Spike trap

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Spike trap

Spike trap

Five spikes under tension, connected to a touch-activated trigger. When the victim disturbs the trigger, the spikes spring forth and strike the victim. Since it is hidden in the surrounding terrain, it cannot be placed adjacent to other traps. Animals can sense these when calm.

Base Stats

2.5 kg


1 × 1
Terrain Affordance


Skill Required
Construction 3
Work To Make
3,200 ticks (53.33 secs)
Stuff Tags
Metallic, Woody, Stony
Resources to make
Stuff 45
Deconstruct yield
Stuff 22 - 23
Destroy yield
Stuff 11 - 12

A spike trap is a single-use trap that deals heavy but material-dependent damage to the pawn that triggered it.


Spike traps require Stuff 45 Stuff (Metallic/Woody/Stony, 450 for SVMs), 3,200 ticks (53.33 secs) of work, and a Construction skill of 3. Spike traps cannot be placed or constructed directly next to each other nor next to any other kind of trap.


Spike traps are single use traps that may be triggered when a pawn of any kind walks over it. The base trigger chance is 100% for enemies, including animals affected by the manhunter mental state. Non-manhunting wild animals have a 25% chance to trigger the trap but are aware of the location of traps and will avoid pathing over them if reasonably possible. Colonists, friends, and tame animals have 0.4% (one in 250) to trigger the trap, but are also aware of the location of traps and will avoid pathing over them if reasonably possible. In all instances, the nimble trait multiplies the trigger chance for that pawn by 10%, that is, a 10% chance for enemies and 0.04% chance for friendly pawns.

When triggered, the spike trap makes five attacks against the pawn that triggered it. Each attack does Stab damage. The amount of damage dealt by each attack is determined by the following equation:

Damage Per Attack = Trap Melee Damage * Material Sharp Damage Multiplier * rand(0.8, 1.2)/5


  • Damage per Attack is the damage each attack does to the target. A spike trap performs 5 of these attacks when triggered.
  • Trap Melee Damage is 100 for spike traps
  • Material Sharp Damage Multiplier is a material dependent factor.
  • rand(0.8,1.2) is a random factor between 0.8 and 1.2. This random factor is rolled once only and then applied to all attacks, it is not rolled for each attack.

The armor penetration of the attack is determined by the following equation:

AP = Damage Per Attack * 0.015
  • AP is the armor penetration of each attack.

Note that both the damage and AP of the attack in the info screen are misleading. The damage listed is the the average sum of the damage inflicted, the AP is incorrectly calculated as if this damage is all dealt at once.

Once a spike trap is triggered, it is destroyed. The "auto rearm" option, enabled by default, produces a blueprint to replace the trap.


The damage can be fatal to humans or large animals if it is made of good materials. The base damage varies according to the material it was built from. The damage type is sharp melee, which strikes mainly on the head and torso and usually causes bleeding. The spike trap should be built out of stone or metal, as wood has a low damage output. Although stone spike traps take large amounts of time to make, they can kill a raider in one trap. See Defense structures (Spike Traps) and Defense structures (Entryways) for more information.

Stats table

  • Spike trap Spike trap Beauty Work to Build HP Flamma­bility Total
    Bioferrite Bioferrite Content added by the Anomaly DLC -18 008,000 ticks (2.22 mins) 80 75% 130 26 39% 63 Silver
    Gold Gold 2 002,880 ticks (48 secs) 24 40% 75 15 22.5% 4,510 Silver
    Granite blocks Granite blocks -18 019,340 ticks (5.37 mins) 68 0% 65 13 19.5% 110 Silver
    Limestone blocks Limestone blocks -18 019,340 ticks (5.37 mins) 62 0% 60 12 18% 110 Silver
    Marble blocks Marble blocks -17 017,740 ticks (4.93 mins) 48 0% 60 12 18% 104 Silver
    Plasteel Plasteel -18 007,040 ticks (1.96 mins) 112 0% 110 22 33% 430 Silver
    Sandstone blocks Sandstone blocks -18 016,140 ticks (4.48 mins) 56 0% 50 10 15% 99 Silver
    Silver Silver -12 003,200 ticks (53.33 secs) 28 40% 85 17 25.5% 460 Silver
    Slate blocks Slate blocks -18 019,340 ticks (5.37 mins) 52 0% 60 12 18% 110 Silver
    Steel Steel -18 003,200 ticks (53.33 secs) 40 40% 100 20 30% 97 Silver
    Jade Jade -8 016,000 ticks (4.44 mins) 20 0% 100 20 30% 285 Silver
    Uranium Uranium -18 006,080 ticks (1.69 mins) 100 0% 110 22 33% 290 Silver
    Wood Wood -18 002,240 ticks (37.33 secs) 26 100% 40 8 12% 62 Silver
  • Material Total Damage Attack Damage Armor Penetration
    Wooden Spike trap 40 8 12%
    Granite Spike trap 65 13 19.5%
    Limestone Spike trap 60 12 18%
    Marble Spike trap 60 12 18%
    Sandstone Spike trap 50 10 15%
    Slate Spike trap 60 12 18%
    Jade Spike trap 100 20 30%
    Golden Spike trap 75 15 22.5%
    Plasteel Spike trap 110 22 33%
    Silver Spike trap 85 17 25.5%
    Steel Spike trap 100 20 30%
    Uranium Spike trap 110 22 33%
  • Version history

    • 0.11.877 - Added as Deadfall Trap.
    • 0.12.910 - Rebalanced, cannot be rearmed.
    • 0.19.2009 - Renamed from Deadfall trap to Spike trap. Now much more powerful with a 100% chance to spring on targets, and has armor penetration depending on what it’s made of but requires resources to replace.

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