Rough concrete. It is cheap and quick to build, but is also quite ugly.
Base Stats
- Type
- Floor
- Beauty
- -1
- Flammability
- 0%
- Size
- 1 × 1
- Placeable
- True
- Cleaning Time Multiplier
- 80%
- Filth Multiplier
- 100%
- Move Speed Factor
- 100%
- Required Research
- Stonecutting
- Work To Make
- 100 ticks (1.67 secs)
Concrete is a cheap and fireproof flooring.
Concretes can be crafted once the Stonecutting research project has been completed. Each requires 1 Steel and 100 ticks (1.67 secs) of work modified by the general labor speed of the crafter.
Concrete has a −1 beauty penalty per tile. Cleaning filth on it takes only 80% the work. It is otherwise unremarkable flooring, being fireproof and not penalizing walk speed.
Concrete is cheap, very easy to lay, and quick to clean. Despite using steel, a valuable resource, the actual cost is very affordable.
- Smoothing stone is free, but takes much more work to create.
- Compared to wood floor, concrete actually has less Market Value. And unlike wood, concrete is not flammable. For many colonies, you can easily get steel from steel ore.
- Compared to just keeping a dirt floor, concrete has a cost, but is cleaner by default, which improves medical outcomes and research speed. Dirt floor also has a move speed penalty, and indoor dirt has a higher beauty penalty than concrete.
Concrete is less beautiful than other floors, but if your colonists didn't need the mood, it doesn't really matter. Outdoors, the beauty penalty of concrete is negligible. Concrete can be placed like flagstone to improve walking speed, used as a 2-tile wide fire barrier to protect buildings and crops, or put underneath wind turbines to prevent tree growth.
Indoors, concrete's beauty can be countered by using sculptures. Assuming you have a decent artist, concrete with sculptures is one of the most resource efficient and wealth efficient ways of gaining beauty. See below for details.
With sculptures[edit]
With a decent artist, concrete + large sculptures are often cheaper and more beautiful than the more expensive floors. A normal quality, wood large sculpture costs 100 wood and is equal to 100 paved tiles (
100 steel). Most types of stone sculpture are more beautiful. Higher quality sculptures are even more beautiful. As all the beauty is concentrated into 1 tile, sculptures are also better at increasing the pawn beauty need.
Note that sculptures do take up a tile of space. In small rooms, like bedrooms, space makes a huge impact on Impressiveness, meaning that more expensive flooring has a purpose. Sculptures can also be destroyed.
Both daylilies and jade fences are even more wealth efficient than sculptures, but this doesn't change the fact that concrete remains the cheapest flooring (and thus remains the best with daylilies/jade fences). Note that options take up a lot more space, and thus worse at increasing pawn beauty need.
Version history[edit]
- 1.3.3066 - NPC shuttle pads now always use concrete or paved tiles as flooring.
- 1.4.3523 - Cleaning time factor added.