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[[Characters]], like [[Colonist|colonists]], [[Raider|raiders]], etc, can become [[Injury|injured]] (via the environment or fighting). Each injury affects a different part of the colonists' well being, and can be found under a character's [[Health]] tab.
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==Health Systems==
:''Main article: [[Characters]]''
Human Characters, like colonists, have the following biological systems :
{{see also|Injury}}
[[Characters]], like [[colonist]]s, [[raider]]s, etc., can become [[Injury|injured]] (via the environment or fighting).
:''Main Article: [[Pain]]''
Humans can only take so much pain before they go into [[#Shock|shock]], and become incapacitated. Some characters, like machines, do not feel pain and are not affected by it.
Each injury affects a different part of the colonists' well being, and can be found under a character's '''Health''' tab.
Under the health tab there are two sub-tabs, one for a health "Overview" which includes medical treatment preference and food restriction (1.0 onwards), and a second tab for scheduling any "Operations" that a colonist requires.
Required for living. Loss of an organ that provides consciousness results in death of the character (eg. the [[body part|brain]]). Even machines require a source of consciousness to operate.
==Health Systems==
Required for vision, though a colonist can survive with just one eye. Machines have sensors for this instead of biological eyes.
{{main|Characters|Table of Human Body Parts}}
Pawns have the following health systems.  
Required for hearing, though a colonist can live without either ear. Machines have hearing sensors for this instead of biological ears.
Used for walking around the world, requires some sort of movement limb (like legs for colonists).
Used to doing virtually any job as a colonist like [[construction|constructing]], [[mining]], [[crafting]], so on. A colonist that is unable to do work isn't able to do much besides eat.
Used for socializing, like talking to other colonists, funnily enough, since colonists with the [[Trait|psychopath trait]] don't get a positive moodlet from socializing, they are the least affected by this. Machines have a 'communication' system instead of this.
Required for eating food. {{v|{{:Version}}}} Colonists can still eat, even if they lose their ability at the moment, albeit ''very'' slowly.
Characters need to be able to breathe, and a character that requires breathing and loses all capacity to do so will perish.
===Blood Filtration===
Your kidneys do this. Curiously, losing both kidneys also ensues instant death.
===Blood Pumping===
Hearts pump blood, and blood pumping is another essential system required for life. Lose all capacity for this and you die.
Colonists' livers are required for this. Entirely destroying a characters' liver results in instantaneous death as well.
==Human Anatomy==
The human anatomy in Rimworld is a simplified one of ours in real life.
===Body Parts===
*Health: 30
*Lethal if destroyed/removed.
Container of the skull, eyes, ears, nose, and jaw. Technically, you don't need the head itself to live (rather you need the contents of the head, like the brain, to live).
*Health: 30
*Lethal if shattered.
Container of the brain. It's worth noting that an injury cannot hit the skull without hitting the brain as well. Lethal if lost, since it holds the brain (again, you need the brain to live, not technically the skull).
*Health: 10
*Lethal if destroyed/removed.
The most important organ of a colonist. It's required for [[#Consciousness|consciousness]], [[#Sight|sight processing]], [[#Hearing|hearing processing]], [[#Moving|moving]], and [[#Working|working]].
*Health: 10
Includes :
*Right Eye
*Left Eye
Eyes are required for [[#Sight|seeing]]. They do not heal when injured, and always scar. {{v|{{:Version}}}} There is currently no way to restore sight to a blinded colonist.
<div style="float: left;">
*Health: 10
{| {{STDT| sortable c_08 text-center}}
Includes :
! System Name !! Biological<BR>Body Parts !! Mechanical<BR>Body Parts !! Biological<BR>Pawns Have? !! Mechanical<BR>Pawns Have? !! Fatal if all<BR>capacity lost?<ref>Refers to whether or not the pawn will die if a system's capacity becomes 'None'</ref>
*Right Ear
*Left Ear
Ears are required for [[#Hearing|hearing]] things in the world. Losing both ears results in deafness. {{v|{{:Version}}}} There is currently no way to restore hearing to a deafened colonist.
