Extreme Desert Guide
Template:Tocright This guide details how to survive in one of the most hostile environments in Rimworld - an extreme desert. We focus on the Lost Tribe start because it is the hardest one to thrive in hostile environments since you got more people to feed and less technology to help you.
Extreme deserts are the most arid option of hot maps. They have the least amount of animal and plants. In fact, you should not expect to find anything more than three iguanas and a single cactus in your start. You should also not expect to see more than one new iguana per week and not a single plant ever growing in the wild.
In addition to that, they do not have any soil available, if you wanna grow something you will be doing it in stony patches around hills and mountains.
They are not necessary hot though, their average varies from 30 °C (86 °F) to 10 °C (50 °F) and growing periods varies from all year to half year days due to the temperature. You should expect to only have problems with heatstroke during summer and during heat waves.
Landing site
In all maps you should to choose carefully your landing site to increases your chances of survival. You want to build a colony in an area with some of the following characteristics:
- Near to a friendly faction base (faster trading)
- Near to a road (faster moving around)
- Without many mountains around (faster moving around)
- With a river (enable watermills)
- With coast (to turn into large growing areas later)
- With caves (early food source)
While you should not be surrounded by mountains, the landing site itself can be mountainous.
Of course you do not need to land in an area in all those characteristics, but try to get as many of them as you can.
Base area
Once you choose your landing site you should also choose your base area. It is important to notice that this area does not need to be final, it is just the area where you are more likely to survive the early game.
You want to find an area with the characteristics: more growing areas and more easily defendable.
More growing areas means more stony patches and more easily defendable area is an area with few entrances where you gonna lay down your traps.
Since you do not have trees, you can not build a big base yet. You can then either take a ruin, make a cave or make a small steel base. Ruins might look like good starting locations but are often on undesirable areas. It is easier to make a cave in a good location, since choke points are always surrounded by hills and mountains. But if you happen to get a ruin in the right place, then go for it. If you can not find a hill or a ruin in a good area then just make a small steel base.
First Agenda
- Get some easily accessible steel and use it to build your stuff, so you do not have to use wood.
- Make your starter base. Give people a place to sleep, eat and play.
- Hunt those iguanas before they leave the map.
- Kill your starting animals.
- Only use wood to make campfires and passive coolers, for cooking and cooling down respectively. Make sure your wood is forbidden so they do not refuel them unnecessarily.
- Plant rice. You can not survive long enough to wait grow anything else yet.
- Plant strawberries, if you do not have much growing area then plant potatoes.
- Make your research bench and start researching stone cutting so you can start using stone instead of steel.
Surviving until your first rice harvest is the hardest part. Your pemmican plus your hunting plus your starting animals is not enough. If you have caves in your map, you can go insect hunting and that might be enough, but if you do not... You gotta go visit your nearby friendly base to trade whatever you can for food. For that, you gotta get something you can trade:
- You can mine expensive things like components, plasteel, uranium, jade, silver or gold.
- You can open the ancient shrine and sell whatever you find there.
One smart way to reduce your food consumption is to put some colonists inside the ancient cryptosleep caskets until your first harvest.
You can also go to the closest base outside the extreme desert and attack them. Hunt the animals and harvest the plants around the base and run back to your base. You can make peace with them later.
Another more undesirable option is to sell some colonists. They are usually worth a lot and it results on a lower food consumption which makes things much easier, but do not expect to see them again.
Likewise, another even worse option is to kill some colonists, but they are not worth many meals.
If you do survive though... Now life will be much easier.
Second agenda
- Plant cotton. Later you will use it to make dusters and cowboy hats.
- Plant healroot.
- Make stone deadfall traps.
- Plant cactus. Your future wood source.
- Plant smokeleaf. This will help your guys relax later.
- Research complex furniture. Once you done, make steel or stone beds.
- Research complex clothing. Once you done, make dusters and cowboy hats with your cloth.
Hopefully, now you grow strawberries, so you will not need to worry about wood. If you decided to stick with potatoes, you gonna have to make some extra visits to your nearby friendly base and buy wood for cooking because your cactus plantation gonna take a while to kick in.
Summer is coming, focus on getting cloth to give your colonists dusters and cowboy hats. After that you can replace their tribalwears for button-down shirts and pants.
You can also make some smokeleaf joints to help with the moods.
Always keep a stock of wood with you because if a heat wave happens you will need those passive coolers.
If you want, now you can accept more people in your colony.
Now the usual threats start, time to make some deadfall traps to defend your base. Since you do not have wood and probably not enough steel, you will have to go for stone deadfall traps.
Third agenda
- Research eletricity.
- Research battery.
- Research air conditioning.
Your colony is looking better, you have food, wood, clothing, drugs and defenses. You should focus on making a freezer for all that food you got.
Since the worse is gone, you can now move to a proper area, a more central location where you can build that huge colony you always dreamed of.
If your map has coast you should focus on moisture pumps, with them you can create larger crops fields so you do not need to stick to stony patches around mountains.