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Skip the caster, along with anyone standing near them, to an ally at a distant location. This can send people far across the planet, but only works if there is a willing ally on the other side to use as a navigation beacon. The skipped people will always appear near a random ally on the target map.

Base Stats



Psylink Level
Psyfocus Cost
Neural Heat Gain
Casting Time
300 ticks (5 secs)
Caster Must Be Capable of Violence

Farskip is a level 5 psycast that teleports the caster and any nearby allies to anywhere in the world that there is an allied pawn.


There are two ways to acquire the farskip psycast:

  1. Upon reaching psylink level 5, a random psycast of level 5 is granted regardless of how this level up is achieved. This won't apply if the psycaster already knew one or more level 5 psycast.
  2. Farskip can also be acquired from a psytrainer naming it. See the psytrainer page for further details.


Farskip, uniquely, can be cast from both the typical pawn gizmo, but also from the caravan interface, should the caravan contain a pawn that knows Farskip. Upon casting Farskip, the player will be shown the world map, where they will be prompted to select a target tile or caravan as a destination. A tile or caravan must contain at least one colonist to be a valid target. Additionally, the target colonist must be conscious, and must be a standard colonist, which excludes slavesContent added by the Ideology DLC, ghoulsContent added by the Anomaly DLC, and temporary faction members. Once a destination is selected, the colonist will begin casting Farskip.

If cast from a tile, there will be a cast time of 300 ticks (5 secs) - if cast from a caravan, the process is instantaneous. Either way, upon completion all non-temporary colonists will be skipped to within a 4 tile radius of a randomly selected (not randomly selected but the selection process is unclear to me at present) colonist present on the target tile, suffering a brief stun (similar to chaos skipContent added by the Royalty DLC but even shorter.) If the skip target is a caravan, the skipped pawns will instead immediately join the caravan. Additionally, if cast from a member of a caravan, the contents of the caravan will also be skipped, including any animals or items, though Farskip cannot be cast while a caravan is overencumbered.

Lastly, note that player-controlled mechanoidsContent added by the Biotech DLC cannot be skipped directly from a tile, but can be skipped as members of a caravan.


Farskip is a valuable tool for traversing the world map, filling a similar role to transport pods, with more limitations but also more potential. On the surface, Farskip appears only to be a way to save some time on a return trip, due to the caveat of only being able to skip to destinations that already house your pawns, such as your home tile. However, Farskip becomes significantly more valuable when utilized alongside transport pods. Since transport pods provide instant travel to a destination and Farskip provides instant return from one, using the two in tandem effectively eliminates world travel times entirely, making excursions to far-off tiles much quicker than they would otherwise be, lessening the risk of your base being raided while your pawns are off-map, and freeing up the time and resources spent on travel for other pursuits.

Additionally, Farskip CAN be used as travel to a location, not just from, so long as one has a pawn at said location to act as a target for Farskip. This can drastically reduce the amount of resources spent on transport pods, as one could simply send a pod containing a single colonist to the desired location, then use Farskip to transport the bulk of your colonists to the target pawn, instead of sending multiple, and spending more steel, components, and chemfuel. Note that one can send items and animals as well, if one organizes them into a caravan first before skipping them to their destination. This allows one to transport significantly more cargo than one could fit in a reasonable number of transport pods, which makes it invaluable for quickly transporting material located by long-range mineral scanners - Farskip some pack animals, form a caravan, fill it to capacity, Farskip back, repeat until the deposit is mined, and as psyfocus allows.

Lastly, on the subject of psyfocus, Farskip has a staggering cost of 70% psyfocus per cast. Not only does this make repeated use prohibitive, if not impossible, but the near-depletion of the pawn's psyfocus renders them unable to cast any levels 5 - 6 psycasts, and barely able to cast levels 3 - 4, significantly hindering their psycasting capacities until they can meditate and refill their psyfocus. If one intends to make liberal use of Farskip, it is strongly recommended to have multiple pawns capable of casting Farskip, or means of quickly refilling psyfocus (such as a kill-focused persona weaponContent added by the Royalty DLC.)

Version History

  • 1.2.2719 - Added.
  • 1.2.2753 - Farskip now affects colony animals if not on the home map. Prevent Farskip when caravan is overweight.
  • 1.3.3074 - Fix: Farskip with RelicContent added by the Ideology DLC gives debuff from losing the relic.
  • 1.4.3555 - Fix: Farskipping a pawn into a range of an expired proximity sensor will trigger it again.