| - || | - || | Yes || | No || | No
Currently, loud noises like gunshots do not inflict pain or damage on the ears.
| Brain || | - || | Yes || | No || | Yes
![[#Data Processing|Data Processing]]
| - || | Mechanical Brain || | No || | Yes || | Yes
| Eye || | Sight Sensor || | Yes || | Yes || | No
| Ear || | Hearing Sensor || | Yes || | Yes || | No
| Leg, Foot || | Leg, Foot<ref>Centipedes body rings are used for movement instead, since they don't have legs.</ref> || | Yes || | Yes || | No
| Arm, Hand || | Arm, Hand<ref>Again, Centipedes body rings are used for work instead, since they don't have arms.</ref> || Yes || | Yes || | No
| Jaw, Neck || | - || | Yes || | No || | No
| - || | Neck<ref>Centipedes have no form of external communication. Scythers do have a neck though, and make some interesting sounds when incapacitated.</ref> || | No || | Yes || | No
| Lungs || | - || | Yes || | No || | Yes
![[#Blood Filtration|Blood Filtration]]
| Kidneys, Liver || | - || | Yes || | No || | Yes
![[#Fluid Reprocessing|Fluid Reprocessing]]
| - || | Fluid Reprocessor || | No || | Yes || | Yes
![[#Blood Pumping|Blood Pumping]]
| Heart || | - || | Yes || | No || | Yes
![[#Power Generation|Power Generation]]
| - || | Reactor || | No || | Yes || | Yes
| Stomach || | - || | Yes || | No || | Yes
<br style="clear:both" />
==== Sight ====
*Health: 10
{{v|{{:Version}}}} Though required for smelling, there is no smelling system in place in place for Rimworld. A damaged or destroyed nose is the least of your worries in terms of injury.
Sight is a capacity that contributes to stats including [[Shooting Accuracy|shooting accuracy]], [[Melee Hit Chance|melee hit chance]], and for colonists, nearly every work stat. Humans and animals have eyes, while [[scyther]]s and [[centipede]]s have functionally equivalent sight sensors. Losing an eye or sensor reduces sight by 50%. Humans aged 50 or older may develop cataracts which drastically reduces sight by 50%. An eye can be upgraded with a [[bionic eye]].
==== Hearing ====
*Health: 20
Required for [[#Eating|eating]], colonists are left unable to eat if they lose their jaw. {{v|{{:Version}}}} Currently however, colonists are still able to (slowly) eat, presumably until there's a way to replace a jaw.
Hearing is a capacity that contributes to [[Trade Price Improvement|trade price improvement]]. Hearing is reduced by damaged, missing ears, or hearing loss.  Hearing can be improved past 100% with a [[bionic ear]], however no derived stat benefits from doing so.
==== Moving ====
Moving is a pawn's capacity to use their legs to move about. It's a major factor in a pawn's overall [[Move Speed|movement speed]]. Moving is reduced when a leg, femur, tibia, foot, toe or their spine is injured.
Consciousness applies a 1 for 1 multiplier on moving, while breathing and blood pumping does the same but only up to -10% moving, so anything that affects any of these stats will also increase or reduce moving by the same amount. Moving is also directly reduced by certain ailments including [[Injury#old age|bad back and frailty]].
Any time a pawn's moving is reduced to below 15%, they become incapacitated and can no longer do anything. They can be rescued or captured at this point. An injured pawn may eventually recover on their own as the pain levels drop, although blood loss may prevent this or cause them to collapse again.
*Health: 40
*Core Part
*Lethal if destroyed
The torso is the [[core part]] of a colonist. It is a container for the rest of the major organs of a colonist, and destroying it effectively destroys/disconnects the rest of the colonist's organs. A majority of human characters will die from torso injury/destruction long before they die of anything else.
==== Manipulation ====
*Health: 30
*Lethal if destroyed/removed.
Manipulation is a pawn's capacity to perform any task with their [[Body Parts#Hand|hands]]. It is an important factor in almost every task a colonist can perform.  
Technically part of the torso, it connects the head to the torso. {{v|{{:Version}}}} Neck damage doesn't seem to make colonists bleed out very fast, unlike real life. Loss of the neck results in death, due to disconnecting the [[#Brain|brain]] from the core part, the [[#Torso|torso]].
