Property:Stub Reason
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This page is included in the [[RimWorld_Wiki:To-do#Large projects|Plants project]] - there are a number of factors that are in need of verification and potentially addition to this page. See that page for details +
Section:This section is included in the [[RimWorld_Wiki:To-do#Butchery project|Butchery project]] - there are a number of factors that are in need of verification and potentially addition to this section. See that page for details +, Section:Specifics of filth creation mentioned in analysis +, Section:Mention specifically whether butchering creates filth +
Account for [[Ideoligion#Ranching]] precept inc effect but also order of operations +
How much hunger does the platter fill. Are they found in cannibal pirate bases +
Inadequate explanation for new players for such a core concept and insufficient mechanical detail +
Bedroll mechanics inc. rest efficiency, couples, etc +, Section:This section and its subsidiaries are rough outline only - it needs verification, expansion and clean up. Additionally: [[Never sleep]] gene allows 24/7 caravaning - Confirm whether [[circadian half-cycler]] and or body mastery does the same. Animals need to sleep, and prevent 24/7, confirm whether mechs do too +, Section:How do the inbetween ones work? If I have 1 at 1.6 and 1 at 1.3 do I get 1.45? Wb 1 at 1.6 and 10 without any mount? etc +, …
1) Two-way links +
Section:More information of the exact mechanics +
Section:Add table of, say, the first 10 or 20 phases with dates to serve as reference and worked example for on/of phases +
1) Better table formatting 2) Version history 3) Two-way links +
This page is included in the [[RimWorld_Wiki:To-do#Large projects|Plants project]] - there are a number of factors that are in need of verification and potentially addition to this page. See that page for details. Existing info also needs verification and updating needed +
As an enemy. Tactics to fight (if any), threat level compared to burners/gunners/other mechs. +
Section:As an ally +
Section:As an enemy. As an ally: Comparisons to lighter mechs, in terms of firepower. General value proposition (when build?). +
Section:Confirm and expand spawning mechanics. See [[Samurai helmet]] for example +
missing analysis +