experience. [[Mental break]]s are absolutely ''lethal'' in combat, as the pawn will refuse to shoot or follow orders. To prevent this, you should ideally care for colonists ''before'' combat starts.
A pleasant base - great dining, recreation, and bedrooms specifically - will keep soldiers' spirits high. Alternatively, you can assign colonists to carry [[drug]]s at all times (Assign tab -> Drug policy). Order colonists to take the drug as combat begins. [[Go-juice]], while inherently addictive, confers major combat-related boosts.
As pawns can only hold one weapon at a time, colonists that are great at one combat stat (Shooting or Melee) are better than one decent at both. Shooting skill has a greater impact the further away a colonist is shooting from, so assign longer range weapons to skilled colonists. Give your best melee fighters the best melee weapons.
Ideally, you should keep your best doctors away from direct combat. In practice, having an extra shooter is more valuable - just don't be overly risky with them.
Tending to wounded colonists is important to save them from dying. Drafted colonists can immediately tend to others on the field, with or without medicine. Prioritize those who are bleeding out the most. While medicine does not staunch the flow of bleeding of a specific wound any faster, it can stop multiple wounds at the same time.
If a colonist starts to sustain too many injuries, you can use your less combat-skilled colonists to take over while they retreat. If need be, have your injured colonist drop their weapon and undraft them, then have your reserves pick up the weapon and fight in their place. If a pawn takes on too much damage, they may become [[downed]] and require rescue.
It's often handy to keep one unarmed character with only [[firefighting]] duties nearby during a fight, if a character catches fire they will run around in panic and likely die. So this extra character can help them out before they panic.
== Ranged ==
Ranged combat involves the use of weapons from a distance. Pawns wielding ranged weapons will shoot at enemies, because what else did you expect them to do?
Characters will need rest if they take a lot of damage. This is when you can use the less combat skilled characters, have your injured character drop the equipped weapon and un-draft them, then have your reserves pick up the weapon and fight in their place.
Note that RimWorld does not have any ammo mechanics, even for items that visually appear to be finite, like [[pila]] and [[grenades]]. [[Doomsday rocket launcher]]s and [[triple rocket launcher]]s are consumed on use, while every other held weapon is infinite. Weapons will not be damaged so long as they are wielded, and weapon damage has no impact on their combat effectiveness.
Security Defense Turrets with a wall of sandbags around them are an effective way to repel attackers, a few well armed characters with a turret will be hard to beat. ''Have someone on hand to deal with fires and to repair the turret.''
===Weapon stats===
Ranged weapons consist of many attributes:
*'''Damage:''' How much health each bullet can do. For reference, the brain has 10 HP, the heart has 15 HP, and the torso (general body) has 40 HP.
*'''Armor penetration:''' The ability to ignore [[armor]]. AP directly subtracts from armor rating; if a weapon's AP > the armor %, then armor is completely ignored.
*'''Stopping power:''' The ability to stagger, or slow, pawns. A stopping power of 1 can stagger humans and human-like [[mechanoid]]s. When staggered, a pawn is reduced to 1/6th of their normal speed for {{ticks|95}}.
*'''Burst count:''' How many bullets are fired at a time. If a weapon fires multiple shots, there will be a short delay between bullets.
*'''Aim time''' and '''Cooldown time''': How long it takes between each burst. Aim time happens before shooting, cooldown happens after.
*'''Range:''' How far a weapon can shoot.
*'''Accuracy:''' A weapon's own modifier to accuracy. Shooting skill and other factors also determine accuracy.
** Each weapon has specific accuracy values at Touch (3), short (12), medium (25) and long (40) ranges. Linear interpolation is used for any values in between. (e.g. accuracy at 17.5 tiles is equal to the average of the short and medium accuracy)
== [[Cover]] ==
There are two summary stats of how a weapon will actually perform:
Place your [[Sandbags]] in a U shape or zig-zagged pattern, as the extra bags will provide more [[cover]] spots for your characters. [[Structure|Walls]] can be used for lean-around cover and are great for flanking positions. Take care not to place your [[Sandbags]] too close to [[Security|security defenses]], as they explode when destroyed, damaging everything around them in a 3 tile radius (starting "outside" the turret).
*'''Optimal DPS:''' How much damage a weapon can do, per second, if every shot hits an unarmored target.
*'''DPS (Range):''' How much damage a weapon can do, per second, factoring in weapon accuracy at a specific range. (Before the shooter's accuracy, armor, etc.)
DPS is a measure of how fast a weapon can deal out [[pain]]. [[Pain shock]] is the primary way of disabling pawns in combat; hurt them enough, and they will be [[downed]]. Note that enemies downed from pain have a chance to [[death|die]], anyways. Other factors like range, stopping power, and aiming/cooldown time can all impact how you use a weapon in battle, but damage is a stat to be prioritized first.
Loose rubble near your base can be used by attackers as cover, be sure to have your characters clear away rubble as soon as possible. Ranged attackers will be much more exposed with all the rubble removed.
===Effective accuracy===