Anatomically, bipeds use their left and right arms for manipulation, and each side contributes its efficiency level to 50% of the manipulation stat. Total loss of a shoulder, arm, radius, humerus or hand will render that side totally useless and reduce the pawn's manipulation by 50%. Loss of a finger will result in about an 8% manipulation penalty per finger. For quadrupeds, manipulation is reduced by injury to their [[Body Parts#Jaw|jaw]] instead. For both, injury to the spine will also reduce manipulation.
*Health: 25
Includes :
*Right Clavicle
*Left Clavicle
The clavicles are the bones between the [[#Neck|neck]] and shoulder (the human damage model does not include shoulders, however, so the clavicle connects the arm instead), and are required for the for [[#Working|work]]. Shattering a clavicle is equivalent to actually losing the arm in terms of functionality.
Consciousness applies a 1 for 1 multiplier on manipulation, so anything that affects consciousness (pain, brain damage, diseases, drugs, joywires, etc.) will also increase or reduce manipulation by the same amount. Manipulation is also reduced by ailments including [[Injury#old age|bad back and frailty]]. Manipulation is modified by prosthetics including power claws, prosthetic arms, and bionic arms.
*Health: 35
Colonists need their spine for [[#Moving|moving]] and [[#Working|working]]. Shattering the spine results in complete paralysis, presumably below the neck. {{v|{{:Version}}}} There is no way to restore functionality to a colonist whose spine is broken, forcing them to be bed bound for the rest of their life.
==== Talking ====
*Health: 25
The pelvis is critical for [[#Moving|moving]], and shattering it results in paralysis below the waist. Colonists are completely unable to walk from this sort of injury, and will be forced to be bed bound for the rest of their life. {{v|{{:Version}}}} There is no way to repair shattered pelvis currently.
A character's capacity of speech. Directly affected by consciousness.
==== Eating ====
*Health: 25
Front part of the [[#Rib|rib cage]]. {{v|{{:Version}}}} Like ribs, it currently only causes [[pain]] if destroyed.
Eating is the capacity of biological pawns to consume food and is a major factor of [[Eating Speed]]. It is reduced by a damaged jaw. Even when missing a jaw a pawn can still eat, though at a reduced rate. A damaged or missing jaw can be replaced with a denture or bionic jaw
==== Breathing ====
*Health: 15
Includes :
The ability of a character to breathe. Affects consciousness and movement.
*Rib x 12
Colonists have 12 ribs, damage/loss of a rib is relatively harmless. {{v|{{:Version}}}} As of currently, loss of a rib only results in [[pain]].
==== Blood Filtration ====
*Health: 20
{{Main|Blood Filtration}}
Includes :
A character's ability to fight off diseases. Affects consciousness and immunity gain speed.
*Right Lung
*Left Lung
*Lethal if both lungs lost.
Colonists have two lungs, a right lung and left lung. Currently, colonists can [[#Breathing|breathe]] and survive fine with just one lung, {{v|{{:Version}}}} though, their health bar will permanently be displayed as '50%', since they're half way to death with the loss of a single lung. Losing both lungs is instantaneous death, as the colonist will no longer have a way to breath. Lungs tend to bleed out very fast when destroyed, but are generally survivable injuries.
==== Blood Pumping ====
{{Main|Blood Pumping}}
Blood Pumping is an essential function provided by the heart. It directly influences the moving stat. A pawn whose blood pumping reaches 0% will die instantly.
==== Digestion ====
*Health: 30
Stomachs act like colonists jaws in many ways, as the loss of the stomach results in an inability to [[#Eating|eat]]. {{v|{{:Version}}}} A colonist without a stomach can still eat, though very slowly.
Digestion is a pawn's ability to digest food and convert it to energy efficiently. The better a pawn's Digestion value, the less rest they will need. A pawn whose Digestion reaches 0% will die instantly.
==== Consciousness  ====
*Health: 20
The heart is needed for [[#Blood Pumping|blood pumping]] in colonists. Complete destruction of the heart results in instant death.
Consciousness is a creature's ability to remain active, and in the case of your colonists, controllable. Blood loss, starvation and pain can have a serious effect on a creature's consciousness if they reach higher levels. Pawns below 30% consciousness will not wake up.
