High subcore

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High subcore

High subcore

A high-tier mechanoid brain, this is a psychodynamic substrate unit which supports a sophisticated subpersona. This particular subcore is of the strongest tier, and can power complex ultra-heavy mechanoids.
The subpersona inside this core approaches a live human in its complexity, though it is of a very different nature. Like any such mind, it has a noticeable psychic presence. This subcore could only have been produced by rich pattern transfer from another sophisticated mind. The only way to do this without huge facilities is to ripscan a living person's brain, killing them in the process.

Base Stats

Market Value
1000 Silver
Stack Limit
1 kg
Deterioration Rate


Crafted At
Subcore ripscanner
Resources to make
Steel 50 + Component 4

A high subcore is a mechanoid component added by the Biotech DLC.


High subcores are acquired from the subcore ripscanner, which requires High mechtech to be researched. The ripscanner can produce one subcore using Steel 50 Steel, Component 4 Components and one sacrificial pawn. Creating these items is not done with a standard work bill.

Firstly, the ripscanner must be loaded with Steel 50 Steel, Component 4 Components. Then, a non-baby human must sit in the scanner for 7,500 ticks (2.08 mins). The ripscanner destroys the pawn's brain in the process, killing them and necessitating a new victim for every new subcore.


High subcores are used in the following crafting recipes:

  • Product Ingredients Type [ExpandCollapse]
    Centipede blaster Centipede blaster Steel 255 + Plasteel 355 + Component 8 + High subcore 1 Mechanoid
    Centipede burner Centipede burner Steel 255 + Plasteel 255 + Component 8 + High subcore 1 Mechanoid
    Centipede gunner Centipede gunner Steel 255 + Plasteel 255 + Component 8 + High subcore 1 Mechanoid
    Centurion Centurion Content added by the Biotech DLC Steel 300 + Plasteel 200 + Advanced component 2 + Powerfocus chip 1 + High subcore 1 Mechanoid
    Diabolus Diabolus Content added by the Biotech DLC Steel 300 + Plasteel 300 + Signal chip 2 + High subcore 1 Mechanoid
    Fabricor Fabricor Content added by the Biotech DLC Steel 100 + High subcore 1 Mechanoid
    Legionary Legionary Content added by the Biotech DLC Plasteel 100 + Component 6 + High subcore 1 Mechanoid
    Paramedic Paramedic Content added by the Biotech DLC Steel 100 + High subcore 1 Mechanoid
    Tesseron Tesseron Content added by the Biotech DLC Plasteel 110 + Component 7 + High subcore 1 Mechanoid
    War queen War queen Content added by the Biotech DLC Steel 600 + Plasteel 300 + Advanced component 3 + Nano structuring chip 1 + High subcore 1 Mechanoid
  • Analysis

    The primary way to get participants for the ripscanner are prisoners, taken from the constant supply of raiders. It is also possible to use colonists who you would've banished in the first place.

    High subcores are used for a variety of advanced mechanoids, which all have their niches. Solo mechanitors in particular will value the paramedic, which can rescue its master and perform surgery on them.

    Human resources

    A high subcore requires Silver 223 silver of non-human material and is worth Silver 1,000 silver, for a Market Value profit of Silver 777. When used on guilty prisoners, there is a minor "Justified execution" mood debuff.

    Selling prisoners directly to a slaver or faction base often is more profitable; this only gives a −3 moodlet per prisoner. However, human market value is dependent on a pawn's quality; sufficiently bad traits like brain damage, a peg leg, or previous organ harvests can make a high subcore more valuable.

    Organ harvests in general are more profitable: a heart or liver is worth Silver 1,200 and requires 2 medicine of any type to extract. However, this usually gives −5 mood for organ harvesting and another −6 for organ-murder.

    Version history

    • Biotech DLC Release - Added.
    • 1.4.3555 - Fix: Ripscanning doesn't kill pawns if colonist instant death in difficulty settings is 0%.