Conventional (non-explosive) ranged weapon accuracy follows the following equation:
{| class="wikitable"
| Accuracy = ([[Shooting Accuracy]]<sup>Range</sup> &times; Weapon Accuracy &times; Other factors
If you have the resources spare, you can make multi-level defenses, with rows of cover you can fall over. This may seem wasteful, but dead characters cost more than [[sandbags]].
In simpler terms:
*[[Shooting Accuracy]] is the stat of the shooter. A shooter's accuracy becomes exponentially more important the further a shot is fired. Higher Shooting skill, [[manipulation]], a [[gunlink]]{{RoyaltyIcon}}, etc. all improve this stat.
*Weapon accuracy is the stat of the weapon. Each weapon has specific accuracy values for shooting at specific ranges. This is a factor applied after shooting accuracy.
*Factors like [[cover]], [[smoke]], [[weather]], and body size are all multipliers or offsets to the "final" accuracy. See [[Weapons#Accuracy]] for the full list.
Enemy attackers will move around your defenses so keep your characters behind cover and fall back if you're being overwhelmed.
If a ranged weapon is calculated to hit, it will hit, regardless of where the bullet visually lands or any defender movement. If the bullet misses, then it can impact other tiles.
== Flanking ==
===Miss mechanics===
Once enemies have moved into cover and begun shooting, they tend to stay in that spot, even if some of your colonists find their way around and manage to flank them. Since flanking shots are much deadlier than if you were shooting over rock rubble, you should try to do this whenever you can; I've had plenty of luck with flanking a trio of enemy snipers by running from rock to rock, using their long cooldown between shots to my advantage, and prioritizing the ones with the best shooting skill first. If you design your defense network with this sort of thing in mind, you can gain a massive advantage over most enemies that come your way.
Whenever a regular ranged weapon misses, the projectile will land within a random distance from the original target depending on the actual accuracy of the shot based on the weapon and the shooter. Stray shots have a 50% chance of hitting nothing, and a 50% chance of hitting another target on the alternative cell it happens to land on. Projectiles can also hit other things that are between the target and the shooter, such as stray animals. Accuracy to maximum miss distances are as follows:
{| class="wikitable sortable"
Combat will mostly consist of gunplay, but certain situations may force combatants into melee combat, whether or not they're carrying melee weapons. Raiding parties may include melee-wielding attackers (hereafter called brawlers) as well as ranged combatants. Pawns usually will not stack into a cell with other melee attackers, but if they do, only one pawn per cell may attack the same target. This does not apply to colony brawlers, as they can and do stack into a cell while melee attacking the same target.
! Accuracy !! Max Miss Distance !! Area (cells)
| 100% || 1.0 || 5
| 22% || 2.0 || 13
| 11% || 4.0 || 41
| 7% || 6.0 || -
| 4% || 8.0 || -
| 2% || 10.0 || -
Melee combat has particular strengths and weaknesses. A colonist skilled in melee and equipped with an effective weapon will easily win any one-on-one melee battle. However, a brawler trying to traverse several cells to attack a gun-wielding attacker may get shot down before reaching their target. The [[Armor#Personal_Shield|personal shield]] was designed to solve that problem. A colony might develop a small strike team of brawlers that can swiftly eliminate threats in close quarters, especially those that have infiltrated the colony.
There are special mechanics in regards to [[friendly fire]], or hitting a pawn from the same faction.
If a colonist has gone into a berserk mental break they will melee nearby targets. To subdue them with the least risk of causing serious injury, draft one or more colonists armed with nothing but bare fists.
===Forced miss===
{{Rewrite|section=1|reason=Added in 2018, verify this still works like this and if so then integrate with existing FMR weapon pages}}
Many weapons (mostly explosives) have a Forced Miss Radius stat. Forced miss is modified with distance:
{| class="wikitable sortable"
! Distance (cells) !! Radius Multiplier
| 0 - 8 || 0
| 9 - 24 || 0.5
| 25 - 48 || 0.8
| 49+ || 1.0
== Aftermath ==
Weapons with this stat will ''always'' land within their forced miss radius, ignoring every factor to accuracy. There is a small chance to use standard accuracy instead, more likely with a small radius.
Your characters will slowly become tired and hungry, eventually leading to a mental break if you don't take them off draft (R). Return all drafted colonists to normal control so they may work on cleanup and repair. Select dropped weapons and corpses and uncheck forbidden to allow colonists to move them. Build graves, set up a dumping stockpile accepting corpses, or set a bill for butcher table or crematorium to dispose of bodies and prevent colonists from taking a mood penalty.
== Keep comfy ==
== Melee ==
Colonists tend to be pretty lazy with their material needs. They don't care much for their food, rest and joy until they reach critical levels, which can leave them entering battle with an already strained morale. Colonists can be ordered to tend to their needs before battle by adjusting their [[Menus##Restrictions|work schedule]], but this can get tedious to manage with every single raid. A more permanent solution is to increase the quality of your colony through the use of [[Sculptures|Art]] and [[Furniture]]. A colonist's [[Thoughts|mood]] can be boosted by +20 points by simply sitting in a high quality chair while surrounded by sculptures. Another +5 is easily added with [[Food#Fine_Meal|fine meals]], while extravagant living conditions can boost morale even higher. A colonist's comfort and beauty satisfaction are quick to boost while slow to decay, and can even be incorporated into their daily routine by equipping their work or dining areas.