When a medical operation is performed, anesthesia is induced, which renders the person unconscious until the effect of the anesthetic medication has worn off. This makes them incapable of moving, along with being incapable of leaving the bed.
Consciousness is directly influenced by Efficiency of consciousness source, Pain, Blood pumping, Breathing and Blood filtration. The formula is:
*Health: 20
Includes :
*Right Kidney
*Left Kidney
*Lethal if both lost
Kidneys are required for [[#Blood Filtration|blood filtration]]. Like lungs, losing one isn't life threatening, but losing both results in death.
    '''E(C) = E(CS) * (1 - Clamp((Pain - 0.1) * 4 / 9, 0, 0.4)) * (1 - 0.2 * △E(BP)) * (1 - 0.2 * △E(Br)) * (1 - 0.1 * △E(BF))'''
  E(C) is the Efficiency of Consciousness
  E(CS) is the Efficiency of Consciousness source (e.g., the brain)
  Pain is the total pain
  △E(BP) = 1 - E(BP), E(BP) is the Efficiency of Blood pumping
  △E(Br) = 1 - E(Br), E(Br) is the Efficiency of Breathing
  △E(BF) = 1 - E(BF), E(BF) is the Efficiency of Blood filtration
From the fomula, we know that when total pain is below 10%, it makes no influence on consciousness. And when 10% <= pain <= 100%, the fomula can be simplified as: 
*Health: 30
Includes :
*Right Arm
*Left Arm
Arms are required for [[#Working|working]], and are containers for the [[#Hands|hands]] and subsequent bones. One armed colonists can still work, though much slower.
    '''E(C) = E(CS) * [(Pain - 0.1) * 4 / 9] * (1 - 0.2 * △E(BP)) * (1 - 0.2 * △E(Br)) * (1 - 0.1 * △E(BF))'''
*Health: 25
Includes :
*Right Humerus
*Left Humerus
Upper bones of the arm. While these are usually minor injuries (as bone injuries never scar), shattering ones' humerus is equivalent to losing the entire arm, with a complete loss of functionality for the arm, meaning the arm can no longer do [[#Working|work]]. Definitely not funny.
== Pain ==
*Health: 20
Includes :
*Right Radius
*Left Radius
Forearm bones, similar to [[#Humerus]] in terms of injury and shattering, with a loss of [[#Working|working]] ability for the appropriate arm if shattered.
== Health tab ==
*Health: 20
All creatures have a health tab, located above the pawn's inspect pane.
Includes :
*Right Hand
*Left Hand
Hands are the containers for fingers, and are required for [[#Working|working]]. One handed colonists can still work fine, just slower.
:Overview tab
*Health: 7
::The first section lists the creature's type, gender and age. Hovering over this section will display the creature's exact age and date born.
Includes :
::Self-tend (turned off by default) allows a doctor to tend their own wounds, although with reduced efficiency.
*Right Thumb
::The creature's bodily systems are listed here with their current effectiveness. Not all systems are found among all types of creatures (i.e. animals don't have Talking).
*Right Index Finger
*Right Middle Finger
*Right Ring Finger
*Right Pinky
*Left Thumb
*Left Index Finger
*Left Middle Finger
*Left Ring Finger
*Left Pinky
Colonists have ten fingers, consisting of the thumbs, index, middle, ring, and pinky fingers. Loss of any of these results in a small penalty to [[#Working|working]] (though it's usually so small it's difficult to notice).
:Operations tab
::The Operations tab is only available for colonists, colony animals, and prisoners. Bills can be added here to request surgical operations.
::Listed here are the creature's health conditions and injuries. Implants, bionic parts, and prosthetics are also listed here. Hovering over an entry provides detailed information.
::A red blood droplet indicates a bleeding injury. The size of the droplet indicates severity of the bleeding. Overall bleeding rate is listed at the bottom.
::An open circle indicates a condition that needs tending, usually requiring periodic treatments before fully cured. A solid circle indicates the condition has been tended to.
::A bandage icon indicates a treated injury. A white bandage indicates high quality treatment. Darker shades indicate lower quality treatment, more likely to result in scarring or infection. ''See [[Doctoring]]''
==Cold and Heat Injuries==
*Health: 30
Hypothermia: Causes a negative thought, and pawns will eventually lose consciousness.<br />
Includes :
Frostbite: Can cause limbs and fingers/toes to fall off. <br />
*Right Leg
Heatstroke: Causes a negative thought, and can affect consciousness and even set a pawn on [[fire]].<br />
*Left Leg
Burns: Causes low-medium pain and creates a risk of infection.
