Difference between revisions of "Main Page"

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Line 142: Line 142:
Crematorium]] ▪ [[Hydroponics basin|
Crematorium]] ▪ [[Hydroponics basin|
Hydroponics basin]]
Hydroponics basin]]
:▪ [[Sleeping spot|
Sleeping spot]] ▪ [[Bed|
Bed]] ▪ [[Royal bed|
royal bed]] ▪ [[Metal stool|
Metal stool]] ▪ [[Wood stool|
Wood stool]] ▪ [[Metal table(short)|
Metal table(short)]] ▪ [[Metal table(long)|
Metal table(long)]] ▪ [[Wood table (short)|
Table]] ([[Wood table (long)|
long]]) ▪ [[Standing lamp|
Standing lamp]] &#9642; [[Standing lamp(red)|<!--T:117-->
Standing lamp(red)]] &#9642; [[Standing lamp(green)|
Standing lamp(green)]] &#9642; [[Standing lamp(blue)|<!--T:134-->
Standing lamp(blue)]] &#9642; [[Equipment rack|<!--T:135-->
Equipment rack]]
Line 174: Line 192:
Incendiary Mortar]]&#9642; [[Blasting charges (mod)|
Incendiary Mortar]]&#9642; [[Blasting charges (mod)|
Blasting charges <sup>mod</sup>]]
Blasting charges <sup>mod</sup>]]
:&#9642; [[Research bench|
Research bench]] &#9642; [[Plant pot|
Plant pot]] &#9642; [[Hydroponics table|
Hydroponics table]] &#9642; [[Chair|
Chair]] &#9642; [[Orbital trade beacon|
Orbital trade beacon]] &#9642; [[Equipment rack|
Equipment rack]] &#9642; [[Standing lamp|
Standing lamp]] &#9642; [[Table (short)|
Table]] ([[Table (long)|
long]]) &#9642; [[Cheap bed|
Cheap bed]] &#9642; [[Sleeping spot|<!--T:117-->
Sleeping spot]] &#9642; [[Sun lamp|
Sun lamp]] &#9642; [[Butcher table|<!--T:134-->
Butcher table]] &#9642; [[Stonecutter's table|<!--T:135-->
Stonecutter's table]] &#9642; [[Cook stove|<!--T:136-->
Cook stove]] &#9642; [[Fertilizer pump|<!--T:148-->
Fertilizer Pump]] &#9642; [[Royal bed (mod)|<!--T:137-->
Royal bed <sup>mod</sup>]]

Revision as of 14:00, 14 August 2014

RimWorld is an indie space colony management game developed by Ludeon Studios, an Montreal-based game studio founded by Tynan Sylvester.

For info on recent releases, see the Ludeon development blog.

We are currently maintaining 2,364 articles.

Basics and concepts

Game objects