[[File:Melee_test_eleplants_block.png|thumb|200px|left|A very basic melee block, available in any doorway.]]
Melee involves hand-to-hand combat, with or without the use of weapons. Accuracy is determined with the [[Melee Hit Chance]] stat.
A satisfying colony will keep soldiers' spirits high while they starve a sleepless night in the trenches.
Pawns will usually not stack into a cell with other melee attackers. For enemies, only one pawn per cell can attack the same target. Undrafted colony brawllers will not always have collision, so it is possible for them to stack if the [[Menus#Assign|threat response setting]] is set to attack.
== Pause frequently! ==
Melee combat has strengths and weaknesses. While a pawn can bash with a gun barrel in melee, a fighter with a dedicated melee weapon remains much more effective. However, a brawler may get shot down during their approach. The [[shield belt]] was designed to solve that problem. A colony might develop a [[Defense tactics#Melee sortie|small strike team of brawlers]] that can swiftly eliminate threats in close quarters, especially those that have infiltrated the colony.
The most important combat tip is saved for last. Use the pause feature! The tide of battle changes very quickly with a smoking turret or thrown grenade in the middle of your colonists. Take advantage of the space bar to freeze the action and give your colonists new orders.
One of the most common tactics is the ''[[Defense_tactics#Melee_blocking|melee block]]'' (see left). Stand 3 colonists just outside a hallway or door entrance. This ensures that you only fight 1 enemy at a time, reducing their relative damage output. Other colonists can fire behind the melee blockers, though enemy raiders can fire behind each other too. Effective against [[infestation]]s and melee rushes.
===Other mechanics===
*Skilled melee pawns have the ability to evade melee attacks when fighting. When the melee blow is dodged, it will always miss, regardless of whether or not it is supposed to hit.
*Blunt melee attacks don't cause bleeding (unless a body part is destroyed), but they have a chance to stun enemies for a short time on hit. In addition, most pieces of [[armor]] will protect poorly against blunt attacks.
*Pawns that engage in melee combat while standing on dirt may 'kick dirt' or 'water' in their target's eyes, effectively blinding them for a short time (-80% [[sight]] for dirt, and -50% sight for water).
== Friendly fire ==
{{stub|section=1|reason=this is two of the quoted several subsidiary mechanics, more detail is needed}}
[[File:Friendly Fire Radii.png|thumb|right|Friendly fire safety radii:<br>Central pawn will not hit any friendly pawn on or within the gold radius<br>Any pawn on a sterile tile will not hit any other friendly pawn on a sterile tile.]]
Friendly fire is a mechanic in which ranged attacks that missed their target have chance to hit nearby targets, including allies. As such it is important to be careful when you shoot at enemies while allies are in the way or near them, as they may have a chance of being hit as well.
There are several subsidiary mechanics in this process.
First, there is radius of immunity around the shooter in which friendly targets cannot be hit by missed attacks at all. Colonists can shoot over the shoulders of allies up to 5 tiles away from them, but any further and they may be hit. In the image to the right the two radii are displayed. Any pawn standing on a gold or sterile tile cannot be hit by friendly fire by a pawn standing in the center. The inner radius of sterile tiles defines an area in which no pawn standing on one of these tiles will hit any other allied pawn also standing on a sterile tile with friendly fire. Both of these are still the case, even if the actual target is also within with radius. '''Note''' that standing inside an open [[door]] invalidates this immunity for some reason, allowing pawns to be hit with friendly fire even if inside these radii.
Second is the [[AI_Storytellers#General|Friendly Fire Difficulty Setting]]. This acts as chance multiplier on the existing chance of friendly fire, ranging between 0% and 100% to pawns in the red area of the image or beyond. Note that 100% will not result in all misses causing friendly fire, it only adds an additional scalar to the existing chance.
== Combat log ==
The game keeps track of all combat actions done by a pawn. This can be accessed through the 'Log' tab for a character, and lets you review combat after the battle has finished or in the heat of it.
Each action is accompanied by some flavor text.
== See also ==
*[[Defense tactics]] for a more in-depth guide about countering hostile events
*[[Defense structures]] for building defenses in your colony
*[[Offense tactics]] for assaults on hostiles outside your colony
*[[Weapon Guide]] for ways to use or counter different kinds of weapon
== Version history ==
* [[Version/0.18.1722|0.18.1722]] - Storyful combat: A major rework of melee combat, and a new way to report all combat interactions. Storyful combat generates a combat log that reports each blow, miss, swipe, block and fall in the combat. During or after a fight, you can review the combat log to see what happened, to generate a richer story.
[[Category:Game mechanics]]