Every colonist has two legs, but the destruction of one removes the ability to [[#Moving|walk]] at all. {{v|{{:Version}}}} Unable to walk, they'll be forced to live their rest of their life in a medical bed. There is no way to provide [[#Treatment|treatment]] for a lost leg currently.
*Health: 25
For most injuries, you can treat [[colonist]]s with or without [[medicine]] (with typically better results if a medicinal substance is provided), and also have them lay in [[hospital bed]]s or any other bed or sleeping spot assigned as a medical spot, though Hospital Beds further improve the chance of them being treated properly.
Includes :
*Right Tibia
*Left Tibia
Upper leg bone, required for [[#Moving|walking]]. When shattered, results in a complete loss of function of the leg containing the bone.
===Improper Treatment===
*Health: 25
Treating an injury poorly ''may'' result in [[Injury#Scarring|scarring]], reduced [[Stat#Healing Rate|healing rate]] or infections.
Includes :
*Right Femur
*Left Femur
Lower leg bone, the same in terms of injury as the [[#Tibia|tibia]], with a loss of [[#Moving|walking]] ability on being shattered.
*Health: 20
{{See also|Surgery}}
Includes :
Under the Health tab, you can assign an operation to a [[colonist]] by clicking on the bill sub-tab. Operations cannot be performed without a proper [[Medicine|Medkit]] to apply an anesthetic. Operation success chance depends highly on the doctor's skill level. Keep in mind that keeping the room as clean as possible (also optionally with the use of [[sterile tile]]s) will help preventing possible infection.  As of Alpha 16, there are three categories of surgery failure – minor, catastrophic, and ridiculous. Ridiculous hits all body parts, minor and catastrophic hit parts near the surgery site.
*Right Foot
*Left Foot
Humans have two feet, needed for [[#Moving|walking]]. There are also the container for the toes.
*Health: 7
For missing [[Table of Human Body Parts|internal organs]], either a donor organ or an [[Artificial body parts#Body - Organs|artificial equivalent]] can be used. Some diseases can be cured through a transplant. [[Artery blockage]]s can be cured with a heart transplant and [[Ailments#Asthma|asthma]] can be cured with lung transplants. Be wary that your colonists may suffer [[Mood#Someone organ-harvested|mood penalties]] when you harvest an organ, with the "donor" will suffer a -30 mood penalty for over a week. See [[Human Resources]] for details and mitigation strategies.
Includes :
*Right Little Toe
*Right Fourth Toe
*Right Middle Toe
*Right Second Toe
*Right Big Toe
*Left Little Toe
*Left Fourth Toe
*Left Middle Toe
*Left Second Toe
*Left Big Toe
Probably the most minor injuries a colonist can have would be to the toes. They hurt a colonists' [[#Moving|walking]] by a small amount.
=====Limb Replacement=====
From [[peg leg]]s to [[bionic arm]]s, you could either replace a colonists' missing limbs, augment them, or cruelly punish your [[Raider|enemies]] with peg legs out of spite.
Bionic parts have a bonus to specific actions or movement. For example, a [[bionic leg]] will increase your colonist's [[Move Speed|moving speed]] by 12.5%. Having a second bionic leg will increase the speed further by 12.5%, so having both right and left bionic legs will increase the speed by 25%.
{{v|{{:Version}}}}Currently, the only form of treatment provided is bandaging and using [[Medkit|medical kits]] on colonists. Colonists assigned to the 'medical' job will attempt to treat colonists that are on medical beds.
You can install implants onto a natural part to improve its functions.  
Some note-worthy things :
Implants are not mutually exclusive so you can have more than 1 per part.
*Better doctors have a better chance to treat injuries better.
*Using medical kits seems to raise the chance of treating a wound well
*Treating wounds helps reduce the chance that they will scar.
Limbs can also be removed due to health reasons. If an arm/leg becomes infected it can be amputated to save the person.
*Tynan has hinted that there may be artificial limbs (potentially even cybernetic replacements) in the next alpha.
== Version history ==
[[Category:Game mechanics]]
* [[Version/0.10.785|0.10.785]] - Health tab now displays overall bleeding rate.
* [[Version/0.12.906|0.12.906]] - Added way to enable/deny medicine in different qualities to any colonist, prisoner, or tame animal.
* [[Version/0.13.1135|0.13.1135]] - Sick people in bed can now watch [[TV]]

