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While slavery technically exists in the base game, the Ideology DLC significantly adds to the system, allowing them to work and perform tasks. Slaves in base game RimWorld can only be sold for profit, with no other use.


Slavery is a quick way to get decent amounts of money quickly. Pawns will suffer a mood penalty of -5, stacking up to -25 for 3 days once slaves are sold. Unless you have a colony of psychos, selling slaves may bring down your colony by lowering the moods of pawns by large increments. There is no way to mitigate the negative moodlet. One way of dealing with this is to sell only 1-2 slaves every day in the late game, when pawns can take drugs and eat lavish meals, and avoiding slavery altogether in the early game. This has a downside, however. Traders generally only stay for around two days, and only appear occasionally, meaning that it will be hard making slavery the main source of profit for the colony. Alternatively, you can stuff all of your pawns into cryptosleep caskets or give them extra high accommodation to prepare for the massive mood debuff and have the best psychopath trader (if using the cryptosleep tactic, otherwise, use the best trader colony-wide) sell as many slaves as possible.


Slaves are controllable, like normal colonists, but with unique mechanics and restrictions.


  • No need for recreation
  • Slave specific expectations meaning higher base mood
  • Ignore all work type incapabilities except that which slavery itself adds, therefore pawns with many incapabilities can actually be more useful as slaves.
  • Will never insult or social fight with non-slave pawns
  • <add others here>


  • Prison rebellions
  • New incapabilities: cannot hunt, make art, research or warden. Slaves are also incapable of synthesising Drugs (cooking Drugs is still possible). Currently unclear if they can do other social activities like trade.
  • Suffers a -15% penalty to Global Work Speed which in turn reduces:

Animal Gather Speed, Butchery Speed, Construction Speed, Cooking Speed, Deep Drilling Speed, Drug Synthesis Speed, Entity Study Rate, General Labor Speed, Hacking Speed, Mechanoid Shredding Speed, Medical Operation Speed, Medical Tend Speed, Mining Speed, Plant Work Speed, Pruning Speed, Research Speed, Smelting Speed, Smoothing Speed

Acquiring slaves

Slaves can be created by reducing the will of a prisoner to zero.

Slave relationships

Slaves can start relationships with any other slave or even another colonist. This is troublesome, as slaves cannot be assigned to the same bed as a colonist, but can still sleep in the same room. If you want both to be together, you need to make either both slaves or both colonists.

Slave rebellion

Slaves will occasionally rebel, staging something similar to a prison break. Slaves will turn hostile and uncontrollable, and will try to find weapons to attack nearby colonists. The rebellion interval is based on mood, suppression, proximity of weapons, and colonists present on the map, with a base interval of 45 days.


Suppression is one of the stats used to calculate the slave rebellion interval. The higher the suppression, the longer the expected interval in between rebellions. The suppression of a slave can be increased by interacting with them, melee attacking them with a colonist or executing other slaves or prisoners. Over time, the suppression level lowers depending on its current level by up to 30% per day. This value can be increased or decreased by the following things:

Item Suppression offset
Slave collar +0.15
Slave body strap +0.15
Cowboy hat −0.05
Bowler hat −0.05
Tribal headdress −0.1
Veil −0.1
Marine helmet −0.1
Duster −0.05
Marine armor −0.3
Prestige marine helmet Content added by the Royalty DLC −0.1
Prestige marine armor Content added by the Royalty DLC −0.3
Grenadier armor Content added by the Royalty DLC −0.3
Eltex shirt Content added by the Royalty DLC −0.2
Eltex vest Content added by the Royalty DLC −0.2
Eltex robe Content added by the Royalty DLC −0.2
Formal shirt Content added by the Royalty DLC −0.1
Corset Content added by the Royalty DLC −0.1
Formal vest Content added by the Royalty DLC −0.1
Prestige robe Content added by the Royalty DLC −0.2
Ladies hat Content added by the Royalty DLC −0.05
Top hat Content added by the Royalty DLC −0.05
Coronet Content added by the Royalty DLC −0.2
Crown Content added by the Royalty DLC −0.3
Stellic crown Content added by the Royalty DLC −0.3
Beret Content added by the Royalty DLC −0.05

Terror decreases suppression loss depending on the Terror level.

A suppression loss of less than 0% per day will not increase the suppression. Since the default loss is at a maximum of 30% per day, a slave collar combined with body straps is enough to keep up the suppression of a slave unless they are wearing apparel that increases suppression loss. Since a negative loss has no effect, increasing Terror while slaves wear slave collars and body straps is useless unless you also wish to outfit the slave with suppression-decreasing apparel, such as dusters in hot biomes or marine armor for combat slaves.


Terror can be created by having slaves in proximity to terror creating furniture like skullspikes, terror sculptures or bodys in cages. While slaves are effected by these, their suppression loss is lowered, depending on the value and amount of terror sources, but capped at 3 individual sources.


Effects of dusters, authority caps, slave collars, slave body straps, terror sculptures, skullspikes, having weapons nearby, the public execution ritual

Version history

  • 1.3.3072 - Tune slave rebellion chances a bit lower, and reduce the effects of some factors. Slave weapon noticing distance reduced from 10 to 6.9. Couples made of a slave/colonist pair no longer want to sleep together despite not being able to share a bed.
  • 1.3.3074 - Slaves no longer slight or insult non-slaves, Slaves never start social fights with non-slaves if insulted, Meleeing a slave now increases suppression, Rebellion chance per slave now relates inversely to the number of slaves on the map, so overall rebellion chance shouldn't climb so aggressively with higher slave counts, Adjust slave rebellion base MTB 50 days back to 45 days. Ideoligion funerals are no longer expected for slaves. Slaves no longer count for Diversity of Thought. More selective in which weapons increase rebellion chance - now excludes Wood, EMP, Smoke etc.
  • 1.3.3076 - Added Alert for likely slave rebellion.
  • 1.3.3080 - Rebelling slaves now drop shield belt if they have a ranged weapon
  • 1.3.3087 - Lower slave social fight chance by 50%. Lower slave social fight chance by 50%. Killing a slave in a slave rebellion no longer causes 'Witnessed ally's death' thought