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Note: This article is about treatable illnesses. For physical damage, see Injury. For other health conditions, see Ailments.

Colonists sometimes contract diseases. Diseases most often occur through random events that vary by biome and difficulty. Infections have a random chance of developing from an injury regardless of biome.


Diseases cause infected colonists to suffer symptoms, which can vary from disease to disease. Diseases progress through stages of intensity until either the colonist develops immunity or the disease runs its course, usually leading to death. Diseases progression generally follows a pattern of minor -> major -> extreme. The more severe the disease, the more dramatic the symptoms. Diseases are not contagious and do not spread between pawns.


At regular intervals, a resting colonist can be treated by a doctor. This slows the progression of symptoms and for most diseases it is critical to treat the colonist as often as possible. You cannot give a new treatment until 3 hours before the expiry of the previous one, and you can see the remaining time by hovering over the disease in the colonist's Health tab. The treatment interval varies for each disease.

Treatment Quality is determined by a variety of factors, including the doctor's skill and the quality of medicine used. Progression of the disease is slowed depending on how good the treatment was.

Immunity: Colonists will gradually develop immunity to potentially fatal diseases, such as wound infections or plague. When immunity reaches 100%, the symptoms will not immediately disappear, but will instead tick backwards towards zero with the colonist no longer needing any treatment. If the disease symptoms progress past 100% before immunity does, the colonist will die. Immunity Gain Speed is affected by the colonist's food, rest, bed quality, age, and blood filtration.

Blood Filtration is a major factor in getting better from diseases. Poor blood filtration may result in sicknesses developing faster than they would usually. Older colonists are more susceptible to sickness than younger ones. Colonists with only one kidney have their blood filtration reduced by 50%.


Most diseases have the following:

  • General Symptoms - initial symptoms that develop in the first few days of being sick.
  • Advanced Symptoms - symptoms that set in when the disease progresses for any reason (e.g. being untreated or gets worse).
  • Treatment - some illnesses are treatable with medicine, but not all diseases are treatable, especially chronic diseases.

Fatal diseases

The below diseases have the potential to kill affected colonists if not treated well.


Main Page: Flu

Trivial disease that can be caught anywhere. Generally not fatal to healthy colonists.

General Symptoms:

  • Reduced Consciousness
  • Impaired Manipulation
  • Hindered Breathing

Advanced Symptoms:

  • Vomiting
  • Mild Pain


  • Medicine


Main Page: Plague

Somewhat deadly disease that can be caught anywhere.

General Symptoms:

  • Moderate Pain
  • Somewhat Reduced Consciousness
  • Somewhat Reduced Manipulation

Advanced Symptoms:

  • Excruciating Pain
  • Loss of Consciousness
  • Difficulty in Breathing


  • Medicine


Main Page: Malaria

Disease that can be especially caught in jungles. Reduces blood filtration.

General Symptoms:

  • Reduced Blood Filtration
  • Slightly reduced Consciousness
  • Slightly hindered Manipulation
  • Vomiting

Advanced Symptoms:

  • Loss of Consciousness
  • Moderate Pain
  • Frequent Vomiting


  • Medicine


Main Page: Infection

Occurs in open wounds, frostbite, and burns when left untreated or in unsanitary environments. Progresses and kills rapidly if poorly treated.

General Symptoms:

  • Mild pain
  • Reduced Consciousness

Advanced Symptoms:

  • Loss of Consciousness
  • Excruciating Pain
  • Breathing difficulties


  • Medicine
  • Amputating the affected part

Sleeping Sickness

Main Page: Sleeping sickness

Slow-progressing disease exclusive to the jungles of the RimWorlds.

General Symptoms:

  • Trivial Pain
  • Moderately reduced Consciousness
  • Slightly reduced Manipulation
  • Occasional Vomiting

Advanced Symptoms:

  • Loss of Consciousness
  • Frequent Vomiting
  • Moderate Pain


  • Medicine

Blood Rot

Main Page: Blood rot

A bacterial disease that has little effect on host at first, but kills quickly if left untreated. Reduces blood filtration.

General Symptoms:

  • Reduced Blood Filtration
  • Reduced Blood Pumping
  • Occasional Vomiting

Advanced Symptoms:

  • Greatly Reduced Blood Filtration
  • Greatly Reduced Blood Pumping
  • Frequent Vomiting


  • Medicine
  • Surgery; requiring 10 glitterworld medicine and a doctor of medical skill 5 or above


Main Page: Scaria

A disease similar to Luciferium withdrawal, lethal in 5 days from contraction. If a creature expires from this disease, their corpse will be rotten and not able to be butchered.

General Symptoms:

  • Manhunting in animals (mtB 1 day)
  • Berserk in humanoids (mtB 1 day)


  • Surgery; requiring 3 medicine and a doctor of medical skill 8 or above


These diseases cannot kill the colonist but can hamper effectiveness.

Gut Worms

Parasitic worms in the gut. They cause vomiting. They also consume the victim's food, which increases hunger.

— Description

Gut worms are a parasitic disease that infects the stomach, causing pain and nausea and doubling the host's hunger rate.




Gut Worms do not increase in severity over time, nor are they cured over time. Direct treatment is the primary way to cure it.