Latest revision as of 12:00, 12 June 2024

Basics Menus Game Creation Gameplay Pawns Plants Resources Gear Mods
Pawns Menu Character Properties Character Types
Character Properties Health Mood Needs Skills Thoughts Traits Social
Health Body Parts Capacities Injury Disease Ailments

Characters, like colonists, raiders, etc., can become injured (via the environment or fighting).

Each injury affects a different part of the colonists' well being, and can be found under a character's Health tab.

Under the health tab there are two sub-tabs, one for a health "Overview" which includes medical treatment preference and food restriction (1.0 onwards), and a second tab for scheduling any "Operations" that a colonist requires.

Health Systems[edit]

Pawns have the following health systems.

System Name Biological
Body Parts
Body Parts
Pawns Have?
Pawns Have?
Fatal if all
capacity lost?[1]
Pain - - Yes No No
Consciousness Brain - Yes No Yes
Data Processing - Mechanical Brain No Yes Yes
Sight Eye Sight Sensor Yes Yes No
Hearing Ear Hearing Sensor Yes Yes No
Moving Leg, Foot Leg, Foot[2] Yes Yes No
Manipulation Arm, Hand Arm, Hand[3] Yes Yes No
Talking Jaw, Neck - Yes No No
Communication - Neck[4] No Yes No
Breathing Lungs - Yes No Yes
Blood Filtration Kidneys, Liver - Yes No Yes
Fluid Reprocessing - Fluid Reprocessor No Yes Yes
Blood Pumping Heart - Yes No Yes
Power Generation - Reactor No Yes Yes
Digestion Stomach - Yes No Yes
  1. Refers to whether or not the pawn will die if a system's capacity becomes 'None'
  2. Centipedes body rings are used for movement instead, since they don't have legs.
  3. Again, Centipedes body rings are used for work instead, since they don't have arms.
  4. Centipedes have no form of external communication. Scythers do have a neck though, and make some interesting sounds when incapacitated.


Sight is a capacity that contributes to stats including shooting accuracy, melee hit chance, and for colonists, nearly every work stat. Humans and animals have eyes, while scythers and centipedes have functionally equivalent sight sensors. Losing an eye or sensor reduces sight by 50%. Humans aged 50 or older may develop cataracts which drastically reduces sight by 50%. An eye can be upgraded with a bionic eye.


Hearing is a capacity that contributes to trade price improvement. Hearing is reduced by damaged, missing ears, or hearing loss. Hearing can be improved past 100% with a bionic ear, however no derived stat benefits from doing so.


Moving is a pawn's capacity to use their legs to move about. It's a major factor in a pawn's overall movement speed. Moving is reduced when a leg, femur, tibia, foot, toe or their spine is injured.

Consciousness applies a 1 for 1 multiplier on moving, while breathing and blood pumping does the same but only up to -10% moving, so anything that affects any of these stats will also increase or reduce moving by the same amount. Moving is also directly reduced by certain ailments including bad back and frailty.

Any time a pawn's moving is reduced to below 15%, they become incapacitated and can no longer do anything. They can be rescued or captured at this point. An injured pawn may eventually recover on their own as the pain levels drop, although blood loss may prevent this or cause them to collapse again.


Manipulation is a pawn's capacity to perform any task with their hands. It is an important factor in almost every task a colonist can perform.

Anatomically, bipeds use their left and right arms for manipulation, and each side contributes its efficiency level to 50% of the manipulation stat. Total loss of a shoulder, arm, radius, humerus or hand will render that side totally useless and reduce the pawn's manipulation by 50%. Loss of a finger will result in about an 8% manipulation penalty per finger. For quadrupeds, manipulation is reduced by injury to their jaw instead. For both, injury to the spine will also reduce manipulation.

Consciousness applies a 1 for 1 multiplier on manipulation, so anything that affects consciousness (pain, brain damage, diseases, drugs, joywires, etc.) will also increase or reduce manipulation by the same amount. Manipulation is also reduced by ailments including bad back and frailty. Manipulation is modified by prosthetics including power claws, prosthetic arms, and bionic arms.


A character's capacity of speech. Directly affected by consciousness.


Eating is the capacity of biological pawns to consume food and is a major factor of Eating Speed. It is reduced by a damaged jaw. Even when missing a jaw a pawn can still eat, though at a reduced rate. A damaged or missing jaw can be replaced with a denture or bionic jaw


The ability of a character to breathe. Affects consciousness and movement.

