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It cannot be traded for, so to have one you must construct it. This requires the research of drug production and a construction skill of at least 4. Despite the intellectual skill being a large factor in using the lab, the building of one does not seem to rely on it.
It cannot be traded for, so to have one you must construct it. This requires the research of drug production, a construction skill of at least 4, and {{Required Resources}} in {{Ticks|{{P|Work To Make}}}} after the research [[Research#Drug production|Drug production]] has been completed. Despite the intellectual skill being a large factor in using the lab, the building of one does not seem to rely on it.

Revision as of 17:15, 7 May 2021

Drug lab

Drug lab

A work bench equipped with containers, heaters, and measurement equipment for producing various drugs.

Base Stats



1 × 3
0 W
Tool cabinet


Skill Required
Construction 4
Work To Make
3,500 ticks (58.33 secs)
Stuff Tags
Metallic, Woody
Resources to make
Stuff 50 + Steel 75 + Component 6
Deconstruct yield
Building Material (steel, wood, plasteel, etc.) 37 + Steel 56 + Component 5

The drug lab can be built upon researching Drug Production, however colonists who are incapable of intellectual work can't use it. Colonists must be assigned to crafting to use this.

  • Drug Pre-Research Minimum Skills Ingredients Market Value (in silver)
    Flake Psychite refining - 4 Psychoid leaves 14
    Go-juice Go-juice production - 2 Neutroamine
    1 Yayo
    Medicine Electricity
    Microelectronics basics
    Medicine production
    Intellectual 4+
    Crafting 4+
    3 Cloth
    1 Herbal medicine
    1 Neutroamine
    Penoxycyline Penoxycyline production - 2 Neutroamine 18
    Wake-up Wake-up production - 2 Neutroamine 35
    Yayo Psychite refining - 8 Psychoid leaves 21
  • Acquisition

    It cannot be traded for, so to have one you must construct it. This requires the research of drug production, a construction skill of at least 4, and Stuff 50 Stuff (Metallic/Woody, 500 for SVMs), Steel 75 Steel, Component 6 Components in 3,500 ticks (58.33 secs) after the research Drug production has been completed. Despite the intellectual skill being a large factor in using the lab, the building of one does not seem to rely on it.


    The ability to craft industrial medicine can be very useful, but while two of the ingredients (herbal medicine and 3 cloth) can be simply grown, neutroamine must be traded for. Overall it is cheaper to craft it, coming in at a third of the base price of the product, but requires plant material.

    Aside from medicinal purposes, it can also be a very large source of income. Growing psychoid leaves and mass-producing Yayo or Flake can be hugely profitable.

    Stats table

  • Drug lab Drug lab Beauty Work to Build HP Flamma­bility Market
    Bioferrite Bioferrite Content added by the Anomaly DLC 0 008,750 ticks (2.43 mins) 240 75% 405 Silver
    Gold Gold 20 003,150 ticks (52.5 secs) 72 40% 5,345 Silver
    Plasteel Plasteel 0 007,700 ticks (2.14 mins) 336 0% 810 Silver
    Silver Silver 6 003,500 ticks (58.33 secs) 84 40% 845 Silver
    Steel Steel 0 003,500 ticks (58.33 secs) 120 40% 440 Silver
    Uranium Uranium 0 006,650 ticks (1.85 mins) 300 0% 660 Silver
    Wood Wood 0 002,450 ticks (40.83 secs) 78 100% 405 Silver