
From RimWorld Wiki
Revision as of 00:30, 15 September 2016 by PieTau (talk | contribs)
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Basics Menus Game Creation Gameplay Pawns Plants Resources Gear Mods
Plants Menu Wild Plants Trees Domesticated Plants Decorative Plants

 Maximum yieldMinimum yieldGrowth time
Anima tree
Bamboo tree
Birch tree
Bonsai tree
Burned stump
Cecropia tree
Chopped stump
Cocoa tree
Cypress tree
Drago tree
Gauranlen tree
Gray pine tree
Harbinger tree
Maple tree
Oak tree
Palm tree
Pebble cactus
Pine tree
Polux tree
Poplar tree
Rat palm tree
Saguaro cactus
Smashed stump
Teak tree
Willow tree
Witchwood tree