Totemic slab (medium)

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Totemic slab (medium)

Totemic slab (medium)

A wooden bas relief of totemic imagery for decorating a floor.

Base Stats

100 kg
Style Dominance
Totemic 30


3 × 3
Terrain Affordance


Work To Make
1,000 ticks (16.67 secs)
Stuff Tags
Resources to make
Stuff 100
Deconstruct yield
Stuff 50
Destroy yield
Stuff 25

A totemic slab (medium) is a floor covering added by the Ideology DLC. It is a smaller counterpart to the totemic slab (broad).


Totemic slabs (medium) can be constructed, each requiring Stuff 100 Stuff (Woody) and 1,000 ticks (16.67 secs) of work modified by the construction speed of the builder and the work to build factor and offset of the material. Note that they can only be constructed by pawns that follow ideoligions that include the Totemic style.


The totemic slab significantly increases the dominance of the Totemic style to those who see it and is also moderately beautiful. As it is not an edifice, other buildings can be built on top of it. There are several possible varieties of texture available - the texture is determined randomly upon placing the blueprint.

It has has no effect on move speed and cleanliness. For these, the stats of the floor or terrain beneath the rug is taken into account.


This slab is made of wood, which means it is inherently flammable and doesn't gain the benefits of the beauty modifiers of stone. This makes it directly inferior to the morbid slab (medium), which has the same base beauty of 15 but gains extra beauty from the multipliers of the stone used to make it. This puts it on par with three of the five other floor decorations available. Out of those three, it is completely identical to the animalist slab (medium) as they are both made out of wood. Wood is generally a bit more consistently available than cloth for the rustic rug (medium) or steel for the spikecore floor-star (medium). Of course, which one of these will end up being built in your colony will depend on the style of your ideoligion.

Walls can be constructed over slabs, and slabs can be constructed "under" walls. This means that some of the slab can be "buried" in a wall, and the full beauty modifier is still added to the room. By doing this, a smaller room can fit more slabs in an aesthetically pleasing way - for example, building a 9 by 9 room over 9 slabs, with the outermost of them sunk into the walls by one time. Wood is usually easy to come by, and the beauty modifiers of the floor they are built on will still apply with a slab on top, so if resources permit it then there is no reason not to build slabs anywhere they can fit for free beauty points.

Stats table

  • Totemic slab (medium) Totemic slab (medium) Beauty Work to Build HP Flamma­bility Market
    Wood Wood 15 000,700 ticks (11.67 secs) 65 22% 123 Silver
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