Blood Filtration[edit]

A character's ability to fight off diseases. Affects consciousness and immunity gain speed.

Blood Pumping[edit]

Blood Pumping is an essential function provided by the heart. It directly influences the moving stat. A pawn whose blood pumping reaches 0% will die instantly.


Digestion is a pawn's ability to digest food and convert it to energy efficiently. The better a pawn's Digestion value, the less rest they will need. A pawn whose Digestion reaches 0% will die instantly.


Consciousness is a creature's ability to remain active, and in the case of your colonists, controllable. Blood loss, starvation and pain can have a serious effect on a creature's consciousness if they reach higher levels. Pawns below 30% consciousness will not wake up. When a medical operation is performed, anesthesia is induced, which renders the person unconscious until the effect of the anesthetic medication has worn off. This makes them incapable of moving, along with being incapable of leaving the bed.

Consciousness is directly influenced by Efficiency of consciousness source, Pain, Blood pumping, Breathing and Blood filtration. The formula is:

   E(C) = E(CS) * (1 - Clamp((Pain - 0.1) * 4 / 9, 0, 0.4)) * (1 - 0.2 * △E(BP)) * (1 - 0.2 * △E(Br)) * (1 - 0.1 * △E(BF))


 E(C) is the Efficiency of Consciousness
 E(CS) is the Efficiency of Consciousness source (e.g., the brain)
 Pain is the total pain
 △E(BP) = 1 - E(BP), E(BP) is the Efficiency of Blood pumping
 △E(Br) = 1 - E(Br), E(Br) is the Efficiency of Breathing
 △E(BF) = 1 - E(BF), E(BF) is the Efficiency of Blood filtration

From the fomula, we know that when total pain is below 10%, it makes no influence on consciousness. And when 10% <= pain <= 100%, the fomula can be simplified as:

   E(C) = E(CS) * [(Pain - 0.1) * 4 / 9] * (1 - 0.2 * △E(BP)) * (1 - 0.2 * △E(Br)) * (1 - 0.1 * △E(BF))


Main Article: Pain

Most biological creatures including colonists, raiders, and animals feel pain caused by injuries. A pawn's pain level ranges from 0% to 100% and is displayed on their Health tab's Overview. Pain levels are None, Little, Moderate, Severe, and Extreme.[Detail Needed] Even a little pain causes unhappy thoughts. Once pain passes 10%, it'll start to have an effect on consciousness. If a pawn's pain level meets or exceeds their Pain Shock Threshold they'll go into shock, unable to move. Pawns with the Wimp trait will be incapacitated with only minor pain of 30%.

Most pain is temporary, but scars and certain diseases can cause long-term pain. A painstopper implant or the Painblock psycast Content added by the Royalty DLC will get rid of all a colonist's pain and negate any pain-related mood penalties. Note that colonists with the Masochist trait or an ideoligion with the Pain: Idealized preceptContent added by the Ideology DLC get a mood bonus from pain instead of a penalty, so it's usually better to leave them alone.

Injuries to the artificial parts do not cause any pain, so colonists with a lot of bionics will generally incur less pain during combat.


Pain for a given pawn is the sum of the pain from each individual injury, with two extra steps at the end:

  • pain = pain / healthFactor for pawns with a healthFactor other than 1.0 (like grizzly bears and other large animals). Humans have a healthFactor of 1.0, so this doesn't impact humans
  • pain = pain * painFactor from health conditions which alter pain. This includes pain-reducing drugs like flake and yayo as well as anesthetic used during operations

Pain from an individual injury is the product of the severity of the injury (the number of HP missing for things like cuts and burns) and the pain per severity for the injury type. For example:

  • 30 burn damage causes 30 damage × 0.01875 pain per severity = 56.25% pain
  • 30 cut damage causes 30 damage × 0.0125 pain per severity = 37.5% pain

For the complete table of pain vs damage, see Health Difficulties


Pain creates moodlets of different values at 4 stages depending on pain severity.