Revision as of 12:37, 18 May 2024

Basics Menus Game Creation Gameplay Pawns Plants Resources Gear Mods
Gameplay Menu Caravan Combat Cover Drafting Environment Events Factions Firefighting Quality Quests Research Rooms Time Trade

RimWorld's combat system may seem a little daunting to new players at first, however a few simple guidelines will have you ready to repel attacks and hold ground like a pro.

In every gunfight there is one very important lifesaving rule to remember:
Always use whatever cover is available!

Combat basics

Draft pawns to have them enter combat. While drafted, pawns with a ranged weapon will automatically fire at enemies they see. Walls and other impassible objects will block line of fire. When adjacent to an enemy, pawns will always fight in melee - even if they are holding a gun. You can assign specific targets for both melee and ranged attackers.

There are several other key mechanics in the combat system of the game:


Using the strongest cover available is key to winning a firefight. Pawns will automatically use cover, like sandbags and stone chunks, that they are adjacent to. If you have the time and resources to spare, you can make multi-layer defenses, with rows of cover you can fall back to if you're being overwhelmed. The drawback is that, if enemies advance, they can use your defensive lines as cover.

Walls are the best possible cover, shielding colonists from 75% of bullets. While they cannot be fired through, pawns will "lean" out from a wall and fire from its side. A row of 1-tile wide walls, interspersed with barricades or sandbags, are the strongest formation of cover.

Cover can also be used by your enemies. Chunks of stone and steel slag are much more effective than trees, and should be cleared out. Conversely, if assaulting a siege or mech cluster Content added by the Royalty DLC, you should use any preexisting cover, such as chunks, ruins, or mountains.


Sometimes you will have to use more clever tactics to defeat your incoming enemies, such as when you're outnumbered, or you don't have suitable ways to cope with the incoming raiders.


During battle, it's often handy to keep colonists with firefighting duties nearby in case a fire breaks out. Pawns lit on fire will run around wildly, unable to attack. Firefoam pop packs will extinguish colonists while preventing future fires. Even if someone is incapable of violence, they can help end fires nearby and rescue people in need.

After battle, you'll likely need to clean up and repair any damage done to your base. Undraft colonists so that they can start on work. Build graves, set up a dumping stockpile accepting corpses, or use an electric crematorium to dispose of bodies, in order to avoid the mood penalty for seeing corpses.

Pause frequently!

The most important combat tip is saved for last. Use the pause feature! The tide of battle changes very quickly with a smoking turret or thrown grenade in the middle of your colonists. Take advantage of the space bar to freeze the action and give your colonists new orders.

Colonist management

Ultimately, colonists are beings with mood, needs, and injuries to take care of. A tired, hungry colonist will become progressively more upset, while pain isn't a particularly pleasant experience. Mental breaks are absolutely lethal in combat, as the pawn will refuse to shoot or follow orders. To prevent this, you should ideally care for colonists before combat starts.