Gut Worms will be cured when the treatments performed on it reach a cumulative tend quality of 300%, thus it is important to maximize the Medical Tend Quality of the Doctor performing the tending and the quality of the medicine used. It takes 48 ingame hours (2 days, or 120,000 ticks (33.33 mins)) between each treatment. For example, the disease can be treated with 3 treatments at 100% quality, or 5 at 60%, or 1 at 130% plus 2 at 85%.

Other treatments

Muscle Parasites

Muscle parasites are a parasitic disease hampering the muscles, decreasing their effectiveness. The disease does not kill the patient.



Muscle parasites do not increase in severity over time, nor are they cured over time. Direct treatment is the primary way to cure it.


Muscle parasites will be cured when the treatments performed on it reach a cumulative quality of 300%, thus it is important to maximize the Medical Tend Quality of the Doctor performing the tending and the quality of the medicine used. It takes 48 ingame hours (2 days, 120,000 ticks (33.33 mins)) between each treatment. For example, the disease can be treated with 3 treatments at 100% quality, or 5 at 60%, or 1 at 130% plus 2 at 85%.

Other Treatments


In real life, humans can become infected by eating infected pork, or wild carnivores such as fox, cat, or bear.

Unlike in-game, muscle parasites can kill in real life.

Version history

Prior to Beta 19, muscle parasites always required 5 treatments regardless of quality.

Fibrous Mechanites

Fibrous Mechanites is a mechanite disease that dramatically boosts a pawn's efficiency, but brings pain and tiredness. This disease does not kill the patient.


Fibrous Mechanites give massive boosts to various stats, but also give a large modifier to Sleep Fall Rate. The pain's Consciousness reduction will slightly reduce a pawn's actual effectiveness, and gives negative moodlets to most colonists. However, this "disease" remains a net positive, if you can handle the sleep.

Treatment does not cure the disease, it only prevents the pain from worsening. The mechanites will only be cured with time, and will remain for the same length regardless of what you do.

Note that the pain will incapacitate pawns with the Wimp trait. You can install the painstopper implant, inject them with Go-juice, or use the Painblock psycastContent added by the Royalty DLC to negate the pain, making them mobile.


Stage Severity Symptoms
Mild 0 - 0.49
Intense 0.5 - 1

Note: The second stage is only an increase in pain and sleep fall rate, there are no additional stat boosts over early stages


Severity increases when left untended, and slows or regresses once tended.

  • Minor - Severity: 0 - 0.49
  • Major - Severity: 0.5 - 1


  • Severity increases by 0.25 per day when not tended
  • Severity decreases by up to 100% per day when tended; actual rate depends on treatment quality


The only cure for this disease is time; it will fade in 1-2 quadrums.

Treatment can be applied every 48 ingame hours (2 days, or 120,000 ticks (33.33 mins)). Treatment will slow progression or prevent pain from increasing, but will not reduce the duration or positive boosts.

Because of the long duration of this disease and the need for frequent treatment, this can place a long-term strain on medical supplies. Planting healroot or making other long term plans might be wise at the first sign of this disease.

Version history

Sensory Mechanites

Sensory mechanites is a mechanite disease that boosts a pawn's efficiency, but brings pain and tiredness. This disease does not kill the patient.


Sensory Mechanites give massive boosts to certain stats, but also give a large increase to Sleep Fall Rate. The pain's Consciousness reduction will slightly reduce a pawn's actual effectiveness, and gives negative moodlets to most colonists. However, this "disease" is useful if these stats are important, like a Social pawn.

Treatment does not cure the disease, it only prevents the pain from worsening. The mechanites will only be cured with time, and will remain for the same length regardless of what you do.

Note that the pain will incapacitate pawns with the Wimp trait. You can install the painstopper implant, inject them with Go-juice, or use the Painblock psycastContent added by the Royalty DLC to negate the pain, making them mobile.


Mild pain (0 - 0.49 severity)

Serious pain (0.5 - 1 severity)


The early symptom of "Serious" pain is a bit confusing. In the health tab, the pain is described as "Mild Pain" but shows -4% consciousness. While in the needs tab, the pain is described as "Serious," and has a mood debuff of -10. Pain is typically described as Minor, Serious, Intense, or Mind-shattering. Sensory mechanites cause a minimum of Serious pain, despite the innocent sounding label of "mild" in the health tab.


Severity increases when left untended, and slows or regresses once tended.

  • Minor - Severity: 0 - 0.49
  • Major - Severity: 0.5 - 1


  • Severity increases by 0.25 per day when not tended
  • Severity decreases by up to 100% per day when tended; actual rate depends on treatment quality


The only cure for this disease is time; it will fade in 1-2 quadrums.

Treatment can be applied every 48 ingame hours (2 days, or 120,000 ticks (33.33 mins)). Treatment will slow progression or prevent pain from increasing, but will not reduce the duration or positive boosts.

Because of the long duration of this disease and the need for frequent treatment, this can place a long-term strain on medical supplies. Planting healroot or making other long term plans might be wise at the first sign of this disease.

Version history

Paralytic Abasia

Main Article: Paralytic abasia

Disease Frequency

Disease frequency by difficulty
Difficulty Disease interval multiplier
Peaceful 3
Base builder 3
Some challenge 1.5
Rough 1.0
Intense 1.0
Extreme 0.9