Level Required Pain % Mood Penalty
Mood Buff
Mood Buff
(Pain:IdealizedContent added by the Ideology DLC)
Minor 1% −5 +5 +3
Serious 15% −10 +10 +5
Intense 40% −15 +15 +7
Mind-shattering 80% −20 +20 +9

A standard pawn will go down upon reaching mind-shattering pain.
Pain inflicts a consciousness penalty that scales with the pain percentage after exceeding 10%. It conforms to the following equation: IF Pain[%] <= 10% THEN -0% ELSE -{(Pain-0.1)/2.25}[%] For example, 15% pain is 0.15 - 0.1 = 0.05 / 2.25 = 0.02 or 2% consciousness loss.



Base factors[edit]

Factors cause the game code to MULTIPLY pain X a number. Small numbers reduce pain a lot. Large numbers reduce pain a little.


Offsets cause the game code to ADD OR SUBTRACT a number from the pawn's pain. Small numbers are less effective at reducing pain than large numbers. However, if the pawn only has a small amount of pain, an equally small offset will be totally effective at removing all pain. Positive numbers add pain. Negative numbers reduce pain.

Health tab[edit]

All creatures have a health tab, located above the pawn's inspect pane.

Overview tab
The first section lists the creature's type, gender and age. Hovering over this section will display the creature's exact age and date born.
Self-tend (turned off by default) allows a doctor to tend their own wounds, although with reduced efficiency.
The creature's bodily systems are listed here with their current effectiveness. Not all systems are found among all types of creatures (i.e. animals don't have Talking).
Operations tab
The Operations tab is only available for colonists, colony animals, and prisoners. Bills can be added here to request surgical operations.
Listed here are the creature's health conditions and injuries. Implants, bionic parts, and prosthetics are also listed here. Hovering over an entry provides detailed information.
A red blood droplet indicates a bleeding injury. The size of the droplet indicates severity of the bleeding. Overall bleeding rate is listed at the bottom.
An open circle indicates a condition that needs tending, usually requiring periodic treatments before fully cured. A solid circle indicates the condition has been tended to.
A bandage icon indicates a treated injury. A white bandage indicates high quality treatment. Darker shades indicate lower quality treatment, more likely to result in scarring or infection. See Doctoring

Cold and Heat Injuries[edit]

Hypothermia: Causes a negative thought, and pawns will eventually lose consciousness.
Frostbite: Can cause limbs and fingers/toes to fall off.
Heatstroke: Causes a negative thought, and can affect consciousness and even set a pawn on fire.
Burns: Causes low-medium pain and creates a risk of infection.


For most injuries, you can treat colonists with or without medicine (with typically better results if a medicinal substance is provided), and also have them lay in hospital beds or any other bed or sleeping spot assigned as a medical spot, though Hospital Beds further improve the chance of them being treated properly.

Improper Treatment[edit]

Treating an injury poorly may result in scarring, reduced healing rate or infections.


Under the Health tab, you can assign an operation to a colonist by clicking on the bill sub-tab. Operations cannot be performed without a proper Medkit to apply an anesthetic. Operation success chance depends highly on the doctor's skill level. Keep in mind that keeping the room as clean as possible (also optionally with the use of sterile tiles) will help preventing possible infection. As of Alpha 16, there are three categories of surgery failure – minor, catastrophic, and ridiculous. Ridiculous hits all body parts, minor and catastrophic hit parts near the surgery site.


For missing internal organs, either a donor organ or an artificial equivalent can be used. Some diseases can be cured through a transplant. Artery blockages can be cured with a heart transplant and asthma can be cured with lung transplants. Be wary that your colonists may suffer mood penalties when you harvest an organ, with the "donor" will suffer a -30 mood penalty for over a week. See Human Resources for details and mitigation strategies.

Limb Replacement[edit]

From peg legs to bionic arms, you could either replace a colonists' missing limbs, augment them, or cruelly punish your enemies with peg legs out of spite. Bionic parts have a bonus to specific actions or movement. For example, a bionic leg will increase your colonist's moving speed by 12.5%. Having a second bionic leg will increase the speed further by 12.5%, so having both right and left bionic legs will increase the speed by 25%.


You can install implants onto a natural part to improve its functions.

Implants are not mutually exclusive so you can have more than 1 per part.


Limbs can also be removed due to health reasons. If an arm/leg becomes infected it can be amputated to save the person.

Version history[edit]

  • 0.10.785 - Health tab now displays overall bleeding rate.
  • 0.12.906 - Added way to enable/deny medicine in different qualities to any colonist, prisoner, or tame animal.
  • 0.13.1135 - Sick people in bed can now watch TV