A pleasant base - great dining, recreation, and bedrooms specifically - will keep soldiers' spirits high. Alternatively, you can assign colonists to carry drugs at all times (Assign tab -> Drug policy). Order colonists to take the drug as combat begins. Go-juice, while inherently addictive, confers major combat-related boosts.


As pawns can only hold one weapon at a time, colonists that are great at one combat stat (Shooting or Melee) are better than one decent at both. Shooting skill has a greater impact the further away a colonist is shooting from, so assign longer range weapons to skilled colonists. Give your best melee fighters the best melee weapons.

Ideally, you should keep your best doctors away from direct combat. In practice, having an extra shooter is more valuable - just don't be overly risky with them.


Tending to wounded colonists is important to save them from dying. Drafted colonists can immediately tend to others on the field, with or without medicine. Prioritize those who are bleeding out the most. While medicine does not staunch the flow of bleeding of a specific wound any faster, it can stop multiple wounds at the same time.

If a colonist starts to sustain too many injuries, you can use your less combat-skilled colonists to take over while they retreat. If need be, have your injured colonist drop their weapon and undraft them, then have your reserves pick up the weapon and fight in their place. If a pawn takes on too much damage, they may become downed and require rescue.


Ranged combat involves the use of weapons from a distance. Pawns wielding ranged weapons will shoot at enemies, because what else did you expect them to do?

Note that RimWorld does not have any ammo mechanics, even for items that visually appear to be finite, like pila and grenades. Doomsday rocket launchers and triple rocket launchers are consumed on use, while every other held weapon is infinite. Weapons will not be damaged so long as they are wielded, and weapon damage has no impact on their combat effectiveness.

Weapon stats

Ranged weapons consist of many attributes:

  • Damage: How much health each bullet can do. For reference, the brain has 10 HP, the heart has 15 HP, and the torso (general body) has 40 HP.
  • Armor penetration: The ability to ignore armor. AP directly subtracts from armor rating; if a weapon's AP > the armor %, then armor is completely ignored.
  • Stopping power: The ability to stagger, or slow, pawns. A stopping power of 1 can stagger humans and human-like mechanoids. When staggered, a pawn is reduced to 1/6th of their normal speed for 95 ticks (1.58 secs).
  • Burst count: How many bullets are fired at a time. If a weapon fires multiple shots, there will be a short delay between bullets.
  • Aim time and Cooldown time: How long it takes between each burst. Aim time happens before shooting, cooldown happens after.
  • Range: How far a weapon can shoot.
  • Accuracy: A weapon's own modifier to accuracy. Shooting skill and other factors also determine accuracy.
    • Each weapon has specific accuracy values at Touch (3), short (12), medium (25) and long (40) ranges. Linear interpolation is used for any values in between. (e.g. accuracy at 17.5 tiles is equal to the average of the short and medium accuracy)

There are two summary stats of how a weapon will actually perform:

  • Optimal DPS: How much damage a weapon can do, per second, if every shot hits an unarmored target.
  • DPS (Range): How much damage a weapon can do, per second, factoring in weapon accuracy at a specific range. (Before the shooter's accuracy, armor, etc.)

DPS is a measure of how fast a weapon can deal out pain. Pain shock is the primary way of disabling pawns in combat; hurt them enough, and they will be downed. Note that enemies downed from pain have a chance to die, anyways. Other factors like range, stopping power, and aiming/cooldown time can all impact how you use a weapon in battle, but damage is a stat to be prioritized first.

Effective accuracy

Conventional (non-explosive) ranged weapon accuracy follows the following equation:

Accuracy = (Shooting AccuracyRange × Weapon Accuracy × Other factors

In simpler terms:

  • Shooting Accuracy is the stat of the shooter. A shooter's accuracy becomes exponentially more important the further a shot is fired. Higher Shooting skill, manipulation, a gunlinkContent added by the Royalty DLC, etc. all improve this stat.
  • Weapon accuracy is the stat of the weapon. Each weapon has specific accuracy values for shooting at specific ranges. This is a factor applied after shooting accuracy.
  • Factors like cover, smoke, weather, and body size are all multipliers or offsets to the "final" accuracy. See Weapons#Accuracy for the full list.

If a ranged weapon is calculated to hit, it will hit, regardless of where the bullet visually lands or any defender movement. If the bullet misses, then it can impact other tiles.

Miss mechanics

Whenever a regular ranged weapon misses, the projectile will land within a random distance from the original target depending on the actual accuracy of the shot based on the weapon and the shooter. Stray shots have a 50% chance of hitting nothing, and a 50% chance of hitting another target on the alternative cell it happens to land on. Projectiles can also hit other things that are between the target and the shooter, such as stray animals. Accuracy to maximum miss distances are as follows:

Accuracy Max Miss Distance Area (cells)
100% 1.0 5
22% 2.0 13
11% 4.0 41
7% 6.0 -
4% 8.0 -
2% 10.0 -

There are special mechanics in regards to friendly fire, or hitting a pawn from the same faction.

Forced miss

Many weapons (mostly explosives) have a Forced Miss Radius stat. Forced miss is modified with distance:

Distance (cells) Radius Multiplier
0 - 8 0
9 - 24 0.5
25 - 48 0.8
49+ 1.0

Weapons with this stat will always land within their forced miss radius, ignoring every factor to accuracy. There is a small chance to use standard accuracy instead, more likely with a small radius.


A very basic melee block, available in any doorway.

Melee involves hand-to-hand combat, with or without the use of weapons. Accuracy is determined with the Melee Hit Chance stat.

Pawns will usually not stack into a cell with other melee attackers. For enemies, only one pawn per cell can attack the same target. Undrafted colony brawllers will not always have collision, so it is possible for them to stack if the threat response setting is set to attack.

Melee combat has strengths and weaknesses. While a pawn can bash with a gun barrel in melee, a fighter with a dedicated melee weapon remains much more effective. However, a brawler may get shot down during their approach. The shield belt was designed to solve that problem. A colony might develop a small strike team of brawlers that can swiftly eliminate threats in close quarters, especially those that have infiltrated the colony.

One of the most common tactics is the melee block (see left). Stand 3 colonists just outside a hallway or door entrance. This ensures that you only fight 1 enemy at a time, reducing their relative damage output. Other colonists can fire behind the melee blockers, though enemy raiders can fire behind each other too. Effective against infestations and melee rushes.

Other mechanics

  • Skilled melee pawns have the ability to evade melee attacks when fighting. When the melee blow is dodged, it will always miss, regardless of whether or not it is supposed to hit.
  • Blunt melee attacks don't cause bleeding (unless a body part is destroyed), but they have a chance to stun enemies for a short time on hit. In addition, most pieces of armor will protect poorly against blunt attacks.
  • Pawns that engage in melee combat while standing on dirt may 'kick dirt' or 'water' in their target's eyes, effectively blinding them for a short time (-80% sight for dirt, and -50% sight for water).

Friendly fire

Friendly fire safety radii:
Central pawn will not hit any friendly pawn on or within the gold radius
Any pawn on a sterile tile will not hit any other friendly pawn on a sterile tile.

Friendly fire is a mechanic in which ranged attacks that missed their target have chance to hit nearby targets, including allies. As such it is important to be careful when you shoot at enemies while allies are in the way or near them, as they may have a chance of being hit as well.

There are several subsidiary mechanics in this process.

First, there is radius of immunity around the shooter in which friendly targets cannot be hit by missed attacks at all. Colonists can shoot over the shoulders of allies up to 5 tiles away from them, but any further and they may be hit. In the image to the right the two radii are displayed. Any pawn standing on a gold or sterile tile cannot be hit by friendly fire by a pawn standing in the center. The inner radius of sterile tiles defines an area in which no pawn standing on one of these tiles will hit any other allied pawn also standing on a sterile tile with friendly fire. Both of these are still the case, even if the actual target is also within with radius. Note that standing inside an open door invalidates this immunity for some reason, allowing pawns to be hit with friendly fire even if inside these radii.

Second is the Friendly Fire Difficulty Setting. This acts as chance multiplier on the existing chance of friendly fire, ranging between 0% and 100% to pawns in the red area of the image or beyond. Note that 100% will not result in all misses causing friendly fire, it only adds an additional scalar to the existing chance.

Combat log

The game keeps track of all combat actions done by a pawn. This can be accessed through the 'Log' tab for a character, and lets you review combat after the battle has finished or in the heat of it.

Each action is accompanied by some flavor text.

See also

Version history

  • 0.18.1722 - Storyful combat: A major rework of melee combat, and a new way to report all combat interactions. Storyful combat generates a combat log that reports each blow, miss, swipe, block and fall in the combat. During or after a fight, you can review the combat log to see what happened, to generate a richer story.